Hi @ all.
The last days have shown that there is already some debate about the "historical content" of CoH 3.
I want to use the thread - and the added content - to help to work on a special source file to help to improve CoH 3.
So with the thread u will get a link to a google document where i'm trying to track down all weapons and arms of the "Italian campaign" (and perhaps Africa later on).
So here some Guidelines i want to talk about first:
1.) I'm no "professional expert" - I had studied history and military history in the past so hopefully i know what i'm talking about. But that is the reason why i would like to add as many source stuff as possible.
2.) I'm no allied expert. So i need YOUR help for the allied arms and weapons. Feel free to post any allied weapon that was used in combat with at least one combat unit that used the weapon in combat and a source for the information. Thx.
I will try to update the table section as fast as possible.
But please keep in mind. I have a regular job and i will work on it in my spare time. So please understand when i cant update the table 24/7!
With all those elements it is time for the table:
Google Table - CoH 3 Mediterranean Arsenal
Feel free to post any comment, correction, adjustment or new stuff here! Thx!