
russian armor

Bring back two man/woman soviet snipers [poll]

Revert Soviet sniper model changes?
Option Distribution Votes
Total votes: 106
18 May 2018, 23:49 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

Wehr sniper excelled at killing infantry

Brits sniper excelled at supporting against armour

Soviet sniper excelled at countering enemy snipers thanks to two men

So why remove the only thing that made the sov sniper unique? wehr and OKW do not struggle to deal with them, infact this patch Luch and 222 were buffed even more.

Stop making all the factions the same, it's sucking the fun out of each army. Of course that's just my opinion... So lets have a good ol fashioned poll
19 May 2018, 00:04 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

The snipers are not the same. One might think so given that they are the same durability and cost the same but if you look closely the wehr sniper has a good vet 1 ability and better ROF. Aside from being inferior at killing things and waiting until vet 2 to actually start vetting up in any meaningful way however the Soviet sniper is a clone.
Basicly imagine a pair of panzer 4s. The exact same right? But upgrade ones mgs like the t34 has. Make them cost the same of course of and change the one whose mgs DON'T get buffed to cap territory and y oh have balance through the eyes of the mod team. The same, but worse in 2 places and better in exactly none
19 May 2018, 00:17 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Wheres the option to remove all snipers from the game. They ruin infantry combat entirely.

As far as your points that the soviet sniper was "good vs other snipers" Yeah it was, because the other snipers couldn't fight back against it and players were at risk of losing their own, and it wasn't JUST good against all snipers. It still destroys 25% of gren DPS with a single shot, as opposed to 16.6% when ostheer is firing at most soviet squads.
19 May 2018, 00:46 AM
avatar of Bizrock

Posts: 206

You can't just remove 1 man from the Soviet sniper team and do nothing, every sniper have something different, Wehr sniper can do AoE damage and have a good camo and RoF, Brit Sniper can damage and blind vehicles and Soviet was a durable team, like every support team in Soviets, that's called faction identity. Now Soviet sniper has no identity and no notable difference, that's not balanced, actually, that's just boring. (Don't tell me that flare is a notable difference)

But I still think soviet sniper was imbalanced, but removing one unit was a bad way to balance. Maybe just increase the received accuracy? I think there are better ways to balance it.
19 May 2018, 02:12 AM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960


It needs to be possible to counter snipe. 2 Models gives an insane advantage, regardless of model HP, since it can't be counter sniped.

I'm all for diverse armies that play different, but this is the one case where every unit needs to basically be the same, save for ROF, which needs to be scaled to the average mainline squad size it's facing as well as MP per model cost (essentially, the allied ones fire slower).

Now that the 2-model sniper is gone, I would be fine with removing the Ost snipers Vet ability. The brit one needs to stay though, since it's the closest thing they have to a snare.
19 May 2018, 03:24 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

How is having 2 men team with the same range and shooting speed as WM sniper balanced? They should have range decreased or shooting rate slower or something to balance for the 2 models. Having the same range with WM sniper and having 2 models it's plainly OP.
19 May 2018, 04:21 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

How is having 2 men team with the same range and shooting speed as WM sniper balanced? They should have range decreased or shooting rate slower or something to balance for the 2 models. Having the same range with WM sniper and having 2 models it's plainly OP.

I was under the impression the wehr sniper shot faster. I’m all for getting rid of the two man squad though, there was no good reason for it in the first place.
19 May 2018, 04:49 AM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

The two man squad shot way slower, like wayyyyy slower than the wehr sniper.

I'm also of the "get rid of snipers" mindset.
19 May 2018, 06:08 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

The current changes that make snipers much easier to kill are perfect in my opinion. "get rid of sniper" in a war game ? you kidding? Snipers are supposed to help your infantry win engagements not be a one man army.
19 May 2018, 06:11 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

I think snipers are much less bs than mortars. At least snipers take micro and attention to be used effectively. Sometimes I’ll steal mortars and then just plop them somewhere and forget about them for a while and come back and they’ll be vet2 lol.
19 May 2018, 06:50 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I was under the impression the wehr sniper shot faster. I’m all for getting rid of the two man squad though, there was no good reason for it in the first place.

Actually there was. If you look at the initial match up of EFA first thing you will notice is that one side has very durable 6 man squads and the other has small 4 man squads. Now you see here's where things get tricky: one side focuses durability and the other DPS. if yuu looked at the snipers you would see that one was really durable and the other was a killing machine. If you flipped their roles however (making the OST sniper the durable one and the Soviet sniper the killy murder machine with AOE stun rounds) you would see EXACTLY what the good reason was. You would have 1 sniper murdering too much and too fast while also being very very vulnerable to things like LMG42s and the other would be invincible but also useless due to large squads and the bleed associated.
The snipers were not meant to fight each other. The Soviet sniper is a tech choice and the OST sniper can be selected at opportunity. If the Soviet builds t2 you as the OST have the power to fist his static asshole with a massacre machine. If they go with the "mobile but also counter the enemy sniper" tier maybe building a sniper isn't the best bet..

Was the Soviet sniper over performing? Yes it was. Was sucking away not only its flavor but also its balancing aspects ( now it kills faster, not as fast as the OST one of course, but faster still and could be busted down by a good no Brainerd lmg upgrade) a good choice? Nooo. It needed to be made more expensive and it's counters buffed that's it.
19 May 2018, 07:53 AM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

I was under the impression the wehr sniper shot faster. I’m all for getting rid of the two man squad though, there was no good reason for it in the first place.

2 man squad has bolt action rifle with 4 bullets. And 1.5 reload rate (Slower)
1 man squad has G43 sniper rifle with 9 bullets and 1.0 reload rate.
19 May 2018, 19:02 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

votes slightly in favour of a revert, makes you wonder where this change came from.
19 May 2018, 19:26 PM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

The issue is that the sov sniper didnt really get anything in return for losing its specialty, if they wanted the soviet sniper to be the sniper counter sniper then the flare should revel all invis targets, then the flare ability would actually work in favor the the replacing of the 2nd man.

Currently Sniper just doesn't seem worth it, generally con spam into t2 was strictly better then t1 now t1 barely seems worth it most of the time.

Id still prefer 1 man over 2 man though.
19 May 2018, 19:54 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Yeah but who's voting? I made a KT poll and people said the KT was either fine (LUL) or revert to prenerf levels (OMEGALUL). Tells you how accurate .org polls are.
19 May 2018, 20:37 PM
avatar of cyso

Posts: 54

Wehr sniper excelled at killing infantry

Brits sniper excelled at supporting against armour

Soviet sniper excelled at countering enemy snipers thanks to two men

So why remove the only thing that made the sov sniper unique? wehr and OKW do not struggle to deal with them, infact this patch Luch and 222 were buffed even more.

Stop making all the factions the same, it's sucking the fun out of each army. Of course that's just my opinion... So lets have a good ol fashioned poll

sounds like: oh no, i must micro play my sov sniper now, but i don't want to, i will again my easymode back, i want, i want :)
i dont care about unique design, 2 sov sniper was just op in their position, now its fine

if you want some unfair gamedesign decision, dont play mp games :)
19 May 2018, 21:18 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

votes slightly in favour of a revert, makes you wonder where this change came from.

*looks at hull down* do they have to come from anywhere or is coh2 now in the hands of a mod team to twist and change to their own vision
20 May 2018, 07:01 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

Every snipers should have been turned into a two man team, with 40 hp per model and 135 reinforcement cost.

nothing more infuriating than dealing 40 damage to a german sniper only to see him retreat for a "free" heal.
20 May 2018, 09:18 AM
avatar of Kasarov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 422 | Subs: 2

In CoH Eastern Front, Soviet Snipers were killed in one shot (essentially one man) if killed by other snipers, but considered 2-man for everything else. I'd prefer that even if it was for the aesthetics of just having 2 people.
20 May 2018, 09:39 AM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1

I just realised, why don't make soviet sniper works like officers squads? I mean, if sniper was killed - squad lose possibility to sniping models, if spotter was killed - LOS become greatly reduced or some other strong debuff.

Currently, german officers squads losing their abillities, if model of the officer killed.
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