
russian armor

Bren Gun

29 Jun 2018, 18:22 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Just look at the stats.

Commando bren stats weren't touched by the latest patch.

Commando brens are insanely strong.

Commandos with double brens are insanely strong at max range because they have, as vipper pointed out, similar dps to obers even considering the fact that the stens basically do nothing at that range.

To that end, commandos with brens have similar dps to obers at max, but the commandos lose dps slower with model loss than obers do.

Vet bonuses are generally in obers' favor. Good to note though that commandos get the ambush bonus with vet.

Commandos with brens are pretty nicely priced compared to other similarly performing infantry. Vipper already compared them to obers, but you can also compare them to double lmg paras, which perform worse than commandos. 380 mp (if im not mistaken) and 120 muni for a squad thats less durable than commandos (6 models at target size 1.0) and has less max DPS.

It's worth noting that paras are much cheaper to reinforce (28 vs. 35 IIRC). They also have an extra man and the ability that lets them suppress with 1919s.
29 Jun 2018, 18:22 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

UKF generally has a bunch of long range lmg infantry squads on the field. Why do you want ANOTHER long range infantry squad?

Pre-SBP I'd agree with you completely.

Post-SBP I'd say UKF's reason to get Bren Commandos is the same as OKW's reason to get Obersoldaten: Bren Infantry Sections aren't good enough to take the infantry advantage any more.
29 Jun 2018, 18:39 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Can we see a couple of competitive level games where these insanely strong bren commandos are game changers in comparison to regular CQC use?

Or are we going to argue excel sheet potential alone?
29 Jun 2018, 20:23 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

They still get different versions.

The Infantry Section Bren has a DPS of 6.8 at max range while the Commando Bren has a DPS of 12 at max range.

Check this for stats:


It´s made by Cruzz. Very helpful.

huh I thought they got changed to the weaker tommy bren like sappers did

I stand corrected, still not really a wise idea to tech for brens if you go commandos. Commandos fill the AI gap nicely themselves allowing you to skimp on grenade tech and brens midgame with a cqb ambush unit.

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Jun 2018, 13:36 PMVipper

Too bad that commandos with double Bren at range 35 have close to DPS that Obers have with an LMG for about the same mu cost.

Obers are better and cheaper stock, once they hit vet 2 with the accuracy boost they will seal club commandos who receive weaker vet. What's the point of teching 150mp and 15f then spending 90muni to ruin your commandos CQB wipe ability with a mid/long DPS buff when they will lose to obers 1vs1 and trade worse vs LMG grens?

Bren commandos are not LMG paras, they are a poor mans version.
29 Jun 2018, 21:14 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Jun 2018, 18:39 PMKatitof
Can we see a couple of competitive level games where these insanely strong bren commandos are game changers in comparison to regular CQC use?

Or are we going to argue excel sheet potential alone?

You'd need a competitive level game where UKF achieves anything first.

Prior to SBP Bren Infantry Sections were so good that you didn't need Bren Commandos.

SBP made Bren Commandos cheaper and made their competition for mid-long infantry (Bren Sections) much, much worse, making them a more attractive proposition on paper. However, it also doused the already flagging UKF faction with petrol and set it on fire.
29 Jun 2018, 22:27 PM
avatar of Jae For Jett
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1002 | Subs: 2

It's worth noting that paras are much cheaper to reinforce (28 vs. 35 IIRC). They also have an extra man and the ability that lets them suppress with 1919s.

I call the the reinforce cost even on the grounds of target sizes. Commando models are cheaper, but more durable at vet 0. Same argument for the extra man. That said, paras are definitely straight up more durable against scatter based weapons. And yeah, the suppression ability seems fairly underrated, bad of me to forget to mention it.
29 Jun 2018, 22:29 PM
avatar of Jae For Jett
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1002 | Subs: 2

Obers are better and cheaper stock, once they hit vet 2 with the accuracy boost they will seal club commandos who receive weaker vet. What's the point of teching 150mp and 15f then spending 90muni to ruin your commandos CQB wipe ability with a mid/long DPS buff when they will lose to obers 1vs1 and trade worse vs LMG grens?

Bren commandos are not LMG paras, they are a poor mans version.

Not sure why you keep saying bren commandos will trade worse vs lmg grens, it's just not true.
29 Jun 2018, 22:46 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

Not sure why you keep saying bren commandos will trade worse vs lmg grens, it's just not true.

If bren commandos were really traded so well then we would see them upgraded every game vs Ost. But when you are facing a-move vet LMG grens just no...

Grens trade better because they are cheaper and still pack just as much as a punch at range (mostly talking vet 3 here). Rifle nades are also a godsend.

You have to give reasons why you think someone is wrong ya know
29 Jun 2018, 23:12 PM
avatar of Jae For Jett
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1002 | Subs: 2

You have to give reasons why you think someone is wrong ya know

Copy pasted into this comment for your convenience:

Just look at the stats.

Commando bren stats weren't touched by the latest patch.

Commando brens are insanely strong.

Commandos with double brens are insanely strong at max range because they have, as vipper pointed out, similar dps to obers even considering the fact that the stens basically do nothing at that range.

To that end, commandos with brens have similar dps to obers at max, but the commandos lose dps slower with model loss than obers do.

Anyway, given that you're still under the impression that vet 3 grens pack just as much of a punch at range as double bren commandos even though multiple users have said and proven otherwise with evidence, I'll just stop right now.
29 Jun 2018, 23:45 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Jun 2018, 21:14 PMLago

You'd need a competitive level game where UKF achieves anything first.

Prior to SBP Bren Infantry Sections were so good that you didn't need Bren Commandos.

SBP made Bren Commandos cheaper and made their competition for mid-long infantry (Bren Sections) much, much worse, making them a more attractive proposition on paper. However, it also doused the already flagging UKF faction with petrol and set it on fire.


I find commandos to be better without brens, as you can use them in a role they excel in rather than waste them as more expensive line infantry. As a bonus, you also save 90 muni. I think they're great with brens, but better as a cqb unit doing something that the british lack in the first place.
30 Jun 2018, 10:25 AM
avatar of FelixTHM

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1

Copy pasted into this comment for your convenience:

Just look at the stats.

Commando bren stats weren't touched by the latest patch.

Commando brens are insanely strong.

Commandos with double brens are insanely strong at max range because they have, as vipper pointed out, similar dps to obers even considering the fact that the stens basically do nothing at that range.

To that end, commandos with brens have similar dps to obers at max, but the commandos lose dps slower with model loss than obers do.

Anyway, given that you're still under the impression that vet 3 grens pack just as much of a punch at range as double bren commandos even though multiple users have said and proven otherwise with evidence, I'll just stop right now.

Your evidence goes against his pre-held notions about balance. You'd better stop oppressing him with opinions other than "Axis OP"!
30 Jun 2018, 10:50 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260


I find commandos to be better without brens, as you can use them in a role they excel in rather than waste them as more expensive line infantry. As a bonus, you also save 90 muni. I think they're great with brens, but better as a cqb unit doing something that the british lack in the first place.

They excel as an close quarters ambush unit without Brens and they excel as a mid-long range assault unit with Brens.

Which you go for depends on which you need.
30 Jun 2018, 11:06 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

lets not forget the air-lading officer who benefited the most from the change to brens.
30 Jun 2018, 12:11 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Jun 2018, 10:50 AMLago

They excel as an close quarters ambush unit without Brens and they excel as a mid-long range assault unit with Brens.

Which you go for depends on which you need.

They are so strong and potent with brens, the replay section is bloated with them being used in that way.

Oh wait, its not, because no one sane uses them that way.

They are most potent in theory.
In practice, if they really were as potent as people here try to claim, they'd be meta long before bren adjustment. Yet somehow they are not.
Care to explain why?
30 Jun 2018, 12:14 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Jun 2018, 12:11 PMKatitof

They are so strong and potent with brens, the replay section is bloated with them being used in that way.

Oh wait, its not, because no one sane uses them that way.

They are most potent in theory.
In practice, if they really were as potent as people here try to claim, they'd be meta long before bren adjustment. Yet somehow they are not.
Care to explain why?

It is not that obvious. For example DShK was OP since release and all stat diggers said this repeatedly but it took over 4 years for it to really find its way into the meta.

A unit can see very little use and yet be really good if there is some other, more unit of higher availability that does the same job well enough. This was the case with DShK, this is the case with bren commandos. There is even a term for that: underused.
30 Jun 2018, 12:34 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

Copy pasted into this comment for your convenience:

Just look at the stats.

Right the stats that are inferior to LMG paras and LMG obers, you admit it yourself the vet 0 levels are "similar" with obers having an edge.


Compare ober vet 2 dps vs vet 3 double bren commando DPS and get back to me bud because there is no contest here, in your avaerage game obers are better despite being cheaper and non-doc.

I mention vet grens because they do trade better, you're looking at a 240mp 60 muni investment that can bleed your 390 90muni commando squad (35 reinforce which adds up for 5 men with three useless stens) vs your 30mp reinforce grens. They might lose 1vs1 but CoH2 is not a vaccuum for your theory crafting that LMG commandos builds are so good (despite noone upgrading them or barely playing brits at all lol)
30 Jun 2018, 12:40 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Jun 2018, 12:11 PMKatitof
They are so strong and potent with brens, the replay section is bloated with them being used in that way.

Oh wait, its not, because no one sane uses them that way.

They are most potent in theory.
In practice, if they really were as potent as people here try to claim, they'd be meta long before bren adjustment. Yet somehow they are not.
Care to explain why?

Because the meta isn't based on single units in isolation.

On paper, Bren Commandos are an excellent long-range unit, but prior to SBP they were an excellent long-range unit you didn't need.

Why get an excellent long-range units when you already have three or four excellent long-range units? You didn't need Bren Commandos back when your Double Bren Infantry Sections had that department completely covered.

SBP nerfed the Infantry Section Bren hard and reduced the price of the Commando Bren without nerfing it: Bren Commandos are now cheaper than they used to be and have a larger performance lead over Infantry Sections.

SBP also turned UKF into a dumpster fire which has been dropped by top players like a smoking gun at a crime scene. The metagame is largely based on emulation of the top players and top players aren't playing UKF.

Units get used when they're part of a viable strategy, and what viable strategies does the present incarnation of UKF have?
30 Jun 2018, 12:52 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Jun 2018, 11:06 AMVipper
lets not forget the air-lading officer who benefited the most from the change to brens.

if he wasn't tied to such an expensive and fragile glider that can't be repaired he would be good. I would like to see him become a non-doc officer for purchase in T3 personally, it would give UKF some mobility for flanks rather being pigeonholed into a doctrine. Also some much needed flavour having an elite unit like Obers but with a trade off that can only be built once once.

Then there's the issue parts of the doctrine he is in has been nerfed to pudding, croc is expensive junk compared to a pershing or tiger. Americans or Sov can stall to IS-2 or persh vs mobile defence but stalling for a Croc is just a joke, it's so mediocre now.
30 Jun 2018, 12:53 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Jun 2018, 11:06 AMVipper
lets not forget the air-lading officer who benefited the most from the change to brens.

How so?
30 Jun 2018, 13:19 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Jun 2018, 12:53 PMLago

How so?

The officer can not ambush and is harder to be used in CQC since it has less entities. With double brens and aura can really contribute to a fight.
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