General Information
Register Time: 19 Nov 2012, 00:40 AM
Last Visit Time: 26 Jun 2018, 15:15 PM
Steam: 76561197964850344
Birthday: 1989-07-24
Residence: United States
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
Game Name: TychoCelchuuu
Why should crit chance go up as time goes on? Because this would be more uniform, or for some other reason? You mention realism, but mortar rounds did not realistically increase in penetrative power as they were fired in sequence, and even if they did this wouldn't necessarily have to go in the game.
I looked so much better than you a decade ago!! So cute!!! Really though, who is the child here? Your response to my "joke" is what began this...expect me to sit and take abuse from you? lol naw bro....hell naw!
LOL, how tolerant of you Tycho! Women, they really cant drive. Don't deny it. One more thing before i exit left, you really do have a face for radio! [URL=
That's a picture of me from about a decade ago. Here, I found a picture of you from a decade ago: