General Information
Register Time: 19 Nov 2012, 03:23 AM
Residence: France
Nationality: France
Timezone: UTC
Game Name: LePepsi
I'd fix the random distance between squad members.
I'd fix random jump bugs.
I'd fix green cover on some objects.
(yes, I hate being suppressed while in green cover after the first burst)
So many time i had a conscript in a yellow cover fighting a gren in open fied while capping a territory just to see my conscript loosing the fight pretty bad like it make no sense.
I always complained about the """new""" capping system.
Guys.. The sniper micro was too complicated for many players in vcoh.. and the cloak in red was such irrealistic, they had to nerflenerf the sniper.
Don't even call it a sniper in coh2 btw. This is a support rifle, expensive as fuck, with a pretty accurate gun but no idea how to use it.. War came pretty fast, no time to learn all the stuff.
Last time I played, I knew my opponent was going to spamm pzgrens before the game even started. He had his 3 bulletins with pzgrens buffs on the load screen.
The bulletins are useless and probably took a shiton of time to develop.
The only positiv aspect of it is that they add value to the early game brainwar.