It's funny, i don't hear much complainment about this unit while the ost flamer halftrack with puma callin strat has been dominating 1v1 axis for quite some time now? I mean, it's not for nothing that some mainly okw users have switched to ostheer just for this unit. And everybody can see it's quite very strong. I feel like playing against ostheer in 1v1 atleast is about how to counter the flamehalftrack. If you can't do that you are done in probably 20 mins.
It's clear that it's a strong unit, but is it too strong?
Maybe a small nerf in damage? Just suggestions. I have no clue if it's being discussed already, but i dont think so. Let me know if it is already being discussed somewhere else, bcs then this can be closed

What do you think? Constructive opinions please, no fanboy whining