Either the Valentine Superchare Barage is still bugged or i don't understand its intended meaning.
Original patch notes:
-Supercharge Victor Creeping Barrage no longer shares a cooldown with the main barrage
-Concentrated Sexton Barrage price from 15 to 35.
For me i thought, the the ability got an cost increase but i can bypass the cooldown from the normal Sexton Barrage now, right?
But it seem to be bugged and the still shared the same cooldown.
Balance and Bugfix Patch – Feb 7th 2109:
Implemented fix to Valentine Tank Sexton concentrated barrage. Barrages should now share cooldowns and work as intended.
After the bugix patch:
If the sexton is in cooldown from its normal barrage it wont fire when the valentine uses its Sexton concentrated barrage ability. So i spent 35 mun for nothing.
If the Sexton is ready to fire and i use the Sexton concentrated barrage ability, it will fire but then has its normal cooldown counter as it fired its normal barrage.
So either this ability is still bugged or otherwise when its worked as intended this useless ability got an straight nerf by increasing the price at 20 mun. Plus i have to check if my Sextons are ready to fire which makes this ability obsolete.