Last thing, for hubewa, oh man please stop ths "Pioneer -> T2 -> Muni Cache ? -> PGren -> Scout car" Oh no !! in the early game u need as many units as possible, why build muni cache ? If u want more munition, u should simply build more pioneer and capture the point around u, u will get muni as well as 1 additional pioneer to spare. Even in the middle game, fuel cache or muni cache, both are not worth building. If u have manpower to spare, I suggest u use it to build more men and use that men to capture more enemie's territories. This will give u more fuel and munition and also decease enemy resource at the same time.
Initially, I just floated the manpower because, let's face it, the combat efficiencies of a pioneer is not worth getting a third one.
Let's see what a pioneer can do
a) Repair vehicles - at most times you've only got one scout car to repair
b) Build bunkers - you probably may only build one throughout the whole game unless you're really taking them down
c) Lay mines - certainly not going to happen in the early game because the German mines are expensive and the S-field takes ages to lay
So actually having a 3rd pioneer is far more counterproductive (IMO a manpower sink) than building a muni cache.
And trust me, when I've got my first PG out, I've got enough muni to throw a bundle and upgun my scout car - both which I've often needed to do.
Munitions discipline is very crucial to this strategy. I lost that game because I spent too many munitions on bundled grenades. When it comes down to it against "Hit the Dirt!" your only chance of beating the enemy cost effectively is with the Flamethrower Halftrack. Don't let yourself waste too many munitions one way or another. If you see a clown car you should minimize damage and prepare an up-gunned 222 Scout Car of your own. Do not up-gun it preemptively though, those munitions will be better spent elsewhere!
Try a muni cache? I don't think I really ran out of muni for quite a while after that.