I propose a slight visual change to reflect realism in cover use and bipod support:
1. In heavy and light cover as well as buildings, troops holding an LMG will use the crouching or kneeling animation with the LMG held to the shoulder. This puts the bipod approximately on the edge of the cover if a shell hole or wall and makes it appear supported.
2. Troops in the open continue to either hip fire if elite, or otherwise go prone to shoot.
3. This will have zero effect on balance, but visually will improve the look and feel of the game. I’ve akways thought it was silly that sandbags are built waist high and then troops all stand behind them fully exposing their chest instead of acutually using the cover. This will also add a visual indicator that some troops fight better from cover, like tommies and osttruppen, because they are shooting from a supported position.
4. I’m not sure about how hard this would’ve to implement, but if it were to be included in the SBP then at least we could all gain something that isn’t controversial like the horrible changes to the op op opie Cromwell.

5. Respond in the poll and support your answer with a comment. If you think it should remain the way it is, then why? If you like my idea, then why as well.