
russian armor

CoH3 will be MODERN WARFARE ??????

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23 Apr 2020, 05:17 AM
avatar of SturmtigerCobra
Patrion 310

Posts: 964 | Subs: 11

I will politely ask you to not be aggressive as my post was not aimed at you but at the Soviet fanboys that believe the Soviets as nothing less than heroes and 1 man Armies.

Fair enough. Sorry late reply.

To elaborate, I'm aligned with this US military quote, Robert Spalding, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret);
So, the next time someone says something about China, politely ask them which one they are referring to. Is it the people, the country or the regime? They are distinct, even though the CCP would like to convince you they are not.

Same for the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, they were distinct.
Band of Brothers series and CoH1 did a decent job to humanize WW2 soldiers. Being "wrong" as authoritarian followers and "evil" (master puppeteer) is not the same.

As Göring said during the Nuremberg trials, authoritarians believe most people (given the circumstances) can be tricked into voluntary enslavement. This trickery and subjugation of human freewill is evil.

Nuremberg trials:
Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

To demonstrate how WW2 Germany was "tricked" to accept authoritarianism there was a good social experiment from 1967 California high school.
Within only 5 days history teacher Ron Jones began to feel that the movement had spiraled out of control.
Documentary, Lesson Plan, The story of the Third Wave experiment as told by the students and their teacher, Ron Jones

Based on these real events, a German movie "THE WAVE"/ "DIE WELLE" (2008).

Unrestricted warfare:
Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defecting to the West refered to unrestricted warfare as "ideological subversion":


US military (not military-industrial complex) is the only major fighting force on this planet that "pledge allegiance" not just to a country or government but to defend people's sovereignty.
Against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Gen Mark A. Milley (current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) did a great speech about their "pledge of allegiance".

Gen Mark A. Milley: Why We Fight

Used in US Army military recruitment;

Gen Mark A. Milley:In this country, all Americans are created free and equal. We will rise or fall based on our merit and we will be judged by the content of our character not the color of our skin that is the core organizing principal of the United States of America and that is why we fight! #USArmy #ArmyValues

The Oath of Enlistment:

Yes, talk is cheap. The proof is in the pudding.
The history of this planet is not for the faint of heart, tyranny is the norm freedom is rare. As long tyranny exists on this planet "we the people" do need a military/organized violence to have a fighting chance.
Based on current world events the sleeping giant (US combined military force) is awakening once more.
This is happening right now.

A few hints;
March 30, 2020
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CNN) – Some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces are now operating under extraordinary protection measures to ensure that in the event of a sudden security crisis, including any potential nuclear mission, there will be enough healthy troops and leaders to carry out orders as the coronavirus pandemic grows.

These military countermeasures and mobilization go so far beyond just a virus.
High-level military operation. Not to mention military oversight over FEMA and relief funds.
Not WW3, nobody with half a brain really want that. But military sting operations (covertly or not) is very likely.

Sorry long rant, but the context here is important. This is war.
23 Apr 2020, 05:39 AM
avatar of SuperHansFan

Posts: 833

If it went modern it will include a Chinese faction for those China bucks

Look how well Sega did with total war kingdoms.

But I don't think SEGA will risk such a dramatic redesign with how badly they fell on their own sword with DoW3. SEGA just want a stable money maker and CoH2 was a commercial success. So the game is not leaving WW2

Most likely well get same CoH but with alternative theatres, Italy, africa, Japan etc. If they make the game into "what if" with the invasion of mainland Japan there's a lot of interesting tanks and weapons that could be added. War thunder already has a lot of those fun toys
23 Apr 2020, 06:34 AM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

If it went modern it will include a Chinese faction for those China bucks

Look how well Sega did with total war kingdoms.

But I don't think SEGA will risk such a dramatic redesign with how badly they fell on their own sword with DoW3. SEGA just want a stable money maker and CoH2 was a commercial success. So the game is not leaving WW2

Most likely well get same CoH but with alternative theatres, Italy, africa, Japan etc. If they make the game into "what if" with the invasion of mainland Japan there's a lot of interesting tanks and weapons that could be added. War thunder already has a lot of those fun toys

Yes, for CoH3 there are many options for the game:
- For example, take the early period of World War II: France with its many strange tanks + British Expeditionary Corps against Germany and the expansion of the Forgotten Far East - the USSR against Japan during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, with a bunch of very early and interesting tank, skins and equipment.
Or an extension of Barbarossa.
- Africa and Sicily. With the Italian faction
- The unrealized Eastern Front.
Late events of 1944 - 1945. There may be Hungary with its interesting own tanks, equipment and obtained from Germany (Pz.4, 13 Tigers, Hetzer, etc.) + German last major offensive operation against the Soviet Guard Army / Soviet Army in Europe
- The offensive in Germany, the Soviet Guard Army / Soviet Army in Europe against the Fatherland Defense Army - the last ditch weapon, a bunch of captured weapons, Volksturm.
- Karelian front. In which there were a bunch of interesting tanks T-28, T-40 + the latest equipment.
- Soviet - Japanese War of 1945.
23 Apr 2020, 07:12 AM
avatar of SgtJonson

Posts: 143

I associate the name CoH with WW2 setting and different viewpoints on the war.
If i wanted something modern I play another franchise. Simple as that. I expect a third Title to surpass the flaws of its predecessors and combine its strenths.

Like: Truesight, unit and Commander diversity, statistics, match hosts to be able to rename their game, more factions but adequate balance etc etc. I won´t start with the gameplay lmao.

Afrika in general would be a good setting to create another british faction. Axis are always divided into 2. Obviously, CoH2 did it better with East- and Westfront. So I could imagine a similar thing happening to the british army for Afrika. Axis could go for a mix of Italian and German forces for example. A faction based on both. (if Italians don´t do well, hehe)

As far as i predict i can only hope "CoH3" will never be released as a modern war game. Give it another name if you want to, but leave the well known title out of it. I wouldn´t have anything in common with the other 2. The franchise is well known.

Also +1 to the above post
23 Apr 2020, 08:10 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

Yes, for CoH3 there are many options for the game:
- For example, take the early period of World War II: France with its many strange tanks + British Expeditionary Corps against Germany and the expansion of the Forgotten Far East - the USSR against Japan during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, with a bunch of very early and interesting tank, skins and equipment.
Or an extension of Barbarossa.
- Africa and Sicily. With the Italian faction
- The unrealized Eastern Front.
Late events of 1944 - 1945. There may be Hungary with its interesting own tanks, equipment and obtained from Germany (Pz.4, 13 Tigers, Hetzer, etc.) + German last major offensive operation against the Soviet Guard Army / Soviet Army in Europe
- The offensive in Germany, the Soviet Guard Army / Soviet Army in Europe against the Fatherland Defense Army - the last ditch weapon, a bunch of captured weapons, Volksturm.
- Karelian front. In which there were a bunch of interesting tanks T-28, T-40 + the latest equipment.
- Soviet - Japanese War of 1945.

Nobody cares for WW2 when it doesn't have the iconic stuff in it
23 Apr 2020, 08:11 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

The problem with a modern Setting is that you can't realize that without pissing some people off
23 Apr 2020, 08:15 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Nobody cares for WW2 when it doesn't have the iconic stuff in it

You say that only because you're too ignorant about all the stuff that isn't used and simply don't even know there exists something outside of Tigers and Shermans.
It would be perfectly fine to make early WW2 CoH with less known units and units of factions like France.

Plus, who do you think CoH playerbase is?
People with raging boners for tigers and shermans?

No, its people who are interested in playing as whermacht or amerikans.

There is a shitload of interesting, unique and peculiar units that were used in early war, that includes a whole plethora of heavy tanks that have no place at all in late war setting.
23 Apr 2020, 08:29 AM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

Nobody cares for WW2 when it doesn't have the iconic stuff in it

Any stuff on WW2 interests me.

Weird French tanks: for example, Char D1, which was created in the 20s and turned out better than the French tanks of the 30s and served fought both at the beginning of the war and on a par with the M4 Sherman in 1943.

Or one of the very few Carro Armato P 40 that was used by RSI. This tank was abandoned at the end of May 1945 in Milan.

Or SU-12 which was produced in number of 99 pieces and was used in Khalkhin Gol

My father infected me with love for all tanks in childhood when he told me how he served in the Group of Western Forces in the German Democratic Republic and bought a lot of books about tanks. So I'm not a fan of just one tank.
23 Apr 2020, 08:54 AM
avatar of kafkas223

Posts: 2

I m only want COHO back!!! Hear we Quinn Duffy!

23 Apr 2020, 17:24 PM
avatar of Musmula

Posts: 56

I would much rather see another ww2 or like Korea war era than 21st century. Too high tech for a fun theme imo.
23 Apr 2020, 17:59 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

CoH 3 should either be North Africa/Italy, Korea or Operation Unthinkable.
23 Apr 2020, 18:01 PM
avatar of SuperHansFan

Posts: 833

Nobody cares for WW2 when it doesn't have the iconic stuff in it

If EA can manage to sell Battlefield 1 with italian and hungarians, the relic can manage to sell CoH3 with afrika wehrmacht, brits, early war US and italians.

All that CoH fans care about is the WW2 setting and good coh gameplay. CoH2 launched without a king tiger or sherman tank after all and still sold well.
23 Apr 2020, 18:26 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

CoH 3 should either be North Africa/Italy, Korea or Operation Unthinkable.

I also like the idea of Operation Unthinkable. Fans will get everything that they love so much, plus even more new cool stuff like: T-34-100 (which was canceled due to victory), T-44, IS-3, ZSU-37, AS-44, RP-44 (RPD-44), SKS, Centurion, Alecto, M2 / M3 Carabiner, ARL-44, MAS-44 etc.
This is really a win-win option, Codename: Panzers - Cold War tried to do something interesting but did not get it, I would like to see a successful implementation.
23 Apr 2020, 18:29 PM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2020, 17:24 PMMusmula
I would much rather see another ww2 or like Korea war era than 21st century. Too high tech for a fun theme imo.

This exactly.

Post Korean War, everything becomes incredibly "high tech", and the entire game would revolve around off-map abilities (cruise missiles, air strikes, etc.). Engagement ranges also became incredibly large, which really wouldn't work (even with CoH's compressed ranges).

There's also the problem that Post-WW2, there really weren't any "balanced" large-scale conflicts, in terms of military size, tech and training. WW2 gives us interesting match-ups like Tigers vs. IS2s vs. Pershings, etc. whereas a modern setting just doesn't offer that.

Has there even been a tank battle where both sides used tanks built in the 21st century?

Edit: Has there been a tank battle post-korea where both sides used tanks built within 20 or even 30 years of each other?

If EA can manage to sell Battlefield 1 with italian and hungarians, the relic can manage to sell CoH3 with afrika wehrmacht, brits, early war US and italians.

All that CoH fans care about is the WW2 setting and good coh gameplay. CoH2 launched without a king tiger or sherman tank after all and still sold well.

Let's be honest; EA sold """WW1""". In that game, everyone has semi-automatic or fully automatic weapons; SMGs are common, as are LMGs. Realistically, 99% of the playerbase should be using bolt-action weapons, but that's "boring" to play, apparently.

CoH has generally been a bit more faithful to realism, where most/all stock units perform roughly according to the real-world counter parts. Yes, some units are more common in-game than in history, such as the OKW "SturmTiger Saturation" victory strike being literally impossible since not that many STs were built, or the Ostwind being incredibly rare in reality, but that's about it. Mainline infantry use bolt-action rifles, or at best, semi-auto ones, MGs are common, AT focused tanks are awful against infantry, etc.

Regardless, I think an "early-war" (39-41 or 42) would be really interesting in both theme and game design. Firstly, that era isn't shown very often, but secondly, the whole "German Slow/Expensive Gear vs. Allied Fast/Mass-Produced Gear" thing could be flipped entirely. For example, an invasion of France era game would have Panzer 2 and short-barrel P3s fighting against Char B1s and 2Cs, which were slower, more armored and better armed.

If we were doing "votes", I'd vote that vCoH3 should start with "The Battle of France" (Germany vs. France, 1940), with the first expansion being "Early Western Desert Campaign" (UKF vs. Italy, 1940), and the 2nd being "The Tunisia Campaign" (US vs. Africa Corps, 1943).

By the end, we'd have 1940 Germany/1943 Germany/Italy vs. France/UKF/US, with maps ranging from France (similar to what we have now) to Africa and Egypt. They could even re-skin the "Blizzard" system into a "sandstorm" system, by deleting the freezing/slow movement penalties (just have it be LOS reducing).

Most importantly, a lot of the "late war" gimmicky stuff we've seen in CoH2 would be absent (super heavies/TDs, IRHTs, fast TDs, etc.).

23 Apr 2020, 18:38 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

This exactly.

Brits could start with matildas rolling out of their base at the beginning of the match. Maybe by the 30 minute mark they'll be halfway across the map - hopefully the jerrys have some AT by that point
23 Apr 2020, 18:43 PM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2020, 18:38 PMKoRneY
Brits could start with matildas rolling out of their base at the beginning of the match. Maybe by the 30 minute mark they'll be halfway across the map - hopefully the jerrys have some AT by that point

To be fair, the Matilda has the same on-road top speed as the KV2, so I don't think it would be that bad.


That's the Matilda 2, the Matilda 1's top speed is HALF that (13kmh/8mph). Wow, that's slow.

It was, however, only used in France as part of UKF forces, so in my suggested locations, it could be ignored (also only 140 built). The Matilda 2 was present in North Africa, and its slightly better top speed (26kmh/16mph) would be a bit better.
23 Apr 2020, 21:00 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

If you do all that, i give you max. 2 days before the first for WHERE ARE THE TIGERS AND SHERMANS cries start.

btw Battlefield is a shooter.

btw. BF 5 gets puddinged on because it has no "iconic" ww2 battles

23 Apr 2020, 21:03 PM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

If you do all that, i give you max. 2 days before the first for WHERE ARE THE TIGERS AND SHERMANS cries start.

btw Battlefield is a shooter.

btw. BF 5 gets puddinged on because it has no "iconic" ww2 battles

Possibly, but also possibly not, if the rest of the game is interesting/strong enough. In any event, going up to 'The Tunisia Campaign' would allow for Tigers and Shermans.

As for BF5, people don't like it because it's just a bad game; missing content, full of bugs, poorly balanced, and an incredibly inconsistent adherence to theme.
23 Apr 2020, 21:44 PM
avatar of Spielführer

Posts: 320

If EA can manage to sell Battlefield 1 with italian and hungarians, the relic can manage to sell CoH3 with afrika wehrmacht, brits, early war US and italians.

All that CoH fans care about is the WW2 setting and good coh gameplay. CoH2 launched without a king tiger or sherman tank after all and still sold well.

I think the game was Panzers/Panzers2 that were really good and in that scenario.
23 Apr 2020, 21:53 PM
avatar of KoRneY

Posts: 682

To be fair, the Matilda has the same on-road top speed as the KV2, so I don't think it would be that bad.


That's the Matilda 2, the Matilda 1's top speed is HALF that (13kmh/8mph). Wow, that's slow.

It was, however, only used in France as part of UKF forces, so in my suggested locations, it could be ignored (also only 140 built). The Matilda 2 was present in North Africa, and its slightly better top speed (26kmh/16mph) would be a bit better.

I was mostly kidding. But yeah, Matilda 1s were pretty slow. Offroad speed would be ~infantry pace I would imagine.
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