First of all i can't understand people who report the threads without even reading... wtf does it means that there are already kubel thread !? So nobody can start a more decent one with different ideas ? Expecially considering that most of the "balance threads" ends up in flames, i think that if someone has decent ideas (at least for him\her, than the forum will tell him right or wrong) should have to write it down.. otherwise what are we doing here ?
Now back to topic.
Abdul has his point, that isn't a huge nerf but it should balance that unit a bit.
I always thought that as vehicle shoulded cost some fuel since the beginning, but early on it was just a mildy more mobile set up gun, so it didn't really metter.. Now that is an effective vehicle it should cost like one.
For the other stats related part of the thread i can't tell much, i don't have enough knowledge to give a decent reply to that.
Well that's a silly reason not to play a perfectly good video game.
Not only to play high res, but even if you want to play in Full HD but you have (like me) 2 "dated" VGA that works perfectly a part for CoH2.. it's annoying.
I have 2 HD6950 that paired could still kick several 300$ GPU asses and i cant use 1 of them..
Got it. I will work more on my unit preservation and in the understanding of the fights, but since with close range units i tend to "rush onto units cover" at least i learned something really valuable that explains a lot of my sturmpios death.
First of all i didn't mean to appear demanding and i wasn't requesting an "ask for a personal overlay" thread. Sorry that it appeared like that.
I understand that you invest time, effort and possibly moneyin your own personal overlays and don't think that you should have to share your own templates if you don't want. And i'm sorry if i looked demanding.
But if someone has the skills and the possibility to help lesser skilled users with sharing even spare overlays that it doesn't use anymore because it got way more skilled, it would be nice to have all the "templates" and\or possible completed overlays (IF and only IF someone is willing to do that, of course it would be totally optional) regrouped in a single thread.
And again, apologize if i looked demanding, it wasn't my intention.
Hello, i see that several streamers has quite a fancy overlay for their streams and i understand that many of those uses OBS for streaming..
So i was thinking, unless you guys have paid OR you're earning moneys out out of those "overlays\backgrounds\templates", can you share those to help less skilled users (like myself!) to have nicer streams ?
apologize if this is the wrong section of the forum.
Hello strategist : while i understand that every situation might be different, when is "better" to retreat ? I mean, better try to stick around as much as possible and risking the wipe of that unit, or being glad that you killed 1 guy and run for your units life ? IF there even is, such guideline
My 2 cents as noob player. (So i could be totally wrong with my assumptions and my experience could be too little to be usefull in this argument!)
I don't think it's SO overperforming for the average player. Yes, you give a Puma to Hans and he will rule the world (#PumaMaster, but if you give that unit to me, despite trying my best to micro as best as i can actually do... it just dies so shamefully fast. (To understand how bad i play that unit, i'm pretty sure that at one point, 1 Assault Engineer squad killed my Puma by going to his back and shooting with their SMG)
Beside that there is another problem that you strong players don't take in account (mostly because in 1v1 you see this quite rarely) : the puma is your only way to kill effectly the M3A1 + Sniper\Penal rush. Wich in 2v2 at the level i play, is quite an often strategy. With flamers upgraded it will nuke your raketewerfer and if used well, it will make useless even the Volks with panzerschrek.
So you only have the puma and that goes to my point and idea as a nerf\modification of the unit :
1. Reduce the penetration and possibly the damage of the gun and maybe even a little the life, in order to make it less effective against medium tanks (but still, it's a puma it should be effective even if not that much)
2. Reduce the cost. So basically it wouldn't be "a nerf" but a scale down.
But again, maybe this is only a problem of myself (wich i understand is possible).
But YES it should be quite ineffective against infantry.
We were at the Brauhaus früh ( which only serves their brand of Kölsch. They do not have beer, so trying to order one there makes them rather angry
Well, from what I understood, Cologne/Kohn is one of the only city in Germany where regional beers taste like water. Unfortunately, they pretty much only sell this kind of beer in pubs. I couldn't believe it until I had to drink the Kolsch 3 days in a row ! Can't get drunk with that
What the hell are you talking about !?!? Kölsch bier is ZE best bier. True fact.
Also, it cost less than a glass of water.
@MilkaCow : You made me so jelous. I wanted to come to gamescome this year too but for some reason i couldn't this year. Also, protip, try the different Kölsch in the different brauerei the next time you go there. Some are better and more to the "Rest of the Germany" taste. (Fruh Kölsch is the worst of the pack, Sion is way better)