So most of us are frustrated about the game, some cheese tactic from both sides which are mostly used. About my feeling, game is not bad now, in 4vs4 needs lots of team play, but germans are easy mode.Sometimes u get some nice game which lasts more than 30min, but if u make few mistake and have no luck <- u lost. Being german (like now, what an irony), u can lost everything, build king tiger and new volks/ubers/othermutherfuckers and kill vet 3 allies units and win the game.
So few ideas:
Volks stuff: should be 4 men squad, with ammo upgrade for 5 member with Shrek. They should lost more often this shreck than panzergren or bazzoka men, couse they are volks guys, so they are scary and they should be weak.
Blob stuff: 2+ squad mean-> +10 damage, accuracy, some other strange stuff so if u dont micro well u pay(but relic plizz no dolars, im poor). Don't know how to change it, but idea is simply.
king tiger it should be only possible to build one in one momento and only with all 4 buildings exist. This will give some possiblity for allies, if u know where they buildings are, u can destroy them and gain something more than exp. Also having king tiger on the field should give something like having tiger ace, less feul and mp, but if u lost u can build second. This unit is like fat supermen and why bad guys got it?
soviets stuff
they are rather fine, but very boring. Commanders system should be a bit change, for example double t34 76 with ability i will ram your gun 100% rng would be nice. t34 85 in t3, t70/su76 switch and should be ok. Snipers are problem, some more penalty for losing one, sight or 1 shot 1 kill could be interesting change.
cosp, pentals and gourds should be change in some way, not much, they should be still weakest infantry. Pentals should have upgrade to have anti tank dog which 100% rng engine damage. That would be fun. Or maybe one pental terrorist, poor dogs.
usa stuff
usa should have best infantry, vet 5 system would be nice for them, or at least vet 4. Bazooka need bit buff. rear echelon should be able to shot grenades like in fighting postion, but everywhere with upgrade. Less range than mortal, more range than mg 42/bunker. Tanks are fine, u can spam them, but vet 4 would be also nice for them
old german stuff
now they are also boring, only for feul catches and stuka&recon. Tier system should be bit changed, and if allies infantry get buff, mg 42 should be like in coh1, but not so hard core when crazy bulletin system was in action (who remembers 1 sec pinned

So thats some ideas, feel free to give your own and disuses this one. Anyway, its only thing we can do, Relic do relics stuff. Main thing to change the game is that you should pay for your mistake in game and get advantage when you think, of course with a little bit of RNG, like in real life (well games look very nice only Karma system sucks). Then if it will be nicer, Relic would get money and be happy, and we would be happy because of more less frustrated people?