Maybe the fact that soviet tanks were on par with the german ones while soviets also outproduced germans 5:1 on tanks. Maybe thats my point
So no historically its not really accurate at all.
This was the situation in 41 and 42. Late 42 saw the first Tigers in action around Leningrad and the newly arrived Panzer IV F models with the longer barreled 75 mm guns. The CoH2 multiplayer is set in 1943-1945. The situation you describe isn't even a thing in this game. The production issue I will address below.
Also my point is that t34 was actually on par with p4 while still being cheaper. A good hit from t34/76 could take out p4, the other way around too p4 could get t34 with a good hit. Both tanks were rouglhy equal while t34 was cheaper to produce, had a better construction and so it was easier to maintenance, it was more reliable, faster, dont forget there were almost 4 times more t34/76 produced and over 5 times more t34/85 produced during the war in comparison to p4. Why is that not reflected in the game I have no clue at all. In the game t34/76 doesnt stand a chance vs p4 when in reality it was on par with it. 
Yes a well organized T34-76s crew could definitely take out a Panzer IV. A T34-76 was however not in possession of a better construction than a Panzer IV. The German production values stood head and shoulder above that of the Russians, this is why the Russians could outproduce the Germans so easily. A Panzer IV was just as reliable as a T34-76, yet it required more care. Needing more care doesn't mean something isn't reliable. The more care factor actually makes things more reliable. The T34 was more rugged, I'll give it that. But the early 1941 and 1942 models had no on board radios, apart from the commander, and had overal poor visibility. Later a commander cupola would solve this problem and further radios solved the other issue too.
Now you complain about the factor that more T34s were produced in the war than Panzer IVs. This is correct and the game portrays this by giving you the cheapest medium tank in the game: T34-76s for 80 fuel. Even more so, the Panzer IV of the Ostheer costs 125 fuel whils the Panzer IV of the OKW costs 150 fuel. For an OKW Panzer IV, you can almost (10 fuel more needed) have 2 T34-76s. The same factor is seen on the Ostheer side, where the Stug III is the cheapest and most cost efficient armored fighting vehicle. This reflects the fact that the Stugs were the most produced German armored fighting vehicle in the war.
Also the worst trained tank crews were those of tiger tanks not t34. Also tiger engines often broke down and they lacked fuel all the time.
If you would actually educate yourself, you would see that the Tiger crews in 1943 and 1944 consisted of the most experienced and high skilled crews there were in the German tank forces. They were pulled from their normal units on the Eastern front in late 1942 to start training in the Tigers. They were selected on basis of experience, performance and character.
They broke down early in their lifespan, because they were rushed into production and service. This was fixed pretty early on actually. As for the fuel, this doesn't mean a thing for the actual fighting capabilities of a Tiger Tank. It outranged almost every Soviet tank in the war and didn't give a rat's ass about T34 shots unless they came closer than 250 meters on the sides and rear. A lot of TIger commanders simply put their tanks on top of vantage points and wipe T34s of the face of the earth from 1000+ meters away.
Perhaps you should read Otto Carius's Tigers in the Mud book. It is an interesting book on the life within a Tiger tank and the operational hierarchy and tactics.