There was a time when some of the Axis grenades destroyed buildings. It was nerfed out and shouldn't come back.
I did a little testing and found that Pio's can burn down most buildings in 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. At some point, the building starts burning and the engineer doesn't have to attack it anymore. Buffing the flame damage to a building so that it only takes 45 seconds to one minute to start on fire would be fine. As a counter, make it so that if an engineer starts repairing before it burns down then the flames would get put out.
I think my problem with this, and a lot of the other threads, is the premise that if any of the allied faction has something, then all axis need it. USF doesn't get non-doctrinal flamers, advanced medium tanks, a heavy tank, rocket arty (and even the one doctrinal was nerfed into uselessness), non-doc elite infantry, a super TD (doctrinal or not), etc, etc.
- They want everything allies have, especially the ability to pop out of tanks,
and repair them via tank crew

- But mirror stat factions are not acceptable.
... But god forbid allies have anything axis have. Like LMG42 upgrade free, without needing
weapon racks to run back to. Also, LMG42 is stronger than either BAR or BREN.
So two of those... They also want 5x men squads on Grenadier.
They already have double Panzershrek upgrades (for cheaper!) compared to dual Bazookas.
(100 muni, no tech cost) vs (120 muni, has fuel tech cost - and is weaker).
They don't want balance. Because then, Allies would need access to Axis toys too.
(Katyusha that fires 16x rockets tightly grouped, with huge AOE of Stuka HT) - It having free MG
and being tougher than a delicate kleenex.