
russian armor

at partisan buff

do they deserve a little buff ?
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Total votes: 17
30 Dec 2017, 22:55 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

I think with all the nerf its time to at least buff the pop cap, right now is 8 for a 4 man squad with 0 damage and a shrek (they have at granade on cd when they come out) they should be 6 at max, then I would buff their survaivability and/or give them another shrek at vet 2 (this last part is not in the vote just the pop cap is, this is a sugestion futher down the road)
30 Dec 2017, 23:14 PM
avatar of Smaug

Posts: 366

what do you mean 0 damage and a schrek? isnt a schrek enough
30 Dec 2017, 23:26 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Dec 2017, 23:14 PMSmaug
what do you mean 0 damage and a schrek? isnt a schrek enough
0 damage in ai department ,they are an engineer squad with scherk
30 Dec 2017, 23:52 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

The have a mine, an AT grenade, a Penetrationbuff with veterancy, cloak and come out with AT weapon ready...They are far more cost efficient than AT stormtroopers...

Can we stop creating OP AT infantry and then buff the rest to become even more OP like AT Penals (satchel), Tank Hunter Conscripts, AT Airborne...

And all that just to shift meta...
30 Dec 2017, 23:55 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Dec 2017, 23:52 PMVipper
The have a mine, an AT grenade, a Penetrationbuff with veterancy, cloak and come out with AT weapon ready...They are far more cost efficient than AT stormtroopers...

Can we stop creating OP AT infantry and then buff the rest to become even more OP like AT Penals (satchel), Tank Hunter Conscripts, AT Airborne...
storm trooper can chose and have less RA and they actually deal damage to infantry (o.75 vs 1 and 2.26 vs 0.8 at long range at close it’s even worse)
30 Dec 2017, 23:56 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

storm trooper can chose and have less RA and they actually deal damage to infantry

And they cost more, have to pay for they AT weapon have no snare or mine...

How many times have you used AT stormtroopers?
30 Dec 2017, 23:59 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Dec 2017, 23:56 PMVipper

And they cost more, have to pay for they AT weapon have no snare or mine...

How many times have you used AT stormtroopers?
not as many as I used stg but you know why ? Cause panzer greens exist , if they did not exist most people would take schrek
Still they have both 8 pop cap that’s not fair
31 Dec 2017, 00:04 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

not as many as I used stg but you know why ? Cause panzer greens exist , if they did not exist most people would take schrek

The pop is the same as stormtroopers and its fine.

Partisan actually need a nerf...
They should not be able to move cloaked (most infantry should be be able)
(and the explosive grenade should be removed from smg partisan)

Tank hunter conscripts also need a nerf. Even better if the PTRS/AT greandes went to Penals (OR PTRS was completely removed from penals)
31 Dec 2017, 00:06 AM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Dec 2017, 00:04 AMVipper

Partisan actually need a nerf...
They should not be able to move cloaked (most infantry should be be able)
(and the explosive grenade should be removed from smg partisan)

Tank hunter conscripts also need a nerf. Even better if the PTRS/AT greandes went to Penals (OR PTRS was completely removed from penals)
............... when was the last time you played partisan or soviet for all that matters
31 Dec 2017, 00:07 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

............... when was the last time you played partisan or soviet for all that matters

I played soviet 2 hours ago, the majority of game I played the last day was actually with Soviets...
Pls don't make this personal...
31 Dec 2017, 00:08 AM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Dec 2017, 00:07 AMVipper

I played soviet 2 hours ago, the majority of game I played was actually with Soviets...
Pls don't make this personal...
i'm not making this personal im just asking cause it's almost 1 year thta in dont see partisan and if you remove ptrs from penal we return to 0 with tier 1 at
ppsh patisan deal less damage than ass greens , they are 4 man , and have 1 target size
31 Dec 2017, 00:13 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

i'm not making this personal im just asking cause it's almost 1 year thta in dont see partisan and if you remove ptrs from penal we return to 0 with tier 1 at

And this idea that some units need to be OP for commander to become more attractive is what is keeping the meta in 2-3 commanders.

The game is redesigned continuously while major issues that should be fixed remain untouched for years now.

PTRS on Penal proved to be a bad designed (and Penals generally). It was advertised as counter to light vehicles and instead it become a counter to heavy tanks.

(PPSH partisan could spawn as 3-4 entity squad being able to reinforce to 5 at base.)
[Ass-grenadier are more expensive and Partisan where the only spawning infantry that did not pay a premium...]
31 Dec 2017, 00:20 AM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post31 Dec 2017, 00:13 AMVipper

And this idea that some units need to be OP for commander to become more attractive is what is keeping the meta in 2-3 commanders.

The game is redesigned continuously while major issues that should be fixed remain untouched for years now.

PTRS on Penal proved to be a bad designed (and Penals generally). It was advertised as counter to light vehicles and instead it become a counter to heavy tanks.

they at max deal 120 damage x volley compare it to bazzoka that deal 200 but with only 2 slot
if you have problem with the satchel then don't go near them , its not like you need to crush them
and btw you know this is about at partisan not your hate for soviet penal and old cheese
31 Dec 2017, 00:51 AM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

They do..that's out of question.
The problem is they shouldn't become too cheesy.
31 Dec 2017, 01:02 AM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

They do..that's out of question.
The problem is they shouldn't become too cheesy.
I think a pop cap of 6 m/7 and a target size of 0.92 would be fair
31 Dec 2017, 05:57 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Don't they have a target size of over 1? Or am I mistaken/did they get buffed in that department?

Also, don't most axis players complain about how measly one schreck is? I mean, no one runs around vaunting the at power of stormtroopers and sturms right? AT partysans do have more at tools, but they also couldn't even beat a stock weapon crew and don't have stuff like bundled nades or concussion nades and stgs like stormtroopers and sturms respectively (the other 2 single schreck squads).

Also it's silly that they have the same popcap as stormtroopers.
31 Dec 2017, 07:45 AM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

Main issue is their excessive 35mp reinforce cost. Falls are 36 nowadays.
31 Dec 2017, 08:53 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

I think a pop cap of 6 m/7 and a target size of 0.92 would be fair

That would lead to blobing while in some map they will also be able to easily counter the blob counter, the rocket artillery.

In the current price the unit is OP compared to the baseline (ostheer) equivalent of AT stormtroopers.

The commander might need some changes the units is fine for the cost, units (in most cases) must be balanced compared to other units and not as commander abilities.
31 Dec 2017, 10:02 AM
avatar of Luke_512

Posts: 42

Yeah good luck blobbing AT partisans, you'll just get bled to death by any squad decent at AI. At 35 apiece and unable to be merged by conscripts getting more than one/two AT partisans is just asking for trouble.
31 Dec 2017, 11:33 AM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

Yeah, pop-cap and reinforce cost should get lowered, but another schrek at vet2 would be too much, for a unit that also has a snare.
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