If departmentalisation is truly the problem in Relic, then I wish that relic would fire all their artists modellers marketing department community managers janitors concept designers historical analysts toilet cleaners lawyers and workplace relations managers and just hire ONE extra balance tester.
Currently they appear to have 0.
Having separate departments is meant to speed up the developing process. I'm not convinced that it is helping at the moment.
EDIT: But the only people I hate more than Relic's NDA at the moment are 1v1 elitists. NOBODY CARES. You make up less than 25% of the multiplayer community AT BEST, and factoring in the single player community, you could probably quit the game right now and Relic wouldn't even notice. You DO NOT get a special voice just because your game mode is competitive in Starcraft.
EDIT2: I'm quite excited about this event. But according to the theory of departmentalisation, why is this event not being released along with a balance patch? Surely if they have different departments working on different things...