There should be some sort of wave system, everyone on these forums and deserve the chance to test this before the general public. Why? Because this community is the one through bad and good stuck with it, its not much to ask for Relic to toss a bone to its loyal community, probably one of the most loyal communities I have seen during my gaming experience.
No. Stop. Self entitlement levels peaking at maximum cringe.
Nobody 'deserves' a chance to get to play an unreleased product early just because they enjoy the game it's based on. The people that got in didn't 'deserve' it and nor do the people that did not.
Relic just needs some more people to stress test the alpha build and no amount of cherry picking could EVER be deemed impartial.
We got RNG'd, possibly with some input based on form answers. For picking our some people to essentially put more load onto an alpha build than Relic can manage, this is exactly how things should be done.
This isn't about the players, it's bot about the game, it's not about 'a split in the community'.
Literally, relic needs people using their alpha so they know what breaks when it gets used. That's why an alpha even exists. There's absolutely no other weight attributed to their decision that isn't fabricated by people imagining some sort of fictional snub or injustice to try and avoid facing the reality that they didn't get a thing they would have kinda liked to have but have no right to.