Falls are some of the most consistently performing units in the game. They have very good DPS at all ranges, and are hampered by low received accuracy to compensate. Giving Falls better survivability at vet 0 would be silly, because they pop out of enemy lines. You can't get high DPS units from behind enemy lines without drawbacks, its just a bad idea.
If you want less recieved accuracy, reduce price and make them come in from offmap, or reduce DPS to compensate.
Or just use them as is and use green cover all the time. They are very good units when in cover.
Good thing I literally just said that. They should come onto the map via plane like the Luftwaffe Ground Troops air attack ability (centered around a point) or like American Para's do, with scatter. To compliment this change they should have better received accuracy and a slightly lower cost.
They consistently die, if that's what you mean by preform. Draining your MP heavily all the while.