About FBP: I think the Tiger Ace fuel cost change is great. It shouldn't cost only manpower. However the 8 min resources penalty doesn't seem much to me. I think this should be at least 13 min if not more.
I haven't done the numbers, but you're still paying a lot of resources for the Tiger Ace, on top of not being able to call a 2nd one. The resource penalty duration is adjustable, of course!
About other things.
Why does the British UC only cost 260 manpower? Why does it take 3 fausts to go down?
Why does the soviet scout car cost 190 manpower and 15 fuel? Why does it take 1 faust (and a few shots) to go down?
This doesn't seem fair to me at all, i think the UC should be more expensive at least.
Technically, the UC is supposed to be the only mobile anti-garrison tool. Thus, the best fit for this unit is an easy-come easy-go unit. That means less manpower cost and less durability, and some fuel cost added. With the Pathing, the unit will already be stronger.
Even in the revamp mod, I don't feel we've figured out the unit properly (it's currently too strong there).
Now about something else, and i wonder why nobody has started crying about this yet tbh 
Don't you think the sturmtiger deserves a nerf or at least a change? It's a pretty silent insta squad AND tank wiper. Yes a blob deserves to be punished. But the sturmtiger can also just pick of squads one by one without the owner of those squads can do anything about it. It seems ridicilus to, but maybe that's just my opinion.
Scope works by adjusting the extreme outliers (usually nerfing, rather than buffing), and knowingly ignoring the obvious commer-ups. Everybody is already queueing with the Elite Armour commander in their loadouts. Is there somebody on this forum that can't see the Sturmtiger meta coming in teamgames after the patch hits (similar to how we got DSHK meta after Maxim nerfs)?
Maybe luchs should be a bit more expensive as well? It costs 115 fuel to make a luchs. To make a t-70 it costs about 160 fuel and to make a stuart costs 130 fuel. Idk about aec, but as i believe that comes rather quick too but at least it isn't such a good anti infantry tank. Making the luchs a bit more expensive would seem only fair to me.
The Luchs costs 60FU, which is fair given that that generalist T-70, with way more utility costs 70FU. With respect to timing, it should come out earlier than the generalist beasts, otherwise why bother? You're never going to build a Luchs at the same time that a T-70 is out.
That's because you need something to kill the T-70, and now you also need to keep the Luchs safe?
The biggest offending things for the Luchs are:
- The near-absence of moving penalties for scatter
- The fact that it never misses vs non-infantry, even when moving
That means you can use your cheap early luchs to kill off all ultra-light vehicles, no sweat, and then chase after retreating infantry.
The biggest offenders for the Luchs rush are:
- Repair speed insanity
- lava nades
- the insane scaling of Volks which comes after the Luchs rush
- Poor AT options for Soviets/UKF (PIATs should get a range increase, and PTRS should get a responsiveness fix)
If you fix those issues, the tier remains an effective shock tier to complement the more conservative MedHQ tier. If MechHQ doesn't offer efficient light vehicles early enough, it just won't get built ever.