
russian armor

OKW Truck Concept

13 Apr 2019, 16:31 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

I don't think it's particularly controversial to say that OKW is a bland faction. Strong, but bland.

There have been a lot of threads (many by me) on overhauling OKW's tech structure, particularly which buildings have which units. However, I've since come to the conclusion that there's not much mileage in that. OKW spams infantry because that's what OKW has: unless you feel like giving them T0 HMGs there's not much that can be done about it.

But if we made the trucks a thing again? OKW's thing used to be deploying its trucks on the field: what if we lowered the risk and reward of forward truck placement so they became part of the faction's playstyle?

Add three new techs to the OKW Command HQ. They're on the side bar, where Battle Phases go.

  • Requisition Battlegroup Headquarters
    • Allows the SWS truck to set up as a Battlegroup HQ.
    • 100 MP, 10 FU
  • Requisition Mechanized Regiment Headquarters
    • Allows the SWS truck to set up as a Mechanized HQ.
    • 100 MP, 30 FU
  • Requisition Schwerer Panzer Headquarters
    • Allows the SWS truck to set up as a Flak HQ.
    • 100 MP, 105 FU
    • This tech could be split into two if you want to make Obersoldaten and the JPIV available earlier.

The 221 and flame grenades now require one Requisition upgrade. Panzerfausts and the SPHQ require a truck to have been set up.

SwS Supply Truck
The idea here is to make SWS trucks more like support vehicles and less like emplacements. They're much more easily destroyed, but you can replace them without breaking the bank.

  • Cost to 200 MP, 30 FU.
  • HP of set-up trucks halved.
  • SPHQ weapon restatted to match Flak HT/Flak Emplacement.
  • All truck setups are 'free' (cost moved to tech)
  • Set-up trucks can pack up back into an SWS.

This change necessitates a nerf to the SPHQ's flak gun. It'll still zone out infantry, but an easily replaced, technically mobile SPHQ with the live build flak gun would be infuriating to play against.

This also makes sideteching more viable: if you tech the other trucks, you can turn one truck into another. That might necessitate sticking an extra fuel cost on the SPHQ tech, as you could hypothetically rush a P4 out faster by turning your T1 or T2 into a T3 instead of calling in another truck.
13 Apr 2019, 17:21 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I think that hands down the best system for the OKW HQ trucks would be the one currently implemented in the All Units Mod by sneakeye.

So in essence it's what you say here but with the ability to just pack up and go.

It eliminates the abuse and unpractical design of pretty much forcing the player to set up their trucks in the HQ sector unless they want them to get found and bomb to utter shite.
13 Apr 2019, 17:29 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

I think that hands down the best system for the OKW HQ trucks would be the one currently implemented in the All Units Mod by sneakeye.

So in essence it's what you say here but with the ability to just pack up and go.

It eliminates the abuse and unpractical design of pretty much forcing the player to set up their trucks in the HQ sector unless they want them to get found and bomb to utter shite.

Fifth item on the SWS list. :)
13 Apr 2019, 17:32 PM
avatar of SeductiveCardbordBox

Posts: 591 | Subs: 1

Not a fan of the packup. A forward point is a serious investment that should be able to be removed via some focused indirect. Allowing it to offer all its strengths and then just bail if things develop is either too lenient for somebody pushed back or way too potentially dominant for a player who can truck creep their HQ up the map one zone at a time
13 Apr 2019, 17:46 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Not a fan of the packup. A forward point is a serious investment that should be able to be removed via some focused indirect. Allowing it to offer all its strengths and then just bail if things develop is either too lenient for somebody pushed back or way too potentially dominant for a player who can truck creep their HQ up the map one zone at a time

The CoH Brits proved that this isn't the case, nor I find it to be in the All Units Mod either. It takes a long time to setup and unsetup which means that if as you said somebody focuses indirect fire on it it would be dead regardless if it could move because it's a fragile structure and vehicle when converted.
13 Apr 2019, 18:00 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

FHQ and Flaks are a fair trade off, unpacking removes the ability too punish players that are overconfident.

IF WE REALLY want to fix a design issue, OKW should have the option to use a SWS truck to set up a repair station or a medical station that can later be upgraded into a mechanized or battlegroup HQ. So one can set up a battlegroup hq and still use a sws truck to set up a "locked" mechanized hq costing only the fuel for the repair station.

If not possible just make the actual set up free and add the "tier" upgrade and the med/pios upgrade as both side tech.
13 Apr 2019, 18:25 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Not a fan of the packup. A forward point is a serious investment that should be able to be removed via some focused indirect. Allowing it to offer all its strengths and then just bail if things develop is either too lenient for somebody pushed back or way too potentially dominant for a player who can truck creep their HQ up the map one zone at a time

Hence the cheaper, less durable trucks.

FHQ and Flaks are a fair trade off, unpacking removes the ability too punish players that are overconfident.

If their FHQ packs up and buggers off, you've still removed it from a difficult position.
13 Apr 2019, 18:48 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

I really like this.

Its super-sad to see an original flavour and a design point of a faction fall to a power creep of indirect fire into the meta

13 Apr 2019, 21:31 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

this an older post I had made for redesigning SWS trucks:

This another approach to OKW aiming at retaining to original design of aggressive truck use that has been lost its strength with the change to FRP.

Changes to trucks:
No limit to number of truck
Buy Cost 100/10
Set UP cost 50/5

They set up faster and are less vulnerable during set up. Once set up the about a bit tougher then Ostheer command bunkers.

Once set up the act as reinforcement point and can built the following units:
1 truck set up access to Leig
2 truck set up access to Obers
3 truck set up access to Puma

Aim of changes:
to make aggressive placing of truck a viable option of player while still allowing him easy access to basic tools if he loses 1 truck.

Leig provide indirect fire support, Obers elite infantry, Puma supports the RW.

Trucks can then upgrade:
1) to medic for 50/35 that gives access to 251 variants (AA fuel cost lowered to 40). Once medic truck is unlocked truck HP/armor to 75% of current levels.

Medic truck can be further upgraded with FRP (100/10) increasing HP/armor to 125% of current. Has aura decreasing reinforcement time by 25% does not heal.

Aim of changes:
Make FRP viable but one has to rely on med box for heal. Upgrade add the bonus of a tougher truck.

2)Mechanized 100/55 gives access to Luch and JP.
Mechanized truck can be further upgraded (50/10) with engineers increasing HP/armor to 125% of current.

Aim of changes:
Gives OKW access to 60 range AT weapon that is affordable and mid game specialized solutions.

3) Shwerer truck requiring at least 1 truck upgraded (100/75) giving access to Stuka and PZIV 4. Shwerer truck has no gun.
Shwerer truck can be further upgraded (100/60) that unlocks the Panther and gives the truck the gun. (Gun can use be aimed and has to use a 30 munition ability to engage aircraft).

Aim of changes:
Early access to medium and support vehicles. More tools to better time Panthers.

Once any truck is upgrade medic spawn in base truck.
Aim of changes:
OKW have access to heal while medic boxs remain an option for FRP.

Building a truck unlock Faust and grenades for SP.
Setting up a truck unlock the rest of grenades.
Upgrading all 3 truck gives access to ST44.

KT requires all tech unlock and is limited to 1 per Shwerer truck.

Other option for truck:
Truck in sector can be upgraded to gives access to a timed that increases (or decrease if enemy capture it) sector income at the cost of manpower.

Changes to units:
1)Now starting unit. VG flame-grenade replaced with a sort range explosive grenade. The grenade is a primary defensive weapon with 60 damage that adds suppression (close to 60% of suppress threshold) to target hits. Primary role to stop direct assault from enemy infantries.

Vet 1 ability "aim fire" cost 10 mu increases accuracy (10%) when stationary.

ST44 upgrade locked behind 3 truck, gives access to 5 ST44 on semi auto mod decreasing long range DPS but increasing mid to close DPS.(to M1 levels?)

2) SP 5 men squad armed with MP40. Cost 280 reduced repair speed. Access to flame grenade (pop down to 6-7). Can upgrade with wire Cutters increasing repair speed losing 1 weapon.
Get the ST44 upgrade with 5 ST44 full auto weapon with squad DPS about the current level.(bit lower close?)

3) Obers can now upgrade 1+1 shreck, lmg34. The lmg34 get the suppress ability from vet 0 but does all squad suffers accuracy penalties. (suppression increases with veterancy) (HMG34 becomes doctrinal?)

Ober can upgrade with 4 infrared ST44 about the DPS a SP but get a timed ability that bypass some cover bonuses.

4)JP redesign as 60 range Stug with a cost around 300/100 and cloaked being replaced by TWP. (cloak can actually be moved to stug). Armored is lowered target size becomes even smaller.

5)Stukas fires a single incendiary rocket at time.

Suggested changes are more a direction and numbers might be off.

The direction aim it one where OKW truck become a important part of the faction. In the same time losing trucks become less punishing since the player still has access to basic tools.
14 Apr 2019, 05:33 AM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

Not a fan of the packup. A forward point is a serious investment that should be able to be removed via some focused indirect. Allowing it to offer all its strengths and then just bail if things develop is either too lenient for somebody pushed back or way too potentially dominant for a player who can truck creep their HQ up the map one zone at a time

A serious investment in what department? Wasting resources?
There is no real benefit in placing HQs into the battlefield.
Even T3 is as easy to destroy as an bofors emplacement, an single ATG can destroy it with some time.

OKM HQs are shown even through fog of war, so being able to pack up and move on them is a good idea and the only way to stop a braindead abuse, indirect fire them as much as you can. If indirect fire on the base zone is prohibited then why should we allow to abuse SWS?
14 Apr 2019, 05:45 AM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

I like the idea, maybe the only thing that annoys me is the fact that a fordward HQ SWS after packing up "magically" converts into a swererHQ. But its only a aestetic detail of my part.

An OKM tech rework sound interesting, but the game is already so old and it demands so much investment and resources from the mod team.
Id say if i can, first lets discuss about how already set up SWS are visible through FoW, a mini map hack. It makes so easy to abuse with indirect fire and a well placed ATG.

With regards of SWS being able to pack up and move i really like the idea. But then surges a serious problem. Creeping advance. Lets say you succesfuly defend some part of the map, then you can freely advance a FHQ and dig up again. OKM becomes UKF in disguise and im not entirely fine with it, so to stop creeping abuses i would suggest that in order to move already set up SWS, there is an ability that says so but requires the player to specify where the new emplacement is going to be, meanwhile the SWS packs up and moves but no longer under control of the player.
This way a player can make a real bad mistake into trying to creep up to the enemy base.
But overall i like the idea. +1
14 Apr 2019, 12:35 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

I like the idea, maybe the only thing that annoys me is the fact that a fordward HQ SWS after packing up "magically" converts into a swererHQ. But its only a aestetic detail of my part.

I considered having three separate SWS trucks that can only turn into their respective HQ. You'll call them in the first time for the full teching price, and if you rebuilt them they were cheaper (like a USF officer).

But engineers are able to pull giant howitzers out of their pockets in this game, so I figured the extra complication wasn't necessary.

With regards of SWS being able to pack up and move i really like the idea. But then surges a serious problem. Creeping advance. Lets say you succesfuly defend some part of the map, then you can freely advance a FHQ and dig up again.

That's why I cut their health in half and nerfed the flak gun. You don't want ATGs getting anywhere near them now.
14 Apr 2019, 12:46 PM
avatar of WAAAGH2000

Posts: 731

14 Apr 2019, 16:23 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I like the idea, maybe the only thing that annoys me is the fact that a fordward HQ SWS after packing up "magically" converts into a swererHQ. But its only a aestetic detail of my part.

An OKM tech rework sound interesting, but the game is already so old and it demands so much investment and resources from the mod team.
Id say if i can, first lets discuss about how already set up SWS are visible through FoW, a mini map hack. It makes so easy to abuse with indirect fire and a well placed ATG.

With regards of SWS being able to pack up and move i really like the idea. But then surges a serious problem. Creeping advance. Lets say you succesfuly defend some part of the map, then you can freely advance a FHQ and dig up again. OKM becomes UKF in disguise and im not entirely fine with it, so to stop creeping abuses i would suggest that in order to move already set up SWS, there is an ability that says so but requires the player to specify where the new emplacement is going to be, meanwhile the SWS packs up and moves but no longer under control of the player.
This way a player can make a real bad mistake into trying to creep up to the enemy base.
But overall i like the idea. +1

Your ideas sound fine but I am not sure how far a person can implement them in the actual game.

If you're interested in further seeing what's possible and what's not I suggest contacting SneakEye since he's the mastermind behind somewhat already implementing what Lago's written here in his All Units Mod altho I gave the original idea back in the commander revamp update.
15 Apr 2019, 00:03 AM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

@A. Soldier
Thanks, i appreciate it. I would love to give it a try, to give some constructive feedback and suggestions of this game to a mod team, since I love RTS and I have played from C&C to Total wars. But CoH2 has something very special and I would love the game balance and each faction to be as much enjoyable as it can be.
16 Apr 2019, 12:16 PM
avatar of WAAAGH2000

Posts: 731

Hi,did you played "all unit"mod? I think set-up truck pack up can be work...if balance team want it...I real like and want COH1 British mobile HQ return
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