Your post is completely illogical. If you have superior KD and you still lose you must be doing worse than your opponent in some other dimension of the game. There's more to CoH than KD. If you have more units than your opponent due to good KD but you don't use them as efficiently he might still end up ahead. Or maybe you build the wrong units with your ressource advantage etc etc. |
Its fine, you can be acknowledged as long as you'll be seen before the spammers bury it.
You're usually fighting an honorable fight against hordes of forum warriors but in this case you're dead wrong and they happen to be right. WC51 is 100% broken. I doubt you'd find someone who plays the game and disagrees. |
Have you seen this unit "overperforming" even ONCE in your life without thompson cav rifles inside it?
I'm gonna answer that for him. Yes. But pls ignore me like you always do with people who aren't forum warriors  |
5-10 fuel cost, nerf hp |
Yes, it is a broken unit. It's even more broken than the UC. |
What you're describing is sealing the game before the oppoent can field appropriate counter, but it doesn't make the unit OP or such.
I think thedarkarmadillo nailed it about the Ez8, even if the unit is good stat wise, it brings nothing usefull to the faction. If we compare it to the T34-85, the later is actually very good vs infantry which is its primary function, to bleed your opponent and force him to build a panther.
It's precisely what makes a unit OP. Comparing units without context is completely pointless. |
I'm curious, what aspect you consider op about it besides it's main characteristic and what changes you would do without gutting it.
Mainly its doctrinal context. It's the perfect unit to continue the snowballing started by the jeep because it's easy to reach critical mass with it and it has insane RoF which makes it perfect for dives.
regardless how you feel about it, having the jackson in its current state makes any armour designed to fight against enemy tanks redundant. the 76mm, the E8 and the m10 are clear examples of units that simply do not exist in meta because there is absoulty no place for them as the jackson will do everyhting an anything they can do to enemy armour better and without a doctrine. its poor design.
it doesnt matter what you think the E8 is, its stats say it IS an AT vehcle. not entirely of course, its abit more generalist than a panther, but its "job" was to be USFs "heavy" medium more like a comet. it was the only tank in their roster that could brawl with enemy p4s and come out on top. it was a contrasting direction to the old jackson, who couldnt take hits at all. furehter more panthers WILL counter it. the idea is that the E8 can still whop p4s and with help fight panthers. the idea of the E8 is to make the enemy NEED panthers. becuase the game is dynamic and build orders should need to be tweaked depending on what the enemy brings against you.... much in contrast to the live jackson who will be used if the enemy spams pumas or stugs or p4s and panthers. brumbar to KT all you will ever build and all you need to ever build is a jackson.
reread why i said about the jackson, specificly this bit riiiiiight here:
pray tell, how will the usf struggle against panthers exactly if the jacksons performance against panthers isnt changed? panther was the only example i gave...
the idea is that for non panther like units, its more cost effecient to useone of the man many other AT options usf has. much like the rit firefly who, while able to engage all targets is incredibly poor at solo play against mediums, it needs support of other elements or it is vulnerable
and thats where you are wrong. there needs to be counterplay. tactical decisions. the jackson shouldnt be the answer to everything the enemy fields from kublewagen to jagdtiger. and the fact that it is is EXACLT why you will never see the 76mm, E8 or m10 in any sort of match ever.
whats more.... um... puma...su76..... m10..... light/ medium TDs.... and um... elefant...jagdtiger.... heavy TDs. the former lack the raw puch to upscale vs heavy armour and the latter are extremely cost inefficient fighting lighter vehicles. there should not be a one size fits all TD as it cuts they very important dynamic gameplay and leads to something silly like singlehandedly making 3 doctrines have 20% less ability slots.
E8 needs a role of its own, "no role at all" isnt a role. it will be competing for the most flexible and jackest of all trades tanks in the game- the m4 so unless you plan on buffing it back to where it was when it was op, jack of all trades is just as awkward as brawler. and equally un-needed while still not fixing the issue with the 76mm or the m10.
Except the 76mm is meta and op. |
After playing the tutorial I've decided to quit CoH and dedicate my life to RSL. |
The biggest (non-fundamental) gameplay issues:
0. Bad maps (soon to be fixed hpefully)
1. Light vehicle timing
2. Weak retreat modifieres
3. Mainline infantry sandbags