The current lot of commander suck. They are not only non-unique, they are hard to identify, and most feel the same. Compared to CoH1 doctrines where they were well fleshed out and useful on a deep strategic level, synergizing with player styles and maps, CoH2 ones are very flat. Therefore, I propose a change in commanders, with a complete overhaul of how abilities are organized.
Suggestions are welcomed.

(Click link for larger image)
Festung: "Fortress" - Defensive in nature. CoH1 style Defensive Doctrine. Players dig in, stay close together, and have good infantry synergy.
- Improved FHQ: All garrisonable units can create a regular FHQ. Improved FHQ (cost MP + fuel) creates a FHQ with medics, but no other buffs.
Großdeutschland: "Greater Germany" - Overall a balanced feel, good utility doctrine scaling throughout the whole game. It was a German panzergrenadier division that was very well equipped throughout the whole war and achieved reputable results.
- Tiger Ace: A unique, single-use Tiger with North African colors, more health, and more accurate than a standard Tiger I.
LSSAH: Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, Hitler's own personal body guard. Highly motivated and ideologically driven. A throwback at vCoH's Terror Doctrine. A more unique subset of abilities with infantry focus on left side, and fun blackout / V1 equivalent on the right. Late game KT as with vCoH.
- If LSSAH is too edgy because of Hitler reference, than make it Das Reich. If that's also too edgy because Waffen SS (yet NVKD is a-okay...), then call it the Panzer Elite.
Jäger Infantry: Emphasis on mobility, map control, and high-utility infantry. Similar to vCoH Infantry Company.
- GebirgsJäger: Similar to Fallshirmjäger, but they deploy convenionally, are armed with only Kar98k or G40, but are very accurate at shooting. Cloaks in any snow, cloaks in cover, and has ambush bonus for the first 2 seconds.
Blitzkrieg: Everything goes fast.
- Redistribute resources: Reverse vCoH MP Blitz. Pay X manpower, gain Y munitions and Z fuel. No further income penalties.
Schwere Panzer: Heavy tank battalion featuring good ol' tank warfare.
- Bergepanzer IV: vCoH's Bergetiger, except less armored. Similar functions for reviving intact wrecks. In order for zombie vehicles to occur, the vehicle needs to be revived first, wherein it will be in an 'abandoned' state, then recrewed second, and repaired back to health. (Bergetiger in vCoH was a demolitions Tiger, laying demo charges)
- Vampire Halftrack. Same as CoH1, large tactical map awareness. Deploys Goliaths.
PanzerJäger: Tank Destroyer Tactics. Build Hetzers to win.
ATHT: More powerful than PE ATHT. This is a essentially the current T2 PaK40 mounted on wheels and unflankable/snipable, but weak on armor. It may be the answer to sniper spam. It counters tanks which also counter it.
- APCR Rounds: Similar to vCoH American 57mm AT Gun. Timed ability, increased penetration by X. No damage modifiers.
Luftwaffe: Heavy infantry branch. Like Schwere Panzer is heavy tanks for frontal assaults, Fallschirmjägers with FG42s can do frontal infantry assaults. Balanced out by late game Henschel and Flak 88.
- Fallschirmjäger: Identical to CoH1 Luft Falls, but can be paradropped in like Airborne. Heavier armored (2 armor?). Has panzerfaust ability.
- Supply Drops: Airborne supply drops, munitions/guns only, costs fuel. Provides MG42, 8cm mortar. Synergizes with infantry heavy focus.
Artillerie: Arty branch. Scheldt when?
- Forward Observation: Turns an occupied building into Pripyat watchtower. Still limited by Truesight. Vision bonus subject to change.
- Flares: Similar to sniper flares. Limited range, Grenadiers fire flare, flare reveals FOW for X seconds on a medium radius. Grenadier flare range is similar to sniper range.
Pioneer: Support doctrine.
- Demolitions: Place demo charges and call-in Goliahs. Goliaths cost munitions only.
- Fortified Emplacements: Double health, every bunker built by default is a command bunker. Bunker can be further upgraded to accomodate medics, or accomodate an MG42.
- Entrench: Combines Trenches and Hull Down abilities. Pioneers need to build trenches or hull down for tanks. Units inside get defensive bonus, and reload faster.
Ostlegionen: Swarm style. Similar to 8 conscript style, cap the map, move quickly, tech up quickly.
- Sabotage: Any and every neutral object in the game can be trapped. If triggered, it will deal fire damage similar to molotovs. Neutral and abandoned MG, motar, AT Guns, etc, will burst into flames. Buildings, points, etc have MHT incendiary fire radius. Crew weapon fire radius will be smaller. Crews must move their weapons after capturing it. Sabotaged weapons will be obvious visually.
What is new?
* Sturmbannführer (Major) - Import and reskin vCoH Officer.
* GebirgsJäger - Reskin Fallschirms. Give it new guns.
* Rugged Movement - Units suffer no movement penalties.
* Bergepanzer IV - Completely new unit. Make a panzer 4 with Bergetiger crane.
* ATHT Sdkfz 251/22 - Similar to PE ATHT, but with PaK40 model on back.
Everything else can either be imported from CoH1 or already exists in CoH2.
Where did Rigel AT Mines go?
Nobody uses them ever.

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