
russian armor

New Commander Submission - USA

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10 Jan 2019, 18:07 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

Submission guidelines
  • Each player can submit one proposal per faction. Please use the appropriate threads on coh2.org or on relic offical forum. These threads are for submissions only.
  • Discussion of submissions should take place in separate threads so that submissions are easy to reference.
  • Players must only use units, abilities or assets which already exist in the game, and are fully functional. (The Hetzer is not an option as it is missing animations.)
  • Some players have asked about captured equipment. This is a possibility but should be sensible, and thematically / historically appropriate.
  • If you have already submitted an idea elsewhere, please repost to the official threads.

Requirements and Rational

Please detail the following in your submissions;

It would be preferred if you could use this template in your proposals

  • The name and theme of your proposed Commander.
  • The unit and ability roster.
  • Any changes you envisage to preexisting units or abilities.
  • What new strategies/ options does this Commander add to this faction?
  • Any historical basis, or additional context/ rational you wish to provide.
10 Jan 2019, 21:12 PM
avatar of mondeogaming1

Posts: 464

Heavy Assault Company
1)E8(with white phosfourous shell) Cp 0(passive)
2)cavalry riflemen CP (1)
3)Veteran Vehicle Crews CP 0 (Passive)(same with the armor company one)
4)reinforce station (bulding)same with soviet one and british CP 4
5)arty(the infrantry company one) CP 8
it would help the commander stay more in late game have some panic units and able to keep the pressure
10 Jan 2019, 21:21 PM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

Battlefield Hit and Run Tatics Company

2 - Sniping Tatics
A squad of Pathfinders can be deployed to the battlefield. These Pathfinders are authorized to sniping targets in cost of ammo.

2 - (PASSIVE) Raid Tactics
Allows light vehicles (besides the WC54 Ambulance) to capture territory points.

3 - Cavalry Riflemen
Calls in a squad of specialized Cavalry Riflemen to the field mounted in an M3 Halftrack.

3 - M8 Greyhound
An M8 Greyhound can be deployed to the battlefield. This fast, lightly armored vehicle is effective against infantry.

12 - P-47 Rocket Strafe
P-47 Thunderbolt will patrol the area and attack vehicles with a high velocity aircraft rocket strike.

10 Jan 2019, 21:34 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

Unit Preservation Company:

0CP: Scout Counter-Sniper: One soldier with a Pathfinder/Ranger/Ghilie uniform comes onto the field. Huge Line of Sight, has a sniper rifle with 0 damage, but 100% damage against snipers (via target-tables)Of course, camouflage. Has shared veterancy

0CP: Riflemen field defenses

2Cp: Springfield rifles: Riflemen can be upgraded with three springfields to lower their close range, but boost their long range DPS

5CP: Heavy Ranger Squad: Five rangers with body armor and movement penalties. Extreme durability, they create sort of a shield for other troops. Upgradable with either AT satchel of 30cals (mutually exclsive)

6CP: Smoke pop: Riflemen squads will detonate smoke grenade upon retreat (viz Commandos)

Theme: Less focus on power, more on survival-ability and long term atritioning
You spot MGs before they pin you, dont have to put riflemen into dangerous proximity, distract the enemy with durable squad and if you´re gonna play dangerously anyway: Smoke pop will save your squad.

P.S. The commander profile pic should be a guy who stacked 3+ helmets on his head
10 Jan 2019, 21:34 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Faction + Commander Name: USF Gliderborne (Infantry) Company

Theme: Based around the the 327th (Glider) Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st Airborne Division that participated in Operation Market Garden.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: P-47 Recon run

P-47 provides sight.

Slot 2: Gliderborne Infantry Insertion

An Airborne unit is inserted to the battlefield by a Glider which can then be used as a sort of forward base if it's in friendly territory so infantry can reinforce from it.

Slot 3: Supply Drop

Drops a fuel and ammo box that also contain a .50 cal HMG and an M1 57mm AT gun or M1 81mm Mortar.

Slot 4: P-47 Mixed wing support

A combination of both rocket and machine gun P-47 loiter around a pinpointed zone, infantry will be strafed and suppressed while tanks will be hit with rockets.

Slot 5: Gliderborne Battlegroup Insertion

Inserts 2 Airborne squads together with an M1 75mm Pack howitzer, the Glider can then also act as a forward HQ capable of reinforcing and producing more Airborne and medic squads when in friendly territory as well as having a forward retreat point, similar to the British HQ Glider from the Vanguard Operations Regiment.

Strategies and Rational

Mostly a team oriented commander for those who like to use Airborne but in a larger scale.

Additional Context

I blame A Bridge Too Far and the Europe of War mod for CoH for the inspiration.
10 Jan 2019, 22:03 PM
avatar of OrangePest

Posts: 570 | Subs: 1

Faction + Commander Name: Usf Hit and Run

Theme: Combining the most potent units in the German Army, this Commander seeks to frustrate and utterly annihilate opponents. Pick this commander and allied fanboys won’t stand a chance.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1:
Dodge Truck

Slot 2:
Veteran crew

Slot 3:
Fire up
Slot 4:
Greyhound/Or that carbine thing from ardennes
Slot 5:
Cluster bombs

Strategies and Rational

So why these abilities? Well for one they all synergize, Veteran crew with dodge and greyhound, Additionally opening up some other possibilities, (Dodge crew with Thompsons on the back going crazy.) which in all the chaos you usually cause with light vehicles will allow cluster mines to open up support weapons or force them to move. Which gives an interesting combo because it hits fast and hard with lots of disruption, Greyhound would supplement your LV options while, (Like not getting a Stuart or an AAHT, or adding it in but delaying your endgame.)
Alternativly you could have carbines from Ardennes, which instead of having a greyhound supplement the LV forces, you buff up the rifles, allowing for more long-range combat on maps like crossing, which would immensely help out in a lot of situations.

Also: Greyhound should come out at around 4~ cp, but that's about the only change i'd put down really, as it would most likely stand on its own overall.

I think this set up allows for a good alternative to the current mechanized dodge, while keeping alot of the same playstyle.
10 Jan 2019, 23:20 PM
avatar of drjeeves

Posts: 22

Close Air Support USF
Really just both strafes from AA,and some form of elite infantry

CP-0 Warning flares/m1carbine rifleman "upgrade"/decoy Red smoke call in
warning flares from Overwatch, Cost 5-10Muni must be planted on point,quick build time,m1carbine upgrade from AA,all infantry units get Decoy smoke, long Cooldown, low cost 15-25muni.

CP 1-3 sharpshooter section/Pathfinder command squad, Somthing akin more to jager command sqaud. Scoped rifles with a better crit mod/vs snipers or coh1style pay2snipe, 5man team, only 1 can be on the field. something new maybe booby traps/mark target/whitepos nade/30cal upgrade No airdrop beacons/ 0-1 weapon slots/

CP 4-10 Supply Drop

Copy pasta from wer commander, not sure if USF should have it

5-8 Thunderbolt Gunrun
basically buffed tac suppport strafe
50-75Muni High dmg,low suppression,low AOE/small strafe target

7-9 Thunderbolt Rocketrun
75-100muni High Dmg/small strafe target,maybe Light crits/Brit hammer tactics fog of war spotting ability if hit by strafe

9-Cp Age of Empires gameplay trailer -Mobile crossplay,3 civs sold separately
11 Jan 2019, 04:21 AM
avatar of ACM. Cpl flamer927
Donator 11

Posts: 1

Faction + Commander Name: USF Allied Warfare

Theme: focus on durability and survivality USF mid and late gameplay that problem for USF especially encounter OKW and Ostheer infantry and heavy armor.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1 Rifleman field Defense (same as heavy Cavalary Company and infantry Company)

Slot 2: : 2 CP Elite Assault Rifleman
• Call in unit, available from 2 CP.
• Costs 290MP, 35 Mp reinforce cost
• 6-man Rifleman squad
• Can upgraded with 4x m1 carbine, 1x Lmg m1a1 and Thompson 2x.
• Have AT Grenade sticky bomb especially damage engine and can throw further but low damage.
• Have Access smoke grenade and pinapple grenade.
• Durability and survival increase better than normal rifleman (hard hitter frontline)

Slot 3: Offensive Combat System (passive)
• Light vehicle and medium tank have access sandbag armor (just like COH1 sherman with sandbang around armor) protection to increase armor and survivality on late gameplay
• Captain and Liutenant have access offensive aura (reload faster, fight harder)

Slot 4: P47 Strafing Run (rocket strafing and suppression)
• To encounter infantry and axis armor (same and airborne company and tactical support company but combine it loiter around the map)
• Cost 250 ammu.

Slot 5: Sherman Comand (just like panzer command)

• Give aura just like Radio net Sherman (increase fire rate and line of sight any unit nearby)
• Available at 8 CP
• Have smoke screen like normal Sherman, upgrade 50 cal, and have more armor than normal sherman

Strategies and Rational

USF mid and late game is famously lacklustre. Rifleman Field Defense give players to control and hold the field for early game. when come mid game normal rifleman gonna have trouble to encounter axis high veterancy unit like okw so elite assault rifleman can counter light vehicle and infantry support with AT and mg to. When late game, USF armor have increase survivality and durability with put sandbag armor on late game to encounter high quality axis armor. Lieutenant and captain have access aura offensive any unit to fight longer and harder alongside with Sherman command give any unit line sight and rate of fire same as radio net but apply any nearby unit only usf unit and push forward with p47 strafing run … (sorry English not good)

11 Jan 2019, 08:29 AM
avatar of blancat

Posts: 810

Spearhead company

Theme : This commander's concept is "lead attacking frontline full-scale" and air support

0cp) Ez8 tank

2cp) supply drop zone

4cp) Assualt officer - 4man squad(1 officer model+3 ranger model), 380MP, equipped 2 m1919 LMG and 2 carbine

can be deploy only one squad

ability : cocked grenade, flare, rapid barrage(60 muni)

5cp) assault!(120muni) : all infantry and vehicle have combat buff during 50sec

infantry : speed(1->2), received accuracy -10%, cooldown -20%, reload time -20%

vehicle : reload time -30%, accuracy+20%, range+5

recon flight will fly on enemy frontline while this skill activated

12cp) P-47 Rocket strike

Strategies and Rational

The assault officer make the hole on enemy's fortification with a rapid bombardment and leads the USF in to the hole.

u can perpare attack from supply drop and organize squad

Ez8 tank and P-47 CAS will support USF infantry and "assault" buff will make good chance to breakthrough the enemy line

Assualt officer veterancy

0 vet target size is 0.9

vet 1 - received accuracy -10%, cooldown - 20%
vet 2 - accuracy +30%, rapid barrage shell 6->10
vet 3 - received accuracy -10%, Use smoke when they are retreat, can sprint when they are not in combat

11 Jan 2019, 14:19 PM
avatar of ddd

Posts: 528 | Subs: 1

Faction + Commander Name: USF Assault Company

Theme: Combination of heavy tanks and offmap strikes allows to break through enemy defenses (pak walls, mg spam, bunker spam).

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: M4A3E2 Jumbo Assault Tank

Available from Battalion Command Post at 0CP
Cost somewhere between KV1 and Churchill, same with performance
Cant use smoke, but can be immobilized for increased attack speed
Uses same model as 76mm Sherman but with sanbags on front and sides and maybe some special skin (please tell me its possible to do)

Slot 2: Cavalry Riflemen

Call in unit, available from 1CP

Slot 3: Off Map Smoke Barrage

Available at 1CP
Identical to Heavy Cavalry smoke barrage

Slot 4: 155mm Artillery Barrage

Available at 8CP
Costs 180 Munitions
Identical to WC51 arty

Slot 5: P47 Anti-Infantry Strafe

Available at 12CP
Costs 180 munitions
Same performance as soviet IL2 loiter

Strategies and Rational

USF armor is mostly very fragile and its hard to tackle axis defenses in late game without taking heavy loses. Sherman Jumbo allows you to take some punishment from enemy AT while also slowly taking on enemy defenses. Cav rifles with smoke barrage have easier time dealing with mg nests and bunkers. Anti infantry strafe keeps enemy blobs in check, while 155mm artillery can rapidly destroy any emplacements.

Additional Context

Its a shame that we dont have Jumbo in COH2 yet. Its very iconic tank and was very successful at its assault tank role. I hope its possible to add sandbags to 76mm Sherman so its easily distiguishable, since in reality these tanks were very similar in appearance. Maybe even some special skin if there is any available.
11 Jan 2019, 15:25 PM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

LimaOscarMike's Company (perhaps with him as commander protraits PS. highly suggested)

Theme: Once again LimaOscarMike found himself stuggle against German fortifacation during early game and lose his streak for that. Instead of L2P he asked Miragefla to bring him more toy to make him tougher like he was about to fight a jock at lockerroom. Therefore, Miragefla answer his called and gave him early Frontline package which give Rear Echelon riflegrenade to force German weapons team to reposition before he making a push and white phosphorus for officer to force enemy out of garrison also a Rear Echelon radiomen upgrade which provide coordinate barrage ability to give heavy pressure to enemy strong position. After that special units can be call in to help reinforce the frontline and Artillery creeping barrage to eliminate or force a large number of enemy teamweapon to reposition. Whether he manage to maintain his frontline and keep enemy off his resource or not CP will send in an armor reinforcement to provide some support to frontlinemen or help them regain territory.

Unit and Ability Roster

CP 0 : Mechanize group something from Mechanize Company or Medic Station

CP 2 : Frontline package

- Allow Rear Echelon to upgrade frontline package for 45 munitions give them 2 garands and an ability to fire 3-4 round of rifle granade at targetted location
- Allow all US Officer to upgrade frontline package which replace their smoke riflenade with WP riflenade and allow the officer to reinforce his squad from any nearby squad (a bit like merge but instead you force targetted squad to reinforce the officer squad)
- Allow Riflemen to upgrade 6th guy as M1 carbine Rear Echeleon (limit to 1 upgrade per player)which granted them an ability to use "coordinate barrage" which allow Mortar/Pack howie/Scott to fire and targetted location at higher rate of fire and further than regular barrage and maybe give them light camouflage to help them close to enemy MG to call in coordinated barrage

CP 3-5 : Ranger/Cav Riflemen/British Commando

-Call in Ranger/Cav Riflemen squad/British Commando

CP 7-8 : Creeping Artillery barrage

- similar to OKW walking stuka mechanic but instead with off map artillery round

CP 10-12 : Armor Reinforcement

Idea 1 :
- call in an E8 command tank for 450 mp 180 fuel same performance or better than regular E8 but come with toggle ability similar to KT "spearhead" which reduce any enemy infantry accuratecy(or give them weaponcooldown debuff) that getting shot within E8 ark of fire while this ability is toggle and maybe provide a small surpression similar to ostwind surpression bulletine limit to 1 per player

Idea 2 : Canadian Reinforcement 1
- call in a cherchill command tank which came in with permanant emergency warspeed and able to mark enemy vehicle at vet 1 or 2 limit to 1 per player. cost 580 mp 180 fuel

Idea 3 : Canadian Reinforcement 2
- call in a firefly command tank which came in with "tracking vehicle" passive ability allow them to track the victim that they shot at through fog of war for a dulation and maybe buff their coxial MG accuratecy a bit to help them harm enemy infantry cost 500 mp 180 fuel limit to 1 per player.
11 Jan 2019, 20:44 PM
avatar of RoastinGhost

Posts: 416 | Subs: 1

Name: USF Leading Element Company
Theme: Late-war US materiel and air superiority.

Slot 1: WC56 Command Car
  • 0cp call-in;125mp, 5fu. An unarmed, slightly faster version of the WC51 that can capture points and pick up Supply Drop boxes. Gains vet from sharing, and by capturing points. Gains kubel Detection at vet 3.

Slot 2: M4A3E8

Slot 3: Supply Drop (OR M3 Logistics Halftrack)
  • 3cp, same as Wehrmacht

Slot 4: Final Push
  • 3cp, 70mu. Units capture points 2x as fast and infantry receive 75% accuracy in friendly territory for 45 seconds.

Slot 5: Strafing Run
  • Cost lowered to 100mu.

The Leading Element Company promotes a playstyle of frontline pressure and territory control. The WC56 serves as an inexpensive squad for capping, scouting, and picking up supply drops, freeing up other troops for combat. Final Push makes capturing territory easier, and rewards players for doing so. Supply Drop requires territory control, and allows players to rely more on abilities and upgrades than sheer numbers. The Easy 8 reflects this quality-over-quantity mindset.

This commander is more about improving what the US is already good at, rather than covering for their weaknesses. The abilities aren’t as unique as my other suggestions, but work very well in combination with each other. Another Easy 8 commander is a common request, however.

Commander is available for testing here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1244320542
11 Jan 2019, 21:03 PM
avatar of Aarotron

Posts: 563

Mehanized support compan

0cp: armor reserves, allow you to get sherman 76s and bulldozer blades

0cp rifleman defenses

2cp: parachute flares for riflemen

9cp: p47 rocket strafe run, simular to normal strafing run but uses rockets instead of mgs

10cp: Sherman Calliope

Doctrine somewhat loosely based around third armoured division with armoured units supported by enchanced infantry. My other idea would have included m3 halftrack carrying mechanized rifle squad equipped with m1919 lmg and bazooka at 3 cp, for allowing bit extra firepower, replacing rifle defenses or flares
11 Jan 2019, 22:02 PM
avatar of Major Ksiek

Posts: 2

Durable Counterattack Company

Theme: Combination of infantry and armour support.

Units and Ability's

1cp: Brother In Arms.
2 last soldiers in rifleman squad have 30% more health or all soldiers have 20% more halth [Passive] or [15 sec duration]

4cp: Gun supply drop.
Airplane drop 3 random weapons (50. Cal machine gun, Flame thrower, Bazooka, Tommy guns)

7cp: Artillery strike

9cp: P-47 .50 cal attack

12cp: M5 Stuart With M10 Tank destroyer

Strategy: Brothers in Arms never surrender! Strong infantry can be equipment with 3 random weapons from air drop when you need to attack a point! Spot
attacking point and send artillery and P-47 50.cal raid! On danger situation send M5 and M10 to support infantry with 37 and 75mm guns!
12 Jan 2019, 09:23 AM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

(Update) Faction + Commander Name :
USF Combined Assault Company
Theme: Recon + airsupport + lategame tank

Slot 1 :
0CP - Pathfinders
This pathfinders can mark target enemy.
(Normal pathfiners with extra ability)

Slot 2 :
2CP - Veteran Squad Leaders (New Ability)
50mp and 60mu (officer or RE model)
six man upgrade for rifleman and maybe for teamweapons?
only one weapon slot

(screenshot from SneakEye all unit mod)

Slot 3 :
3CP - Browning M1919A6 Light Machine Gun
finnaly pathfinders with long range lmg

Slot 4 :
9CP - P47 Single Rocket Run (ardenes dlc)

Slot 5 :
10CP - Command sherman e8
400mp 150fu
This command unit will improve realod time and sight radius to all tanks.

Strategies and Rational

12 Jan 2019, 13:30 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Faction + Commander Name:
USF - Allied Invasion Company
(hopefully someone could come up with a better name lul)

Theme: Unleash the full might of the Western Allies' navies, airforces and armies! Based on the Allied invasion of Normandy during Operation Overlord. Aims to fill some gaps in the USF line-up and emphasize on the Allied support that the US forces had at their disposal during the invasion.

Unit and Ability Roster:
Slot 1: Ranger Sniper.
  • 0 CP.
  • Now available in headquarters. Cost: 360 MP
  • Ranger model with Scoped M1 Garand.
  • Pretty similar stats to Soviet Scout Sniper.
  • Vet 1: call in smoke barrage.

Slot 2: Gliderborne Infantry Insertion.
  • 2/3 CP.
  • An Airborne unit is inserted to the battlefield by a Glider which can then be used as a sort of forward base if it's in friendly territory so infantry can reinforce from it.

    Slot 3: Allied Supply Drops.
    • 3 CP.
    • Same as Ostheer Supply Drops.
    • Called into either fuel or munitions sector to convert manpower to desired resource.

    Slot 4: Naval Bombardment.
    • 10 CP.
    • 127mm artillery barrage that can target any enemy sector to soften up enemy defenses before an assault.
    • Cost ~200 MU.
    • Similar to OKW Breakthrough's Assault Artillery.

    Slot 5: Allied Churchill Mk.VII Support.
    • 12 CP.
    • Or 0 CP and buildable in Major tech.
    • Call in (or build) an Allied British Churchill Mk.VII heavy tank to support your troops.
    • Same cost/performance as UKF Churchill.

    Strategies and Rational:
    This commander is supposed to cover two major gaps in the USF line-up: their early game weakness to snipers and their late game weakness of having no 'tanky' heavy tank available to support their vulnerable tank destroyers. The Glider Airborne squad would be a nice solution to include Paratroopers in a unique way. The glider would serve as an alternative to a Major forward retreat point / ambulance. The supply drops will give a nice boost of income, but it will be risky to use them as they can be overrun and stolen by the enemy. The Naval Bombardment gives this commander a new unique (for USF) artillery ability.

    Additional Context:
    I haven't put too much thought into this commander, but I thought it would be nice to somehow give the USF a heavy tank (other than 800HP Pershing). With the Jumbo out of the question (that would require a new model) I thought the only suitable unit was a crossover Churchill. It also gives the USF a (counter) sniper that they so famously lack, and has some nice supporting abilities and units to round it all up.

    The Naval Bombardment being similar to OKW Breakthrough's Assault Artillery might give the opportunity to fix that ability (as it's currently quite broken).
    12 Jan 2019, 13:35 PM
    avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
    Senior Modmaker Badge

    Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

    Demolition Company

    0 CP: Rear Echelon's M2 Flamethrowers

    1 CP: IR Pathfinders

    2 CP: (Passive) Demolition Kits
    Allows Rear Echelons to use:
    -Lay Demo Charges
    -Throw Satchel Charges
    -Lay M6 mines (riflemen mines)

    4 CP: Smoke Barrage

    11 CP: Sherman (105)
    12 Jan 2019, 20:46 PM
    avatar of LoopDloop

    Posts: 3053

    Faction + Commander Name:
    USF - Allied Invasion Company

    Theme: based on the Allied invasion of Normandy. Aims to fill some gaps in the USF line-up and emphasize on the Allied support that the US forces had at their disposal during the invasion.

    Unit and Ability Roster:

    Strategies and Rational:
    This commander is supposed to cover two major gaps in the USF line-up: their early game weakness to snipers and their late game weakness of having no 'tanky' heavy tank available to support their vulnerable tank destroyers. The Glider Airborne squad would be a nice solution to include Paratroopers in a unique way. The glider would serve as an alternative to a Major forward retreat point / ambulance. The supply drops will give a nice boost of income, but it will be risky to use them as they can be overrun and stolen by the enemy. The Naval Bombardment gives this commander a new unique (for USF) artillery ability.

    Additional Context:
    I haven't put too much thought into this commander, but I thought it would be nice to somehow give the USF a heavy tank (other than 800HP Pershing). With the Jumbo out of the question (that would require a new model) I thought the only suitable unit was a crossover Churchill. It also gives the USF a (counter) sniper that they so famously lack, and has some nice supporting abilities and units to round it all up.

    The Naval Bombardment being similar to OKW Breakthrough's Assault Artillery might give the opportunity to fix that ability (as it's currently quite broken).

    This would be pretty interesting I think.
    12 Jan 2019, 22:55 PM
    avatar of Jackiebrown

    Posts: 657

    Slot 1: Ranger Sniper.
    0 CP.
    Now available in headquarters. Cost: 360 MP
    Ranger model with Scoped M1 Garand.
    Pretty similar stats to Soviet Scout Sniper.
    Vet 1: call in smoke barrage.

    One thing I would like the new US and OKW commanders to address, having some sort of sniper access if they can't get it through normal tech, at least make the option open with commanders.

    This is a solid idea!
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