First of all, I was asking for clarification from Volsky on his personal proposal, not you.
Second of all, Indidnt mention any Gren buffs at all there.
Third of all, you are one person, so its a bit odd you refer to yourself repeatedly as "we".
Fourth of all, this thread is about lategame. Not midgame.
Fifth of all, although you dont give a shit about anything except getting Cons something you personally want, that doesnt mean you can ignore the effect on balance overall, just to get it. I doubt very much Relic balances according to the logic you use that "Well, I dont give a shit about anything or anyone else except buffing this unit". This is referred to as "balancing in a vaccum" and is considered a bad thing.
We could go on with all this but I won't so I'll leave it as this:
What we're looking at isn't cons vs. grens but on how cons interact mid-late game not just with grens but also with other units hence why I reject the comparison with grens.
Yes I will say mid-late because mid game is when cons start losing their effectivity.
All other posts with regards to this I will ignore which I should have probably done sooner but whatever.
This still carries the problem of Cons having had the advantage of Oorah/Merge right from the start, as utility other units simply dont have, and instead of which other units only have a DPS upgrade option for Muni cost. This would result in Cons basically having it all. Utility throughout the match, AND a DPS upgrade.This in addition to the already 6man soak and cheaper reinforce per man cost throughout also.
And as I said before oorah+merge =/= LMG upgrade. Another thing is that grens also have utility from the start that cons don't have(faust). Each unit has its distinct role, cons being a backbone infantry BUT the fact that they don't scale well into mid-late game doesn't help their role of being a backbone infantry.
To help get my point that oorah+merge =/= LMG upgrade I'll use your logic of this.
Lets say combat engies have 50 different abilities that have a whole lot of use but don't exactly give you a serious advantage. Pios on the other hand only have 1 ability which arty strikes the opponents sectors non stop until the game ends. The total costs of using the 50 abilities equals to 120 muni and the pio's 1 ability also costs 120 muni.
Question: Which of the 2 would you choose?
Chances are more people would choose pio because cost for cost the pio's ability would be better than the 50 abilities that the combat engineer has.
The scenario above uses the logic you're using to defend oorah+merge is asymmetrically balance with the LMG upgrade. It just isn't and although the example I've given is extremely exaggerated the logic used is still the same with yours.