I've been playing coh 2 since the beta in 2013 and loved the first one albeit I stumbled on it just a year before coh 2 was released. I've never really felt the need to be too active on the forums but after most of my friends stopped playing coh after December balance patch hit for various reasons I wanted to share some of the observations I've made over the years.
For many years the forums had a lot of great people who based their opinions and views on hard facts and stats and who brought interesting insights to our knowledge like the amazing Cruzzis the More You Know megapost. Posts like these helped relic and the community to find game breaking bugs and whatnot and I'd say they contributed much to the players and the balancing of the game.
Nowadays I feel there are less such topics created and most posts are based more on feeling rather than hard facts. (as a side note I find it very unfortunate that coh2stats isn't being updated anymore with its faction and rank based win-loss ratios which overall helped to see the state of the game in different skill levels and game modes

1. Argument: USF riflemen struggle against multiple MGs. Counter: Smoke and flank L2P.
2. Argument: Wehr T4 is not very viable in 1v1. Counter: playercard plz --> rank 5000 player so argument invalid
3. Argument: Artillery cover is overperforming. Counter: you should have won the game before that.
4. Argument: Jackon is slightly overperforming. Counter: You're an axis fanboy so you want to nerf every Allied unit to the ground.
Posts like these are not that contributing and will usually start to sidetrack the subject and reduce it to useless bickering. I'm not sure if it's me not focusing on such replies as much in the past or are arguments like these used more nowadays instead of facts and stats from the game. I know it's easier to say a post is just pure bullpudding than to make a fleshed out counter argument to it. Sometimes it might feel extremely futile and a waste of time but I think that is the only way to keep a debate about balance productive and one needs to invest some time to his/her answers to keep the thread productive.
I find it unfortunate especially in threads where people try to propose new ideas on how to revamp certain units. While there often are some oversights I think it would be better to try and improve upon the idea rather than just saying "Your idea is completely wrong because you forgot this one interaction between another unit and it should be scrapped completely"
Also there seems to be more divide between the community. Sometimes it feels like there are only two extremes to choose from: either a full blown Axis fanboys or a total Allies fanboy without a multitude of choices in between. Such mentality makes it easy to discussions to devolve into a Our side vs Their side debates. There are no winners if one side would win the debate and in a theoretical scenario get to dictate the course of the balance changes. The weaker side would lose its playerbase and the "winning side" would have no one to play against or most matches would be just roflstomps without offering much of a challenge.
I wanted to make this post because I think that at this stage of CoH2's life cycle with maybe one balance patch coming in the future we should try to focus on finding common ground rather than fighting over trivial things and avoiding "identity politics". (of course coh is not a larger than life thing in itself and should be trivial in any case

This is a rather small community (but extremely passionate) in the first place so it would be great to see more people focusing on finding solutions together rather than trying to see who can win the most debates and can KO their opponents better. With Iron Harvest on the horizon which I suspect will compete with CoH's playerbase I fear that several people want to switch to that if they feel they have been wrongfully ridiculed or their opinions and observations have been ignored or discredited without good reason.
PS. I'm not sure if this is the proper forum to post this so feel free to move it but I wanted to share my thoughts and hopefully hear opinions from the community on whether they agree with me or not. I hope this does not devolve into a personality politics discussion I mentioned earlier