I'd disagree with Warhammer 40k having good lore.
Why the hell are we fighting with swords 40,000 years in the future?
Why are we even fighting on planets anymore? You massive starships are what would decide the war, if a planet resists, you nuke it back into the stone age.
How come man is still using cold war tactics (APCs etc) far in the future?
And don't get me started on those bloody stupid space marines who seem to have more miniatures then the rest of the 40k universe put together.
Well that logic can be applied to anything - Why are they using magic in LotR with flying ships (read silmarillion) but haven't invented any type of firearmy etc. Why in Harry Potter doesn't Harry just get dual Uzi's and lay waste to all the Death Eaters. Let's just arm all of hogwarts with AK47's and RPG's before the battle.
Why do people fight on planets in Star Wars? Why doesn't someone just get an X-Wing (or better yet a massive ship in the form of a huge block of strong metal) and go into hyperspace aimed at a Death Star/Star Destroyer and literally cause light-speed kinetic damage which would literally destroy anything.. hell let's just do that and fly them at planets. Fuck the Death Star lets just steal some Star Destroyer sized ships and hyper-space into a planet (I.E crashing into a planet at lightspeed). All Lore has flaws, especially when its as rich as Warhammer, Star Wars etc and without it you get a very boring world.