
russian armor

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1 Apr 2017, 19:13 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

Noob Question:

are these changes supposed to be in the final game too as well?

then i will try to playtest it as much as possible the week after next (don't have time the next few days) as the cromwell and comet changes just made me orgasm 3 times in a row

Would these changes make you orgasm more if :
Comet, T34/85, Sh E8, Cromwell, Sherman (all variants), T34/76 were completely removed from game? :)
1 Apr 2017, 19:14 PM
avatar of Nebaka

Posts: 133

were yours post somekind of a April Fool's joke :megusta:

even pioneer dont get surpressed if they were manage to get in green cover properly and the mg doesn't shoot from flanking position

Oh my God! You're right! Three Maxims can't suppress anyone in green cover!

1 Apr 2017, 19:26 PM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 19:14 PMNebaka

Oh my God! You're right! Three Maxims can't suppress anyone in green cover!

... should they?
1 Apr 2017, 19:26 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

Could Snipers get, say, 10% range bonus to offset their blanket
nerf to camouflage?

They were hard to use. They're noW much harder to use.
Throw them a bone, at least.
1 Apr 2017, 19:32 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

Maxims are at their annoying best when spammed and when used in opening build orders. Being in the same structure as at guns also exacerbates the problem.

Don't get to fancy with the solutions.

Delay their arrival, adjust reiforce cost, increase pop cap and much of the problem is solved.

If you want to be bold remove a-move from all team weapons thus increasing skill cap.

Personally i see maxims as a damage multiplier not a suppression platform. Maxims should be used in conjuction with other unit to make up for the lack of damage from cons etc.

They are already weakest for the cost.

Doubling how long it takes to make them, doubling their cost, and doubling their popcap will
only bring about one thing : That they stop being used entirely.

The problem is that they are so weak that they only work when spammed.
Also consider that when you have Maxims, you don't have Penals.

Germans also dislike Penals.

Wouldn't it be sweet if Soviets could only spam Conscripts?
Please note conscripts don't scale well at all, and that their molotov got nerfed into ground
already (OMG that windup time).

(Would it kill germans if that ridiculous windup time was fixed) ... Actually it would, but...
1 Apr 2017, 19:57 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 19:26 PMTobis

... should they?

If the question is serious, yes.

Heavy cover doesn't mean immunity to suppression.
1 Apr 2017, 20:03 PM
avatar of rein001

Posts: 87

I feel like there way too many axis fanboys "helping" to make this patch .
1 Apr 2017, 20:03 PM
avatar of Sarantini
Honorary Member Badge
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Posts: 2181

Widening the arc of the maxim, while probably good for balance, diminishes the uniqueness of the unit.
Just a thing I've seen since the launch of the game where problematic units got changed to look more like their counterparts of the enemy faction
1 Apr 2017, 20:31 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Pfuss nerf
Kubel rework
Infiltration squads
Soviet buffs
Stug need
Cons buff
Demo rework
Garisons reworked
Counters to mgs in houses
Frienuly damage homogenisation
Howitzer survivability
More doctrinal choices
Loiters nerfs
Panther buff
UKF rework

When ???
1 Apr 2017, 20:47 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

Pfuss nerf
Kubel rework
Infiltration squads
Soviet buffs
Stug need
Cons buff
Demo rework
Garisons reworked
Counters to mgs in houses
Frienuly damage homogenisation
Howitzer survivability
More doctrinal choices
Loiters nerfs
Panther buff
UKF rework

When ???

Next patch will be calliope nerf, land mattress nerf, additional USF rifle nerf, ober reinforce time buff. Stop asking bad questions.
1 Apr 2017, 21:19 PM
avatar of Mirdarion

Posts: 283


Ok.Not April's fool.

Massive nerf of the Cromwell *AND* making it 120 fuel vs 110 fuel is...

If before it was 10+10+10 vs 30...
Balance is 6+6 vs 30.

Weaker and fewer.

If anything, could you at the very least reduce the pop cost of
Brit-AT 17 PDR emplacement from 20 to 10.

Also, perhaps a scuttle ability to Brit emplacements?
Also never understood why brit trenches can't be shared, but OKW/Wehr
trenches can?

I agree on the 17 lbser, although 10 is quite a bit too low for that unit. It should be equalised towards the PaK 43, but have some trade-offs over it to make up for the added durability and the fact that it can't be stolen (while the PaK 43 should have its ludicrous interdimensional bullet removed).

Regarding the Cromwell, the nerf only seems massive, because the unit was massively overperforming (and still will be, when comparing prices). The Panzer IV even with the nerfs can't keep up with it, while being more expensive and coming out later. The Cromwell is slightly less armoured than the Panzer IV, better armed (which alone would be enough to make up for the lack armour), significantly more mobile, and costs less - and that is after this nerf. So the tank still outperforms the Panzer IV and still costs less. How the fuck is that logically explained?
1 Apr 2017, 21:33 PM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 19:14 PMNebaka

Oh my God! You're right! Three Maxims can't suppress anyone in green cover!

If the question is serious, yes.

Heavy cover doesn't mean immunity to suppression.

and......while any other MG same as maxim can't ?

did you ever heard cover to cover again MG ? or atleast changing position while weapon crew need to reload their gun ?
1 Apr 2017, 22:19 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 20:47 PMGrumpy

Next patch will be calliope nerf, land mattress nerf, additional USF rifle nerf, ober reinforce time buff. Stop asking bad questions.

They should just be honest and delete all 3 allied factions.
Every game would be Axis victory :)
2 Apr 2017, 03:46 AM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 09:11 AMJubey
I really like all the changes, the maxim nerf is a good thing but please do something for conscript they are in a terrible state right now.

Why not give them the possibility to purchase DP-28 while you reach soviet T4 ?
This change will no affect player who spam conscript without teching and make them viable in late game.

- Yup. Maxim being nerfed.
- Don't worry, conscript nerf is next. Their stats will be cut in half and their costs doubled.
- Conscripts wouldn't have access to DP-28. Conscripts barely have access to 1 Mosin-Nagan per 2 soldiers.
- Conscripts are not meant to be viable. Like MAxims or Penals or Snipers (Notice the mega nerf to Snipers recently?) Mines got nerfed too.
- PS : People bitched about blobbing. But tanks running them over was one of the best anti-blobbing
techniques I know.
2 Apr 2017, 03:51 AM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 13:13 PMArray
Vet 1 Maxim ability - some kind of passive buff for nearby conscript squads like accuracy boost as the gain confidence from the support of experienced mg crew. Helps weedy conscripts after first few min and encourages combined arms

- I *LIKE* that!
2 Apr 2017, 04:23 AM
avatar of wongtp

Posts: 647

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Apr 2017, 19:26 PMTobis

... should they?

dude, if its 1 mg, i agree with you, heavy cover should counter suppression. but this is 3 whole squads of mg, 3x more bullets flying straight at you. now to put it into in-game context, if 3 mg cant do it, what is 1 mg then, just a show of sounds and lights while pelting marshmallows?

in most cases, that concrete wall in front of you would have been chewed up by that kind of firepower.

i dont know which is scarier, the fact that time is an impending doom that will claim everything that we hold dear in the future or

you asking this kind of question while being in the team that help contribute to the patch.
2 Apr 2017, 05:05 AM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

- Just had a thought. Could give conscripts free molotov upgrade with T2. Would tie in to the Maxim
super nerf.
- Because in retrospect, Penals have AT satchels for free. AI/ATgrenade right there.

Conscript AT nade and Molotov upgrade only makes sense if the player spams conscripts.
And they don't.Because Maxims and PEnals are SO (were?) much better than conscripts.

Personally, I think Penals should get upgraded to Strelski with possible DP-28 upgrade if they
vet enough. Can't be a vet 3... CONSCRIPT.

Vet 0 Panzergrenadier and vet 3 "conscript"... hmmm...
2 Apr 2017, 05:07 AM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

*** Side comment ***

I just played the Mod Preview...
Grenadier blew up my 6 man Maxim squad with 1 rifle grenade...
(they were in the open and not bunched up) and then they captured
my maxim... so the resulting 3 man german maxim squad... fired... a...
rifle grenade and wiped a 2nd 6 man Maxim squad (bunched up, however).

I was very impressed at watching a maxim squad fire Rifle Grenades.

Reminds me of when Shock troops and Penal squads throwing AT 'nades.
2 Apr 2017, 05:20 AM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Apr 2017, 04:23 AMwongtp

i dont know which is scarier, the fact that time is an impending doom that will claim everything that we hold dear in the future or you asking this kind of question while being in the team that help contribute to the patch.

It's just a joke man. Seriously though, it's because the dps of 3 maxims is so high the squad will die before they have a chance to suppress.
2 Apr 2017, 06:24 AM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

are p4,shitty okw commander abilites,p4 and falls out of scope...???

also the comet needs its rear reduced too

cromwell and sherman is still >> p4

rifle and double bren tommys are still cancer(although its the axis dedicated anti infantry sucks thats why tbh)

flamerhetzer buffs when..??

volks getting extra weapons slot when..??

why isn't brace removed yet..
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