1. Range
2. Durability from Brace (No need for additional explanation)
3. Double Mortars
You can't attack a British defensive line in any proper way. Mortar Pits can discourage combined arms pushes onto the territory (No MG42/MG34 cannot stay in support for very long before being destroyed or being forced to relocate/retreat). Plus it's Auto-Fire capability is quite devastating so I concede that it would be rather annoying.
Yet at the same time, the Mortar is also Immobile. Making it's range the same as other Mortars or making them much easier to destroy simply isn't an option. Can't break it down, can't retreat... Yada yada yada... I originally thought slowing down their rate of fire would do the trick but they get more accurate the closer you get and makes such a change irrelevant.
While I was at work thinking about the issue, I think I got an idea that might please both sides without giving up the Mortar Pit's maximum range or overall durability.
I propose that they be given a Minimum Range of 35-40 for Auto-Fire only. Meaning that if German Infantry are shooting at it, chances are they are inside the range where the British Player is required to either defend it with other units (Maybe garrison infantry inside) or manually call in a Barrage from said Mortar Pit (Can be avoided by a German Player that is paying attention).
This would give the Germans more time to damage the Mortar Pit without having to be on the move all the time. And since they will have that extra time to do their work, the Mortar Pit won't be as frustrating to deal with and the British can take advantage of being able to garrison them for defense. Maybe it will even force them to Brace early, clearing the way for a Bombing Run.
Now I know what you are thinking. "But what if they build a second Mortar Pit to cover it?" I considered that and thought that it might be time to bring back Friendly Fire to all Mortars in the game. It will make such support far more tricky and force the British Player to tell his second Mortar Pit to Hold Fire (Shutting down Auto Fire) and choose to use Manual Barrages instead to avoid hitting his men. There's also a cooldown to Barrage so if he misses, he has to wait half a minute to try again.
That way, even using Emplacements will add the element of "Skill" that people like to harp on about here. It also kinda makes it's Auto-Fire range effectively 80 Range, like other Mortars. Just that the range doesn't start until 35 Range away from the Pit.
Yes, it is likely to be supported by a Bofors but it is a large investment so if you didn't take advantage of the new minimum range and attack the site before the British build one, well... That's tough, move faster next time! lol.

Of course, it MIGHT warrant a max range increase to at least the Barrage to hit the OKW ISG to make up for the new weakness but I would like to see how a change like this plays out first.
What do you guys think? Before answering though, please have a good think about what these changes allow you to do.