
russian armor

AT infantry for OKW?

6 Feb 2018, 18:01 PM
avatar of dk828315

Posts: 88

Recently got back to playing OKW after a really long period of playing Ostheer

It bugs me that OKW has no dedicated AT infantry (Ost has PG, USF and UKF can dual equip their handheld ATGs, Soviet has Penal and doctrinal Conscript upgrade, not to mention Guard)

So why not give 2nd schreck to SP? Perhaps increase the cost to 90-100 munition

That or just make a brand new dedicated AT infantry for OKW and remove SP's schreck upgrade, they have a lot of jobs to do already

Your opinions?
6 Feb 2018, 18:51 PM
avatar of MarkedRaptor

Posts: 320

Once long ago, volksgrenadiers could be upgraded to a single panzershrek. The pure amount of cancer that caused ruined team games. You can tell they wanted to avoid that when they moved them to sturmpio's.

Though this was back in the day when flame grenades were instant, and you could toss them super far while suppressed. It might not really be all that bad anymore now that suppression counters those blobs better. Still it nullified vehicle play in team games from allies.
6 Feb 2018, 19:07 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

Also volks schrecks (and all infantry AT) used to give massive vet xp, so volks easily got to enjoy vet 5 by getting them.

Infantry AT was quite effective at AI at the time too.

The problem was volks, with vet, could barely miss at max range.

Combine the cost, the infantry sniping, rapid vetting, and max range accuracy... and you can see that a fix was necessary.

Sturms were given the schreck and volks got stgs instead.

And so the problem with volks schrecks was effectively removed.
6 Feb 2018, 19:17 PM
avatar of Two Years Gone

Posts: 29

I wish had an "intermediate" infantry like Wehrmacht has with the Panzergrenadiers. Volks are fine and dandy but there's only so much a Panzerfaust can do and I feel like Assault Pioneers are too fragile to handle the Panzershreck upgrade.
6 Feb 2018, 19:19 PM
avatar of dk828315

Posts: 88

Yeah I understand, I started playing OKW at some point after that volks schreck removal

At the moment, many Allies vehicles can easily kill and harass infantry, while OKW's early to mid game AT options are limited to Raketens and SP schrecks, the former is not very reliable because of its short range and the latter drop like flies before Allies infantry (I'm pointing specifically at riflemen and penals)

In team games, sure, I've seen some dudes blobbing multiple SPs with schrecks, but they are expensive and don't hold a candle to Allies infantry blobbing (again, riflemen), what 4 squads of schrecked SPs can do to vehicles, 2 squads of schrecked PGs can do it better
6 Feb 2018, 20:11 PM
avatar of A table

Posts: 249

If anything, volks got a buff when shreck got removed because of 2 STG's and a nondoctrinal snare.

With that said, the Raketenwerfer is quite powerfull but is prone to dying rather easiliy(hence the camo) and Pzershrecks on sturms are just a waste of that AI firepower early- game and the repair upgrade, the latter of which is needed later in the game with your high- health tanks.

Perhaps an solution is to give the Sturmpioneers 2 shrecks in the upgrade, remove the cold weather immunity bonus(Who TF left that? Cold weather is not even in automatch anymore, lmao) and increase price to 120 accordingly to match wehr Panzergrens.
6 Feb 2018, 20:14 PM
avatar of CptOps

Posts: 90

I wish had an "intermediate" infantry like Wehrmacht has with the Panzergrenadiers. Volks are fine and dandy but there's only so much a Panzerfaust can do and I feel like Assault Pioneers are too fragile to handle the Panzershreck upgrade.


As for AT infantry get the rakenwefer.That all you need,OKW infantry is versatile
P.S Who would get shreck on strumpioneers,i only got a 300 repair unit and i would like to keep them alive then using them for tanks that would just play the RUN OVER game.Like you said fragile don't throw them infront of anything.
6 Feb 2018, 22:35 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Plob obers in medical HQ truck.

Give them double shreck upgrade, maybe, MAYBE lower their mp price, MAYBE.



Edit: Make the MG34 upgrade require the Schwererpanzer HQ to unlock.
7 Feb 2018, 00:19 AM
avatar of Phoenix101

Posts: 63

Once long ago, volksgrenadiers could be upgraded to a single panzershrek. The pure amount of cancer that caused ruined team games. You can tell they wanted to avoid that when they moved them to sturmpio's.

Though this was back in the day when flame grenades were instant, and you could toss them super far while suppressed. It might not really be all that bad anymore now that suppression counters those blobs better. Still it nullified vehicle play in team games from allies.

But zooka, piat, ptrs mainline inf is not cancer that totally nullifies lights and counters meds pretty well?
7 Feb 2018, 04:13 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Also volks schrecks (and all infantry AT) used to give massive vet xp, so volks easily got to enjoy vet 5 by getting them.

Infantry AT was quite effective at AI at the time too.

The problem was volks, with vet, could barely miss at max range.

Combine the cost, the infantry sniping, rapid vetting, and max range accuracy... and you can see that a fix was necessary.

Sturms were given the schreck and volks got stgs instead.

And so the problem with volks schrecks was effectively removed.

God that was such a weird time now that we think about it.
7 Feb 2018, 04:19 AM
avatar of dk828315

Posts: 88

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Feb 2018, 20:14 PMCptOps


As for AT infantry get the rakenwefer.That all you need,OKW infantry is versatile
P.S Who would get shreck on strumpioneers,i only got a 300 repair unit and i would like to keep them alive then using them for tanks that would just play the RUN OVER game.Like you said fragile don't throw them infront of anything.

Fausts are good for snaring, they don't do serious damage like schrecks, and against decent players they will just reverse their vehicle as soon as they see volks come running, and flanking is just wishful thinking, considering the lack of urban maps nowadays

I dunno about you, but I'd rather have a pak than that cheesy raketen
7 Feb 2018, 04:25 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Fausts are good for snaring, they don't do serious damage like schrecks, and against decent players they will just reverse their vehicle as soon as they see volks come running, and flanking is just wishful thinking, considering the lack of urban maps nowadays

I dunno about you, but I'd rather have a pak than that cheesy raketen

Yeah but the fact that volks (and all other mainline inf except sections) can force away tanks is not to be underestimated at all, even against good players. In a way, they're just as threatening as schrecks since they can make a tank a sitting duck and just their existence coupled with the fact that they are on a majority of the infantry on the map means that tanks have significantly less breakthrough ability on their own and can't just steamroll at walls and suicide dive other armor all day.

Rak can also cloak and retreat, so that's pretty nice. I actually like them a lot.
7 Feb 2018, 04:51 AM
avatar of dk828315

Posts: 88

Yeah but the fact that volks (and all other mainline inf except sections) can force away tanks is not to be underestimated at all, even against good players. In a way, they're just as threatening as schrecks since they can make a tank a sitting duck and just their existence coupled with the fact that they are on a majority of the infantry on the map means that tanks have significantly less breakthrough ability on their own and can't just steamroll at walls and suicide dive other armor all day.

Rak can also cloak and retreat, so that's pretty nice. I actually like them a lot.

But they cost munition for each use, using them every time will dry munition pretty quick

Good players will always support their vehicles with infantry walls, which exploits the limited range of fausts and raketens, forcing them to retreat maybe after 1-2 shots at best (don't tell me to charge volks at those riflemen, sections and penals without expecting some serious bleed or wipe)

Like some dude said, I'd like SP to have a 2nd schreck to further reward baiting and ambush play, right now OKW doesn't have serious AT until late game as raketen has short range and doesn't give the other player a threatening feeling like the pak does (maybe blobbing raketens works, just maybe)
7 Feb 2018, 04:56 AM
avatar of dk828315

Posts: 88

But zooka, piat, ptrs mainline inf is not cancer that totally nullifies lights and counters meds pretty well?

Also what this guy said
7 Feb 2018, 05:42 AM
avatar of ruzara

Posts: 26

well.. can you cue spongebob stupid meme "bUt OkW DiD HaVe TaNk tO CoUnTer AnOtHeR TaNk"

but no seriously OKW realiant on fuel to counter allied tanks (especialy heavies) is kinda a problematic well i know the base design of OKW for "you have elite infantry (SP and Obers) and Powerfull Tanks and vehicles* for a price) but fueless AT or i dubb "manpower or munition AT" which is good for a comeback from disasterous early game is kinda important.. but have mercy i only have 450 hours in this game dont flame me.. :blush:
7 Feb 2018, 06:01 AM
avatar of dreamerdude
Benefactor 392

Posts: 374

Honestly one shrek on your sturm squad is actually quite fine. as if you got two then you get super reps super fast, and this would be to powerful.
Two sturms are quite the investment but are worth it as well to push off mobilized assaults

Also your rektington is probably your best option on taking on tanks and light vehicles with your volk's snare. your AT weapons are really awesome, and grow extremely powerful to extreme satisfication when the penetrate a gaping hole into the enemies most precious and valued units
7 Feb 2018, 07:22 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

But zooka, piat, ptrs mainline inf is not cancer that totally nullifies lights and counters meds pretty well?

Well they ARE, but all them are minimum 280mp and a fuel sidegrade and then muntions ontop at the very least. Non of them self heal either. Penals while hellishly OP do have the worst AT weapon for assaults, long aimtime means no snapfire guided missiles, and low damage means no alpha strike. They are the molitov of AT weapons. (Although they are still OP)
7 Feb 2018, 07:48 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

Its funny to read that volks bloobs was op and bs ...but penals, zooks, piats blobbs are ok?

this blobbs are actually more cancer than volkblobb ever was...


and the guys who tell us that schrecks nullifie any tanks...lol...play as axis and try to drive with axis tank around the field....you need repair every 1-2minutes.

or you hide them behind the 3. line...
7 Feb 2018, 08:30 AM
avatar of A table

Posts: 249

Its funny to read that volks bloobs was op and bs ...but penals, zooks, piats blobbs are ok?

this blobbs are actually more cancer than volkblobb ever was...


Typical response.

Allied blobs nearly aren't as powerfull against german armor because of the difference between penetration rates and heavier german armor values(Panzershreck pens waaaay more frequently than the M9 and PTRS). Not to mention rifles and penals are more expensive to build and reinforce, something that the volksgrens dont have as a downside.
7 Feb 2018, 08:37 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

Typical response.

Allied blobs nearly aren't as powerfull against german armor because of the difference between penetration rates and heavier german armor values(Panzershreck pens waaaay more frequently than the M9 and PTRS). Not to mention rifles and penals are more expensive to build and reinforce, something that the volksgrens dont have as a downside.

You must oversee that schrecks misses a lot (seems much more than piats and penals AT gun)
and we dotn talk only about heavy tanks and panther..there a much mor armor from germans withc struggle hard vs AT bloobs...

and you forgett that german armor was nerfed hard the last 3 patches....while the allie TD was buffed into the sky.

KT is penetratet by anything....it needs so much babysitting and support..much more than any other tank

So the actually status is:

allie have much better anti tank tool since brits are in game, german armor was nerfed hard and schrecks blobbs are not anymore, while allmost every allie squad can equip a handheld AT and get much stronger TDs..
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