in 1 vs 1 they are weak but in team game they have probably the strongest base kit: 5 man a-move 2 lmg blob,5 man cheap engineer with at nade and piat, sniper, 17 pounder, emplacements(situational for holding the uncontested side of the map),non doc off map, 200-240 damage TD(with missile), anti inf/AA tank (ostwind be like:
I play brits quite a lot and I think they're the weakest faction at the moment. They're a one trick pony. Emplacements are a meme (the only one I use is the 17pdr with the fortifications commander upgrade) and you are forced into FF/Churchill combo which is powerful but not worth enduring the UKF faction as a whole for.

just pick any doc with commando or the sexton, and u get strong art and/or mobile assault force (sexton,air force, land mattress)
the weakness u have as UKF are covered by the other factions (mobile mortar, attacking positions)