
russian armor

My idea to balance OKW

21 Feb 2018, 21:08 PM
avatar of Hooligan

Posts: 19

I think there needs to be a tag for threads or a subsection of "here's my hare-brained idea that will go nowhere but I thought I'd share anyway". Oh who am I kidding, that's every balance thread ;D

What I think would be funny is that in practice, the flak HT emplacement would just be a much bigger and slower version of the current flak HT that OKW has except it would... also let you spawn obers form it?

Currently the normal Flak-trak has to "set up" before it can shoot anyway, and is very vulnerable on its own, especially on the move. The upgraded version would just have a slower movement, a longer setup, and would perform a few base operations as well.

Side note, does this mean that soviet HQ would get veterancy for healing too? Or the Ost med bunker?

Not sure if you're mixing my idea with the other long post but functionally the flak ht would be the same. Long first setup time. Some kind of take down time and follow on setup time. Would be in very vulnerable truck form when moving. Would not be a riskless maneuver.
21 Feb 2018, 21:52 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

The OKW faction needs a rework/buff and my idea is to make the base trucks an integral part of gameplay without upsetting the current balance. The trucks right now on small maps are a liability outside of the starting zone and do not differentiate the faction in any way. When forward deployed in larger maps they become a liability late game to indirect fire and do not add much tactical intrigue to the faction. My idea is 2 pronged and simple:

1. Allow established bases to pack up, move and reset in a new area. The timer of the pickup and reset will have to be balanced. This will add new strategic options in early and late game.

2. Create 5 veterancy tiers for each truck. Currently the bases are too easily destroyed late game by indirect fire and the benefits do not scale well in larger team games. Let's add these veterancy benefits in a balanced order:

A. Increased health at each level. The bases are simply too fragile late game.

B. Add an additional healing/repair team at a certain level.

C. Increase the healing/repair speed at a certain level.

D. For the flak truck increase accuracy of anti air/anti infantry at a certain level.

E. Increase the healing/repair/flak aura range at a certain level.

F. Possibly increase unit production speed at a certain level.

G. Possibly remove the FRP reinforce penalty at a certain level.

The trucks should gain experience doing what they do: healing grants experience, repairing grants experience, and damaging planes and infantry grants experience.

Alternatively this could be a new commander or a rework of overwatch commander. Let's make OKW a truly mobile and dynamic faction. Any feedback most appreciated.

hahahahhahahah you cannot be serious
22 Feb 2018, 03:03 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Packing up has been discussed and tried before and our conclusion is that since you choose what a truck needs to setup as you can't just pack it back up and go. The only possible solution is to have the structure destroy itself and be replaced by a new HQ sWS on the spot, perhaps with a lower fuel cost of setting up a previously setup building. But the same HQ truck system like in CoH is impossible with the current OKW HQ sWS.

And also, ignore the retards that suggest putting the structures in the base sector, they have no idea what the point of a mobile HQ truck is.
22 Feb 2018, 03:17 AM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

Not sure if you're mixing my idea with the other long post but functionally the flak ht would be the same. Long first setup time. Some kind of take down time and follow on setup time. Would be in very vulnerable truck form when moving. Would not be a riskless maneuver.

No, I understood and basically said the same thing. It would be a more extreme version of the flak HT since it requires setup/tear-down and can't shoot while on the move.
22 Feb 2018, 04:54 AM
avatar of dk828315

Posts: 88

Give the Medic HQ the brace ability or allow it to pack up and move elsewhere. Don't need other HQs to have the same thing.
Or your Medic HQ gets spotted and blown up by tons of Allies canc...*cough*...artilleries and you have to spend lots of MP to build another one. So you don't put it too forward? It gets blown up regardless because recon runs, flares... So you put it in base sector? What's the point of mobile HQs then?
The HQs are fine in 1v1 and 2v2, larger than that and they get rekt.
22 Feb 2018, 05:42 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

And also, ignore the retards that suggest putting the structures in the base sector, they have no idea what the point of a mobile HQ truck is.

You heard it here first boys, HelpingHans is officially a retard in CoH2 for putting his trucks in base.

Please, tell me, why a comp stomper thinks he knows how things are done in multiplayer?
22 Feb 2018, 06:09 AM
avatar of Luciano

Posts: 712

Hector is this you? :snfCHVGame:
22 Feb 2018, 10:15 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Feb 2018, 05:42 AMKatitof

You heard it here first boys, HelpingHans is officially a retard in CoH2 for putting his trucks in base.

Please, tell me, why a comp stomper thinks he knows how things are done in multiplayer?

I said suggest, nobody said anything about doing it in competitive (shitty) play.

And even a comp stomper can use some common fucking sense you know, you're not a genius as much as you would like to think you are, or that you competitive boyos are superior human beings.

Tell me, what's the point of being able to set up your base anywhere on the map but being forced to do it in your base HQ sector?

We're talking about the same dumb shit for 3 years now and I see that nothing has changed.
22 Feb 2018, 11:03 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

I said suggest, nobody said anything about doing it in competitive (shitty) play.

And even a comp stomper can use some common fucking sense you know, you're not a genius as much as you would like to think you are, or that you competitive boyos are superior human beings.

Tell me, what's the point of being able to set up your base anywhere on the map but being forced to do it in your base HQ sector?

We're talking about the same dumb shit for 3 years now and I see that nothing has changed.

I don´t want to be the one that pulls the playercard argument BUT you play nothing but matches vs CPU. Which is totally fine. But why do you discuss PVP stuff then? It makes no sense because playing vs CPU and a actual human is totally different in COH2.

22 Feb 2018, 11:07 AM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

I said suggest, nobody said anything about doing it in competitive (shitty) play.

And even a comp stomper can use some common fucking sense you know, you're not a genius as much as you would like to think you are, or that you competitive boyos are superior human beings.

Tell me, what's the point of being able to set up your base anywhere on the map but being forced to do it in your base HQ sector?

We're talking about the same dumb shit for 3 years now and I see that nothing has changed.

it's a normal thing when its late game and all structures going down in world with howitzers even brits cant stop it in 4vs4 so whats the point ? When u are agresive with structures in early game its ok for me that u will lose them in late game. 4 brits or 4 okw always suggest u a commander with arty and its not nice when u are forced to use priest but not pershing as usf because u know it jagtiger will rekt u so do what alies do the best arty spam
22 Feb 2018, 11:10 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

luckily this guy has backed up his incredible game insight with his playercard
22 Feb 2018, 13:29 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I don´t want to be the one that pulls the playercard argument BUT you play nothing but matches vs CPU. Which is totally fine. But why do you discuss PVP stuff then? It makes no sense because playing vs CPU and a actual human is totally different in COH2.

I hate to boil your egg but this game doesn't revolve around your competitive scene, as you may have noticed the last balance update was aimed at the larger 3v3 and 4v4 games, and as far as I'm concerned that's not part of the competitive scene, now is it?

We're discussing a badly designed but perhaps equally flexible system, I say equally flexible because the British HQ trucks in CoH could move, however you're free to choose what you tech up here while in CoH it was more linear and didn't allow for much choice.

And I'm representing the non-competitive scene playerbase which is bigger if you check the Steam forums.

I used to be competitive in CoH but I was met with too much cancer and being called noob every 5 fucking minutes because I wasn't doing something correctly according to my enemy or teammate(s).

So there's that about your competitive elitism, just because I'm not competitive doesn't mean that I should be silenced about balance concerning the fucking game, not just your competitive scene.

Anyhow, back on topic,

My point being about the OKW trucks is that being mobile is the name of the game, and currently CoH which is ironically known to be a more stalemate sort of static game has more mobile gameplay, defenses can just be deleted and trucks can move freely, you are not required to be static, it's fully optional.

While here if you plop an OKW HQ truck somewhere that's it, you either gotta destroy it yourself or wait for the enemy to destroy it.

Same goes for the British emplacements.

Now I understand aggressive placement and that it's a risk/reward thing, however I don't see the reason why strategic thinking and being able to be mobile shouldn't be part of that same risk and reward system.

That's also why the retreat system is in place, so that squad has a chance of living and fighting another day rather than dying because the player wasn't paying attention or something. Or else you'd have the squad die just because you ran into an MG ambush for example, I see trucks and emplacement no different than the squads with their retreat system right now.

This is also why I said and continue to say that the Armies are badly designed, and perhaps it would have been better to instead have the option to call in specific HQ sWS from the base which are the same as the British HQ ones and able to pack up and move instead of now building an sWS and plopping it down somewhere without the ability to move.
22 Feb 2018, 14:38 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

I hate to boil your egg but this game doesn't revolve around your competitive scene, as you may have noticed the last balance update was aimed at the larger 3v3 and 4v4 games, and as far as I'm concerned that's not part of the competitive scene, now is it?

We're discussing a badly designed but perhaps equally flexible system, I say equally flexible because the British HQ trucks in CoH could move, however you're free to choose what you tech up here while in CoH it was more linear and didn't allow for much choice.

And I'm representing the non-competitive scene playerbase which is bigger if you check the Steam forums.

I used to be competitive in CoH but I was met with too much cancer and being called noob every 5 fucking minutes because I wasn't doing something correctly according to my enemy or teammate(s).

So there's that about your competitive elitism, just because I'm not competitive doesn't mean that I should be silenced about balance concerning the fucking game, not just your competitive scene.

Playing 3v3 and 4v4 is one thing. Playing vs CPU only another. I am not elitist but I just dont get how you can comment on balance when you dont even play PVP. Balance in AI games is not gonna resemble real PVP balance.

And "competitive scene" is NOT everyone who plays PVP but a small circle of 1v1 (and to a lesser extent 2v2) players.
22 Feb 2018, 14:39 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Feb 2018, 05:42 AMKatitof

You heard it here first boys, HelpingHans is officially a retard in CoH2 for putting his trucks in base.

Please, tell me, why a comp stomper thinks he knows how things are done in multiplayer?

Yeah I am wondering the same.
22 Feb 2018, 15:20 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Playing 3v3 and 4v4 is one thing. Playing vs CPU only another. I am not elitist but I just dont get how you can comment on balance when you dont even play PVP. Balance in AI games is not gonna resemble real PVP balance.

And "competitive scene" is NOT everyone who plays PVP but a small circle of 1v1 (and to a lesser extent 2v2) players.

I am a person with a lot of experience behind his back, I've played PvP in both games, I just enjoy and prefer Comp Stomps, easier to understand now?

And yes I do believe that I can comment on here because one, we live in a free world and 2, we use and face the same fucking units.

Stats are the same, situations might not be but still, you'll never hear me say "Omg this unit is OP plz nerf asap".

I provide design and feature feedback than balance such, I don't deal with the nitty gritty stats you're all on and about.

To me design is the main part of a game, balance is the fine tuning, if the design ain't working then the fine tuning won't make it any better.
22 Feb 2018, 15:22 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

luckily this guy has backed up his incredible game insight with his playercard

I don't see you being able to realize your balance claims son, you're just talking out of your user experience but probably have absolutely no fucking idea how to do something within the game engine, while I can.

But it's alright, continue to talk out of your (ass) experience based on assumptions, it's what got us to this point and I'm not seeing it change any time soon.
22 Feb 2018, 16:47 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

The precedent for mobile HQ trucks, the CoH 1 Brits, didn't have any combat utility on their trucks outside of reinforcing squads. They wanted to set up in a quiet resource sector and provide their +80% income boost without ever being bothered by enemy units.

This isn't the case for the OKW trucks: their abilities incentivise them to get as close to the action as they can without being destroyed. If they became mobile they'd need to become fragile too or you'd create a Sim City on wheels.

Mobile suppression platforms work because they're fragile: once the enemy has some AT capability they're relegated to defending the back line and deterring backcapper squads. The Schwerer HQ however can 1v1 a medium tank. This is fine at the moment because if you win an engagement against a Schwerer it's lost completely so the enemy has an incentive to place it somewhere they can defend. A mobile Schwerer can move with its army.

Likewise, the only mobile FRP in the game is the Major/Ambulance pair and that works because it's made of paper: it can advance but it's got to stay far back enough that it won't see combat.

To make mobile OKW HQ trucks work they'd need to not be able to advance aggressively (like the Ambulance) or not want to (like an Opel Blitz). Either way, they wouldn't be able to keep the stats and utility they have as emplacements and they certainly wouldn't be able to be made tougher.
22 Feb 2018, 16:55 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

I am a person with a lot of experience behind his back, I've played PvP in both games, I just enjoy and prefer Comp Stomps, easier to understand now?

Lower difficulty you play against instead of whining on balance as comp stomper against an AI that can't use units properly at all.
Easier to understand now?

Again, you're a 100% comp stomper.

ALL your balance problems are solved automatically by lowering difficulty.
22 Feb 2018, 17:00 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

ITT the 2+2=3 camp squares off with the 2+2=5 camp.
22 Feb 2018, 19:59 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Feb 2018, 16:55 PMKatitof

Lower difficulty you play against instead of whining on balance as comp stomper against an AI that can't use units properly at all.
Easier to understand now?

Again, you're a 100% comp stomper.

ALL your balance problems are solved automatically by lowering difficulty.

I see that you're back to the reason you were banned for such a long time.

I don't have balance issues, I have design problems which can't be solved by simply lowering the difficulty as you say.

And again, I am not a 100% comp stomper, or at least was, I still somewhat enjoy playing with teammates however I don't enjoy playing with or against people such as yourself, not because of your "mad 1337 skillz" but because you're simply a cancerous person, and that's why you were banned.

So I'd remain humble and keep my head out of my ass if I was you to be honest. You aren't out of the frying pan just yet.
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