
russian armor

DBP USF thread

11 Nov 2017, 21:08 PM
avatar of Bizrock

Posts: 206

Dont worry boys, USF have Air supremacy to deal with this, Just pick Airborne Commander and call P47 Rocket strafe.
They will be great for creating craters on the ground.
11 Nov 2017, 21:46 PM
avatar of ClassyDavid

Posts: 424 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2017, 02:14 AMGrumpy


Yes my viewpoint is purely from one v ones and stated before I don't know team games one bit. Jackson in ones I feel is fine but like you've pointed out as have other team players they feel otherwise and I can't dispute that due me not playing team games nor would I as said before I don't have experience.

1v1 matches usually end a bit after manpower bleed has started to settle in, USF has started to slump and there's so many paper tanks to micro. For teamgames, just double the effective duration of the match.

That's the trade off of USF is having a more difficult late game due to having a strong early and mid game. (Expect against OKW for reasons) Shermans have the best versatility of medium tanks with the drawback of having no armor and Jacksons have the benefit of being a turreted TD. USF also have ways to reduce bleed which is explained one of my previous posts.

There's no point at building Jacksons by that point; everything can kill it in 2-3 shots, and there's so many guns around. Therefore USF goes for the infantry/tactical artillery spam game.

This speaking of ones or twos perspective?

The changes will make it so that the insane micro requirements of the jackson get lifted, but it will do so by losing some firepower.

The jackson feels too crappy at v1.3, if anything. So, some stuff like cost and move accuracy might be reverted. I think it's worth exploring the idea of a 640HP jackson with 160 damage that can shift to HVAP shells every once in a while.

I'll see how the Jackson functions with said stats even if I disagree with the changes. Saying that the current 1.3v Jackson feels confused is the best word I can use. It's weaker against medium tanks and below due to the reduced damage while the added penetration isn't noticeably against heavier armor. The reduced accuracy on the move is felt and should be reverted if the Jackson is kept the same as of 1.3v given it's role of being a mobile tank destroyer. Wouldn't recommand reverting the damage to 200 if it keeps the HP buff.

17 Nov 2017, 02:46 AM
avatar of kingdun3284

Posts: 392

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2017, 10:25 AMEsxile

1- stock late game arty, doesn't need to be at Calliope or Priest level but something that can force off your opponent from its position. USF already have something with the PakHowit but it is not enough for the late game.

Unfortunately, PakHowit can't even survive to mid game due to extremely early stuka in team game. I hope USF to have non-mobile artillery a long long time ago which can make it not crippled any more( not force to pick a dedicated doctrine everytime in team game for accessing such a basic unit that OKW and OST can have it whatever)

17 Nov 2017, 02:47 AM
avatar of kingdun3284

Posts: 392

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Nov 2017, 21:08 PMBizrock
Dont worry boys, USF have Air supremacy to deal with this, Just pick Airborne Commander and call P47 Rocket strafe.
They will be great for creating craters on the ground.

We all know that it is the best ability to kill the strums that repairing the tank but not the tank itself.
17 Nov 2017, 02:56 AM
avatar of kingdun3284

Posts: 392

USF really lacks something to clear garrisoned unit in team game until there is doctrinal priest or calliope. Pack howitzer is not an option as it will be yummy exp for stuka. USF mortar is nowhere comparable to ost mortar spam. Smoke is a joke when horde of volks and strum is protecting the garrisoned MG of OST in team game. In fact, most of the time two USF on same side = lose game at the beginning.

When OKW obviously had more tools to counter garrison than USF, OKW just got care from God Relic by giving the op flame nade suddenly which no one demand for it( AND BRITISH HAD NOT RELEASED AT THAT TIME) for increasing quality of life for axis player. Why not giving USF flame nade or some god's care like what happened before lolllllllllll?
17 Nov 2017, 11:08 AM
avatar of Kurfürst

Posts: 144

Ever tried Rifleman's granade vs garrisons?
18 Nov 2017, 02:25 AM
avatar of kingdun3284

Posts: 392

Ever tried Rifleman's granade vs garrisons?

It is not an early option and a stupid idea . In early game, you simply dont have so much munition for smoking + throwing at least two MKII. Also, MKII granade need extra tech cost that delay you build CPT and stuart just for not losing game to OP luch immediately. Not to mention the effectiveness of MKII to clear out a building is nowhere comparable to the lava nade while being more expensive and heavily depends on the size of the buildng that basically you need at least two to three to kill a squad in a medium size building. And poorly you dont even have assult rifle engineer that cost 20 MP more only that good at clear building in the beginning which mean OKW clearly have more stock option to counter garrisoned than USF, relic yet decide to give axis player even more care and convenience and brainless play that allow volks to always throw super long range op instant impact lava nade to the MG from the front by keep crawling on the ground instead of flanking.
18 Nov 2017, 02:40 AM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

USF needs a better building clearer or something to help clear buildings/Early bunkers.

Mortar over shadowed in 2v2+ by ost mortar and simply wont hit anything, Mortar HT requires CP and commander, Pak comes out late and pop cap heavy.

I think USF for being so early game heavy they really lack early game tool wise to even get out of the gate in a game larger than a 1v1.
A buff to wc51 would be a nice mix up to see as well as a buff to maybe the barrage on the mortar or cost reduction on nade tech/ability cost.

I mean think about it now, 30 muni for nade alone. So to clear an MG in a building, you need smoke (15 muni) so throw to cover your advance (most of the time) and you might need an extra nade to clear the bulding after the first nadem and then you also need to look at the idea that you need an investment of 3 squads to clear one. Its not a good match up for USF.

*edit* a cost reduction to major might be a nice change so the Sherman comes out before a panther in 2v2+ as well.
18 Nov 2017, 04:27 AM
avatar of kingdun3284

Posts: 392

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2017, 02:40 AMMittens
USF needs a better building clearer or something to help clear buildings/Early bunkers.

Mortar over shadowed in 2v2+ by ost mortar and simply wont hit anything, Mortar HT requires CP and commander, Pak comes out late and pop cap heavy.

I think USF for being so early game heavy they really lack early game tool wise to even get out of the gate in a game larger than a 1v1.
A buff to wc51 would be a nice mix up to see as well as a buff to maybe the barrage on the mortar or cost reduction on nade tech/ability cost.

I mean think about it now, 30 muni for nade alone. So to clear an MG in a building, you need smoke (15 muni) so throw to cover your advance (most of the time) and you might need an extra nade to clear the bulding after the first nadem and then you also need to look at the idea that you need an investment of 3 squads to clear one. Its not a good match up for USF.

*edit* a cost reduction to major might be a nice change so the Sherman comes out before a panther in 2v2+ as well.

As long as USF isn't on axis side, Relic won't care about this. Who ever demand for flame nade for OKW? Until now, I still do not understand why relic suddenly replace flame nade than regular nade to volks while USF should be the one which have the least garrisoned clear options. The only reason for I can think of is that OKW is the most favorable faction of Relic. It's quite clear and obvious. Do anyone still remember the unlimited KT and jagtiger, volks shercks spam, auto repair and auto healing that come with tech up, stock ober with free lmg for every 400MP and ultimate human armour, god like moving maxim on vehicle called kubel and etc. Team game was a nightmare at that time. Ally had to defeat their enemies before 10 minute marks otherwise you would lose your game. Start from the beginning of WFA released, you can find all handy designs and OP units for players are all clustered on one single faction called OKW while USF lacks every type of basic unit in their stock and players must gain access to them by paying for DLC. The most poor design in the game.
18 Nov 2017, 05:41 AM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

As long as USF isn't on axis side, Relic won't care about this. Who ever demand for flame nade for OKW? Until now, I still do not understand why relic suddenly replace flame nade than regular nade to volks while USF should be the one which have the least garrisoned clear options. The only reason for I can think of is that OKW is the most favorable faction of Relic. It's quite clear and obvious. Do anyone still remember the unlimited KT and jagtiger, volks shercks spam, auto repair and auto healing that come with tech up, stock ober with free lmg for every 400MP and ultimate human armour, god like moving maxim on vehicle called kubel and etc. Team game was a nightmare at that time. Ally had to defeat their enemies before 10 minute marks otherwise you would lose your game. Start from the beginning of WFA released, you can find all handy designs and OP units for players are all clustered on one single faction called OKW while USF lacks every type of basic unit in their stock and players must gain access to them by paying for DLC. The most poor design in the game.
In comparison to Coh1 its pretty backwards as far as balance goes. I dont think USF needs an flame nade as the mortar can fix the issue but the over-nerf by Relic and the outcry of the normie community has over nerfed the unit to do its job of building clearing.

If you want my own opinion I would say OKW is an easy faction to play outside of 1v1 and maybe 2v2 depending on team match up. Units scale well, limited micro, but can have its downsides here and their. All and all I would say they are the most babied factions as its hard to make simple changes to them such as adding smoke to LEIG, or (what should happen) nerfing their STG upgrade.

USF feels like a punching bag, either your tech is too expensive (nade tech/ major tech) or you have no way to clear buildings or deal really with blobs. You can go t1 for sure and get 50. cal but whats the point when you need that 25 fuel JUST for nades... its silly.
18 Nov 2017, 15:02 PM
avatar of kingdun3284

Posts: 392

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2017, 05:41 AMMittens
In comparison to Coh1 its pretty backwards as far as balance goes. I dont think USF needs an flame nade as the mortar can fix the issue but the over-nerf by Relic and the outcry of the normie community has over nerfed the unit to do its job of building clearing.

If you want my own opinion I would say OKW is an easy faction to play outside of 1v1 and maybe 2v2 depending on team match up. Units scale well, limited micro, but can have its downsides here and their. All and all I would say they are the most babied factions as its hard to make simple changes to them such as adding smoke to LEIG, or (what should happen) nerfing their STG upgrade.

USF feels like a punching bag, either your tech is too expensive (nade tech/ major tech) or you have no way to clear buildings or deal really with blobs. You can go t1 for sure and get 50. cal but whats the point when you need that 25 fuel JUST for nades... its silly.

Yup, the mortar of USF is nearly useless now in team game mode. Not to say countering anything with its inferior range, it's survival is also problematic. The super reload speed of ostheer's mortar can annihilate USF mortar within a second while being cheaper. So the only early building clearing option for USF is gone now after several over-nerf while the flame nade is still the same as it was.

Hope they give something USF that can counter garrisoned troop in the early stage. I don't mind it is a flame nade or flamer or any form of useful option.
18 Nov 2017, 15:07 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Yup, the mortar of USF is nearly useless now in team game mode. Not to say countering anything with its inferior range, it's survival is also problematic. The super reload speed of ostheer's mortar can annihilate USF mortar within a second while being cheaper. So the only early building clearing option for USF is gone now after several over-nerf while the flame nade is still the same as it was.

Hope they give something USF that can counter garrisoned troop in the early stage. I don't mind it is a flame nade or flamer or any form of useful option.

If they don't want the USF mortar to perform too well on the open, they can just give it a bonus damage vs garrisoned unit but I would prefer stock flamethrowers on RE.
18 Nov 2017, 18:37 PM
avatar of CobaltX105

Posts: 87

I'm of the unpopular part of the USF crowd that wishes the mortar was never added. Doing so led to Rifle nerfs, while the Pack that should have that role remains a piece of crap, with it's ridiculous cost, high popcap, and inferior abilities.
18 Nov 2017, 20:04 PM
avatar of Outsider_Sidaroth

Posts: 1323 | Subs: 1

I'm of the unpopular part of the USF crowd that wishes the mortar was never added. Doing so led to Rifle nerfs, while the Pack that should have that role remains a piece of crap, with it's ridiculous cost, high popcap, and inferior abilities.

It's issue is the range, once it can fire smoke from 80 range, it will be good again.
18 Nov 2017, 22:35 PM
avatar of skemshead

Posts: 611

I find all the tears over the morter to be fanboy histeria. If the unit is so crap why is it present in 99.9% of games i play vs usf.

That said usf should have a flamer available some way or another. Probably add to grenade tech and lower cost also.

The idea that asymmetric balance blocks all factions having same units and abilities can be coujter productive when there is few othwr viable options or the alterate optuons cause more problems like morter spam causing squad wipes or frustrating game experience. For example all factions have mgs and at gums and nades etc etc.
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