Sorry for necro posting.
Are you gonna update the file again?

Posts: 764
Thread: CoH 2 DPS Spreadsheet29 Dec 2014, 01:03 AM
Sorry for necro posting. Are you gonna update the file again? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: FaHu27 Dec 2014, 21:33 PM
![]() In: Fan Clubs |
Thread: FaHu27 Dec 2014, 11:27 AM
Never thought he would even surpass the 30 hours of constant playing and streaming... it's 40 currently, and he even improved his rank... what the hell. In: Fan Clubs |
Thread: VI B and Teching25 Dec 2014, 05:57 AM
Currently you can build the VI B as soon as you have built all three buildings, regardless of whether or not they get destroyed. This needs to changes as it is impossible to prevent OKW from building the buildings (due to cheap teching costs) in any remotely close game. Furthermore, OKW can easily float with volk schrecks/obers (particularly with a forward t1/t3) until they shit out a VI B. This is very similar to the tiger ace in that you can punish someone for poor play and then have them magic out a very heavy unit. Imagine losing your Major, and therefore you wouldn't be able to get any T3 units - that's what's happening to OKW. Losing any tier building is a huge step back, and not just some minor loss that can be easily replaced. They get T1 / T2 for "free", but pay extra for any unit or tech. Their fuel starvation obviously also affects teching, meaning in a balanced game when OKW just pops their 80 fuel building, you already gathered 120 fuel. Now add the 3rd building, and KT costs, and you would gain approx 570 fuel till the KT arrives, while facing 0 tanks in between. The KT is more of a last ditch unit, and not something you'll see every game, nor is it that useful in general. just my 2 cents. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jaeger light infantry questions24 Dec 2014, 17:00 PM
Autmatic thing by the one who's equipped with the scoped G43, insta killing as long as the enemy entity has less than 70% health (as mentioned). Ah yeah, another thing i didn't mention: they camo in deep snow, sadly they're not immune to cold ![]() In: OKW Strategies |
Thread: Jaeger light infantry questions23 Dec 2014, 18:02 PM
Any friendly squad. In: OKW Strategies |
Thread: Jaeger light infantry questions23 Dec 2014, 17:13 PM
They do camoflage in cover with Vet1 (?) or above. If you don't have vet on them yet, just put a squad of them behind some house, or any other LOS blocker, and throw infiltration nades into incoming squads, preferably blobs. Their "sniper" is rather nice if you got anything around that deals some damage, because it does only snipe entitites that have reduced health as far as i know. It's also neat to pop a squad to snipe a retreating SOV sniper. About booby trapping: it won't go off as long as your squad is in the cap zone. To maximize damage bait a larger force into the area, and then move out Sprint is really helpful to avoid Shocks, or anything that will get close, and to close the gap with enemy MGS (inf nades). Get used to their increased vision range - it can make a difference. Last but not least: always grab stuff that's laying around to increase their rather low'ish dps. In: OKW Strategies |
Thread: ambulance killing?22 Dec 2014, 22:54 PM
![]() Nuff said. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Looking for high level COH2 player for 2v2 partner21 Dec 2014, 17:00 PM
Good popcorn thread. 7/10. OP, you don't play 1v1s? So you just missclicked 219 times in a row? ^^ In: Mentoring |
Thread: Panzer II Luchs18 Dec 2014, 21:30 PM
Well, it's very clear that the luchs is overperforming when compared to other light tanks. The question is if the luchs is underperforming or t-70 and stuart UP. T70 is fine, especially with Vet and some micro. The recon mode is one of the best vet abilities in the game. Stuart though, i dunno. Never understood what i would need it for at the time i could get one, maybe some decent USF player can enlighten me. In: COH2 Balance |