
russian armor

Penal Battalions Balanced patch from Relic *Sarcasm

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3 Jan 2018, 06:03 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44


I can show more clips of similar situations

It would not have mattered if I had both units behind heavy cover, penal would have still soaked up damage long enough to be a balanced unit

this has been a problem for a while now, however with the latest nerfs and changes it is becoming incredibly more obvious and frustrating how such a cheese tactic is winning at the moment.

It should not be and it is very strange that any Soviet player you meet now in game completely ignores conscripts and builds only penal battalions.
I mean why woulnt they? Because they have to combine arms and play like every other faction has to?

HOW is this even historically accurate? penal battalions were ex convicts fighting for their freedom, they should have less equipment and fighting capabilities then conscripts.

But forget about realism it just should not happen in an RTS like this a unit can ignore cover and flanking maneuvers so early in game and just A right click move.

3 Jan 2018, 06:05 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44


starts at 40 mins

we had 2 win ez streaks, then we are paired up against penal blob
I still beat teammate back to spawn camp but it doesnt matter

soviets are too strong in this patch, penal blob wins.

3 Jan 2018, 09:26 AM
avatar of macca2112

Posts: 3

I'm sorry but this is just too much for me, you literally made me make an account just write a response to this thread. You are complaining about penals being Op when in one of the examples you gave for them being Op was a volk squad out in the complete open losing to a Penal squad in heavy cover.... Guarantee if that volk squad had have been in heavy cover and the penals out in the open the penals would have lost. This is not a penal issue this is a l2p issue.
3 Jan 2018, 10:42 AM
avatar of aomsinzana

Posts: 284 | Subs: 1

Cons build with PPHS/ Elite infantries is more popular, end of story.
3 Jan 2018, 10:49 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

It is nice that you provided a video so we can see what you did wrong. If you had closed into close range (<10) there was a good chance you would have won with them at that HP. Instead you stayed at mid range where they kept their cover bonus (50% Received Accuracy & 50% received damage bonus)
3 Jan 2018, 11:24 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44

It is nice that you provided a video so we can see what you did wrong. If you had closed into close range (<10) there was a good chance you would have won with them at that HP. Instead you stayed at mid range where they kept their cover bonus (50% Received Accuracy & 50% received damage bonus)

Why would i close range with infantry that is meant to engange in long range?

Volks are no good from close range, unit card states good long range inf. They should not be loosing long range battles against ex convicts.

One volks squad was also shooting from an angle where the unit was not affected by heavy cover.

this is just the clip i bothered to share, I have many more. I stream this game, I do not come here to cry or make things up.
3 Jan 2018, 11:26 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13495 | Subs: 1

Why would i close range with infantry that is meant to engange in long range?

Volks are no good from close range, unit card states good long range inf. They should not be loosing long range battles against ex convicts.

The ST44 upgrade actually increase their DPS mid to close significantly.

"unit card" was not properly updated when ST44 become available.

The reason he suggested to move closer is so that that "point blank" mechanism would kick in and penal would not benefit from cover bonuses.

On the other hand Penals still remain a unit too strong for it's time-frame and with too powerful vet bonuses.
3 Jan 2018, 11:27 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44

I'm sorry but this is just too much for me, you literally made me make an account just write a response to this thread. You are complaining about penals being Op when in one of the examples you gave for them being Op was a volk squad out in the complete open losing to a Penal squad in heavy cover.... Guarantee if that volk squad had have been in heavy cover and the penals out in the open the penals would have lost. This is not a penal issue this is a l2p issue.

you are wrong, i can clip you more clips if you being wrong.

Penals even in the open ground will out dmg and take more shots then volks can receive or give.
both units behind heavy cover will give penal victory.

Penals do not come in 1 either, a good player brings 2.

The penal spam is real.

Also, you need to learn to view peoples profile. Ive been playing this game since coh 1 and I have 700 hours into coh 2. I am not new or here to just vent, it is an obvious unit that is seeing good results in this patch.

Against OKW they are too strong.
3 Jan 2018, 11:31 AM
avatar of Nubb3r

Posts: 141

Do you even know about the point blank mechanism, or how model drops reduce dps and influence engagements? That Volks would've won 100% if you went close.
3 Jan 2018, 11:31 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Jan 2018, 11:26 AMVipper

The ST44 upgrade actually increase their DPS mid to close significantly.

"unit card" was not properly updated when ST44 become available.

The reason he suggested to move closer is so that that "point blank" mechanism would kick in and penal would not benefit from cover bonuses.

Penals remain a unit too strong for it's time frame.

You are talking about st44, I know this, penal battalions are a t1 unit.

The complain here is that they are too strong as a starter unit EARLY GAME.

Before you even munitions to upgrade bolks with st44.

Puts you at a severe disadvantage that much muns for one upgrade and not having ability to flame nade soviet MG.

A good soviet player now is bring penal, mg and guards. It is too strong against OKW.

3 Jan 2018, 11:33 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Jan 2018, 11:31 AMNubb3r
Do you even know about the point blank mechanism, or how model drops reduce dps and influence engagements? That Volks would've won 100% if you went close.

Do you even know the HP of and dmg of penals now?

You think i have not tried that?

By the time i can close the gap, I will lose 2 units in that squad, for sure.
The dmg they can soke up is tremendous and the output too strong for start of game.

Do you guys replying even play okw or have face this? If so please share clip becaused all I here is talking and no proof.

this clip also is a poor example because that guy only went 1 penal and 1 conscript.

it is not worth building conscrits anymore. If he had 2 penals he would of decimated.

Rushing penals is not doable atm, try it against a good player at start of game who brings 2 out. PLease.
3 Jan 2018, 11:35 AM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44

I am speaking strictly from an OKW perspective.
3 Jan 2018, 11:36 AM
avatar of Nubb3r

Posts: 141

Do you even know the HP of and dmg of penals now?

You think i have not tried that?

By the time i can close the gap, I will lose 2 units in that squad, for sure.
The dmg they can soke up is tremendous and the output too strong for start of game.

Do you guys replying even play okw or have face this? If so please share clip becaused all I here is talking and no proof.

The penals are obviously low hp so models should drop quickly once the cover bonus is negated by closing in.

Volks are in the open, so it can't get any worse than that, so you might as well close the gap and negate the cover bonus

You are either trolling and we're falling hard for it, or you might consider relearning the basic coh mechanics.

Penals in general are strong and even though they are expensive, they are just a little too strong right now atm. This does not mean that your clip is any kind of "proof" or whatever. The footage shows some severe l2p work that needs to be done.
3 Jan 2018, 12:18 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13495 | Subs: 1

The complain here is that they are too strong as a starter unit EARLY GAME.

And if you read most post I agree with that and pointed that their veterancy bonuses are also way too strong especially compared to OKW vet bonuses.
3 Jan 2018, 12:26 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

look to the fast model drop...thats BS...even Obers wouldnt kill in this speed
3 Jan 2018, 13:25 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

It's not penal that are too strong is volks that deal almost no damage
but in this case he has cover and 1 vet so i would say learn to use some cover too (volks are better at long range)
btw did you win ?
3 Jan 2018, 14:06 PM
avatar of Kharn

Posts: 264

So we're comparing a what...

250 Manpower (or is it 240?) 5 man Volk squad to a...

300 Manpower (plus the building, so like 200 manpower + 10 fuel? ) tech upgrade.

Now lets look at the clip, he was sitting in green cover, you sat in no cover.

I don't understand why this is surprising. Engaging a squad already in green cover while sitting in the open. You should of tossed a grenade and hoped for the best because he was already in a favorable position.

Penals are great, but you give up tier 2 which narrows down your toolsets. It was also the only reliable way to counter Volk blobs or G43 blobs that came the Soviets way.

Also I'd stop arguing that convicts were shit, this is a video game. Historical accuracy is not the main focus.
3 Jan 2018, 14:21 PM
avatar of Drones200

Posts: 44

oops I did not notice clip was shit, i updated it with a better view of what I am concerned about. After viewing clip, I was tired and playing a little badly. But I have better clips of what I mean, in the future I will update.

I do not want to argue or come off as a whiner, I love this game.

I am just noticing Penals getting pretty strong against OKW inf early game, too strong for comfort.
3 Jan 2018, 14:31 PM
avatar of Kharn

Posts: 264

The volks have been a balancing act for a lot of their release. The core problem was their vet 5, they used to get it super easy with Shrecks. So they they removed shrecks, but then the AI got too good with vet5 + stg's, incendiary grenade, and they also get a tank snare.

In my honest opinion, and since we were quoting game hours, I have over 2000 hrs played and while I'm no 1v1 master, we did make it to the top 100 in 2's.

The Volks need to have a focus, they can handle almost any situation and because of that they do not excel in any given situation. At one point they were very strong, vet5 volks w/ STG's were just mowing down anything, and for a main line infantry to be that strong feels a bit overpowered.

1) Removed the panzerfaust, perhaps give it to Sturms when they upgrade w/ their Anti-tank package? (Also maybe have a similiar vet like RE where sturms can get an extra squad member? 1 shreck on 4 weak dudes usually maens they get wrecked) Up the AI capabilities of Volks.

2) Remove the STG44 upgrade from volks, and buff their stats to be more on par w/ Conscripts/Grens/Rifle/Infantry sections. Honestly these are every factions mainline troop, and engagements "should" be left to positioning, closing, and tactics. Rather than " mines significantly better" we're not talking about grenades or anything, we're just talking about raw duking it out firepower.

Note, Penals are still considered more elite in my mind than cons as they do require an actual building to produce while the others (except Grenadiers, but what else do you call a mainline infantry for ost, engineers? or machine guns? lol... but this is also why grens perform well, and the riflenade is still insanely strong).

But volk balance is very difficult, they've been OP as fuck in the past, we can't go back to that.
3 Jan 2018, 14:50 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Jan 2018, 14:31 PMKharn
The volks have been a balancing act for a lot of their release. The core problem was their vet 5, they used to get it super easy with Shrecks. So they they removed shrecks, but then the AI got too good with vet5 + stg's, incendiary grenade, and they also get a tank snare.

In my honest opinion, and since we were quoting game hours, I have over 2000 hrs played and while I'm no 1v1 master, we did make it to the top 100 in 2's.

The Volks need to have a focus, they can handle almost any situation and because of that they do not excel in any given situation. At one point they were very strong, vet5 volks w/ STG's were just mowing down anything, and for a main line infantry to be that strong feels a bit overpowered.

1) Removed the panzerfaust, perhaps give it to Sturms when they upgrade w/ their Anti-tank package? (Also maybe have a similiar vet like RE where sturms can get an extra squad member? 1 shreck on 4 weak dudes usually maens they get wrecked) Up the AI capabilities of Volks.

2) Remove the STG44 upgrade from volks, and buff their stats to be more on par w/ Conscripts/Grens/Rifle/Infantry sections. Honestly these are every factions mainline troop, and engagements "should" be left to positioning, closing, and tactics. Rather than " mines significantly better" we're not talking about grenades or anything, we're just talking about raw duking it out firepower.

Note, Penals are still considered more elite in my mind than cons as they do require an actual building to produce while the others (except Grenadiers, but what else do you call a mainline infantry for ost, engineers? or machine guns? lol... but this is also why grens perform well, and the riflenade is still insanely strong).

But volk balance is very difficult, they've been OP as fuck in the past, we can't go back to that.
greens perform well lol https://sendvid.com/5fr0m0ng
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