
russian armor

Have Relic abandoned the game?

5 Mar 2017, 14:41 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Answer in red:

I don´t know if they all were fixed but here are gamebreaking bugs.

  • USF crew hopping bug - to save manpower and popcap
    Not a bug, part of the "design" of USF. Artillery hopping (Priest undecrewable while reducing pop at the same time) could be fixed but for tanks...

  • Tank phasing - tanks can move throught tanks
  • Ost incing shot bug (or feature)
    Feature. You could just reduce accuracy values
  • Tank pathing, light vehicles have problem to turn around because of cover problems
    Just remove goddamn capture points hitbox
  • OKW mines do not supress
  • British bugged tank abilities
  • Both OKW and USF halftracks are still moving like retarded unless you micro them like crazy
    For OKW is mainly due to deploy. For USF is due to having the "rear" been the side on which it shoots.
  • MGs sometimes dissapear when crew die, mostly when shot by artillery fire. MG´s still have enaught health. There isn´t even HMG wreck afterwards.
  • Ghostwiring still exists, you can wire kubel off for example, or ghost part of cover while sitting on the other
    And this will keep occuring unless you go all in and make them units phase through. I'm fine with the current implementation of WBP
  • Motocross bug - light vehicles sometise do 360 degree drifts, losing speed and dying.
  • Few vehicles can get stuck into own carcases (eg 444 - remaining 222 get stucked into dead 222)
    Few? ALL VEHICLES can get stuck. Even mediums without heavy crush. Bane of trying to flank a tank and then you get stuck inside it after killing it. I feel that this has to do with phasing vehicles.
  • Reloading bug, HMG´s and oswinds aren´t able to reload while out of combat often resulting into 1 burst and then long reload, giving enemy option to flank HMQ or kill oswind
    Design problem. Give them already manual reload
  • Deathloop
    RNG, doesn't gunner now have lower priority? If the target is at max range and they can't reach the crew, then it's obvious that there is gonna be a "deathloop"
  • HMG´s overshotting their max range (range you can see when you click at hmg) while being in house
    Visual bug. Range is been shown with the center been the garrison and not the window from which the HMG is shooting from.
  • Elevation bug - tanks often cannot shot on infantry that is on hill, ISU152 have biggest problem with this - makes it almost useless at langres .
    Map design problem. Elevations = bad. Not something i expect it can be fixed either than adjusting the maps.
  • artillery "doubleshot" bug artillery pieces (mortars,light howies) can shot 2-3 rounds in very quick succesion because they fire normal round, barrage round and normal round, often resulting into squadwipe
    You can shoot 2 quick rounds not 3 (i think). The 3rd one is part of the normal barrage. I think this could be fixed by forcing a reload but i don't think it's bad to be considered a bug
  • Firefly tulips are often missing kingtiger. No matter how I try, I always miss second tulip, even when kingtiger isn´t moving
  • Weapon stucking bug - you can stuck 2x lmg34 on obers or flamer and sweeper on royal engineers
    One requires a macro (i think). The other comes from inneptitude. The 2nd one is "easily" fixeable
  • Royal engineers flamethrower incosistency
    Ez fix
  • Capping flags still block tank pathing
  • Light vehicles can push infantry out from cover, giving OKW clear advantage with kubel
    Not a bug
  • Kingtiger being uncallable until you chose doctrine
    "Overlooked" i guess.
  • There is still heavy snow around buildings on many maps
  • you can still block units retreat path via ghosting
    Just accept that certain amount of ghosting is gonna stay in the game
  • USF dissappearing nades

    These are all bugs I can give you now, If I think a bit more maybe i will find more of them, but still you can see how many bugs are there. Bold ones are gamebreaking

NOTE: bug =/= exploit =/= balance
5 Mar 2017, 14:50 PM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1


In addition to elchino7 post.
From 25 october patch - Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause vehicles such as the Puma and 222 to do unintentional 360 or 180 degree turns.
Weapon stucking bug is fixed in WBP - Fixed an issue with players being able to double-buy certain upgrades using macro-based cheats.
KT can't be called before choosing a doctrine - already mentioned in QoL suggestions thread.
Reloading for units - already mentioned in QoL suggestions thread.
5 Mar 2017, 14:52 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

  • Ost incing shot bug (or feature)

Which bug is that? Sniper lolshot or?

  • OKW mines do not supress
  • British bugged tank abilities

Fixed. Comet/Cromwell smoke fix will be included when the tanks will receive the required balancing attention they need.

  • Reloading bug, HMG´s and oswinds aren´t able to reload while out of combat often resulting into 1 burst and then long reload, giving enemy option to flank HMQ or kill oswind

I won't disclose how (stuart-level abusable bug), but part of this issue is mitigated by a relevant bugfix.

  • Elevation bug - tanks often cannot shot on infantry that is on hill, ISU152 have biggest problem with this - makes it almost useless at langres .

We can fix this with some QoL-level projectile changes. We already tried this with T-70, but we couldn't tell for sure whether this affects aiming or not. We will trial this again at some point when projectile change is going to be the only change.

  • artillery "doubleshot" bug artillery pieces (mortars,light howies) can shot 2-3 rounds in very quick succesion because they fire normal round, barrage round and normal round, often resulting into squadwipe

There's a long list of abilities that can doubleshoot (i.e., skip reload cycle). We're aware of this and, at some point, we will add a global fix to them.

  • Firefly tulips are often missing kingtiger. No matter how I try, I always miss second tulip, even when kingtiger isn´t moving

I've legitimately never had Tulips miss vs stationary things. Is this related to elevation?

  • Weapon stucking bug - you can stuck 2x lmg34 on obers or flamer and sweeper on royal engineers

First part is fixed. Second part has not been yet accepted

  • Capping flags still block tank pathing

This was rejected. Go stage a /riot in the official forums or something. Otherwise I don't see this ever getting approved.

  • Light vehicles can push infantry out from cover, giving OKW clear advantage with kubel

What would qualify as non-buggy behaviour then? Vehicles phasing through infantry? If this only makes a difference for a set vehicles, why not address the durability of those vehicles, instead?

  • Kingtiger being uncallable until you chose doctrine

Fixable. Needs to be approved.

  • There is still heavy snow around buildings on many maps

Notify the mapmakers :3

  • USF dissappearing nades

I think this has already been fixed, even in the live version. Are there squads that still do that?
5 Mar 2017, 15:45 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Answer in red:

NOTE: bug =/= exploit =/= balance

How you can call incendiary round a feature ? It´s the same as demo, wiping squad for 45 munny. Some units cannot do a shit about this, like mortars and AT guns.

Brits and USF have biggest problems with this.

OKW mines still do not supress in WBP, we were playing WBP, mines sometimes did not supress

Most of others we either agree or are easily fixed. But the question remains, why they aren´t fixed already. Most of them are well-know since 2013. Relic fault.

Smith asked shadowada to give him 10 bugs, I found many more that plague the game since beggining. Do you really find it fine that unit/vehicle dies because it cannot move throught fucking gosted wire/tank trap ?

If you do not consider mortar firing 2 rounds a bug, then what is pershing with his double shot yolo round killing his counters ?

HMG firing arc is a visual bug ? lol. It is really annyoing when you do not know where exatly the hmg can fire, often changing good flank into deathtrap.
5 Mar 2017, 15:51 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

OKW mines still do not supress in WBP, we were playing WBP, mines sometimes did not supress

There was one mine-fix that added suppression to OKW mines (back in 1.0 iirc?), and then another, general mine fix that fixed all mines (m20, tellers, schu, etc). This was in v1.9.1? Are you still experiencing this bug?

5 Mar 2017, 15:53 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

There was one mine-fix that added suppression to OKW mines (back in 1.0 iirc?), and then another, general mine fix that fixed all mines (m20, tellers, schu, etc). This was in v1.9.1? Are you still experiencing this bug?

Maybe it was only because mine hit only 1 model
5 Mar 2017, 18:16 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

How you can call incendiary round a feature ? It´s the same as demo, wiping squad for 45 munny. Some units cannot do a shit about this, like mortars and AT guns.

Are we talking about sniper incendiary round right? Not sure what is the bug you are talking about besides it having like 1000% accuracy so it won't miss on retreat. Same with aimed shot, it was designed to work like that.

Do you really find it fine that unit/vehicle dies because it cannot move throught fucking gosted wire/tank trap ?

Yes, cause the alternative is to make everything phase through. Call it a certain degree of micro, simil to blocking the path of retreating squads with a vehicle. I don't think it's GOOD but i consider it fine.

If you do not consider mortar firing 2 rounds a bug, then what is pershing with his double shot yolo round killing his counters ?

The effect of 2 mortar shots firing with a random scatter is less pronounced that the polarising effect of having two rounds of 160dmg from a medium heavy tank which can lead to killing a vehicle. That's what i'm trying to say.

HMG firing arc is a visual bug ? lol. It is really annyoing when you do not know where exatly the hmg can fire, often changing good flank into deathtrap.

Yep, simil with other UI problems the game has (ex: party cover).

The 4 i put bolded are the ones which are really annoying/gamebreaking (tank phasing, MG wipes, weapon exploit and vehicles getting stuck).

AGAIN, you have to differentiate BUGS from BALANCE and from DESIGN issues. Take for example the suppression mine issue:
-IF the mine is not applying any amount of suppression then it's a BUG
-IF the mine fails to suppress the squad due to AoE not been big enough to affect all models when squad formation is spread out, then it's a BALANCE concern.
5 Mar 2017, 18:23 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

AGAIN, you have to differentiate BUGS from BALANCE and from DESIGN issues. Take for example the suppression mine issue:
-IF the mine is not applying any amount of suppression then it's a BUG
-IF the mine fails to suppress the squad due to AoE not been big enough to affect all models when squad formation is spread out, then it's a BALANCE concern.

For me as for player it is bug. I do not care why the mine didn´t supress enenmy squad. Developer stated that mines will supress squads. And when I lose whole left flank because enemy run throught mine but didn´t get supressed, then I get annoyed. He will flank my HMG, forces me to retreat and possibly even grabs my AT guns behind.

And why ? Because mine didn´t supress. I counted on it because developer clearly stated in one of his official patchnotes that mines will supress from now, but this one did not suppress.

As player I will call it bug, because I do not create what is behind that mine, why it didn´t suppress. All I want from developer to give me supressive mines when he states that mines are supressive.
5 Mar 2017, 22:43 PM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

-EVERY GAME DEVELOPER RELIES on players for FINDING bugs. Same with PROPER feedback for balance concerns. Problem comes with TIME between patches AND players actually fixing them.

First of all, great developper has beta during months/years and hire people to play their game and find bugs/glitch.

But i understand that when the game is already released they can actually rely on players to FIND bugs.


Honestly, relic is more a joke than a game company IMO.
6 Mar 2017, 22:34 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

many people here has to get it through their heads that their vision for the game, however logical and right it may sound to yourself, is not set in stone.
7 Mar 2017, 00:56 AM
avatar of Ramps

Posts: 99

I don´t know if they all were fixed but here are gamebreaking bugs.

  • USF crew hopping bug - to save manpower and popcap
  • Tank phasing - tanks can move throught tanks
  • Ost incing shot bug (or feature)
  • Tank pathing, light vehicles have problem to turn around because of cover problems
  • OKW mines do not supress
  • British bugged tank abilities
  • Both OKW and USF halftracks are still moving like retarded unless you micro them like crazy
  • MGs sometimes dissapear when crew die, mostly when shot by artillery fire. MG´s still have enaught health. There isn´t even HMG wreck afterwards.

  • Ghostwiring still exists, you can wire kubel off for example, or ghost part of cover while sitting on the other
  • Motocross bug - light vehicles sometise do 360 degree drifts, losing speed and dying.
  • Few vehicles can get stuck into own carcases (eg 444 - remaining 222 get stucked into dead 222)
  • Reloading bug, HMG´s and oswinds aren´t able to reload while out of combat often resulting into 1 burst and then long reload, giving enemy option to flank HMQ or kill oswind
  • Deathloop

  • HMG´s overshotting their max range (range you can see when you click at hmg) while being in house

  • Elevation bug - tanks often cannot shot on infantry that is on hill, ISU152 have biggest problem with this - makes it almost useless at langres .

  • artillery "doubleshot" bug artillery pieces (mortars,light howies) can shot 2-3 rounds in very quick succesion because they fire normal round, barrage round and normal round, often resulting into squadwipe

  • Firefly tulips are often missing kingtiger. No matter how I try, I always miss second tulip, even when kingtiger isn´t moving

  • Weapon stucking bug - you can stuck 2x lmg34 on obers or flamer and sweeper on royal engineers

  • Royal engineers flamethrower incosistency
  • Capping flags still block tank pathing
  • Light vehicles can push infantry out from cover, giving OKW clear advantage with kubel
  • Kingtiger being uncallable until you chose doctrine
  • There is still heavy snow around buildings on many maps
  • you can still block units retreat path via ghosting
  • USF dissappearing nades

    These are all bugs I can give you now, If I think a bit more maybe i will find more of them, but still you can see how many bugs are there. Bold ones are gamebreaking

You forgot the almighty invincible invisible AT ZIS GUN
7 Mar 2017, 13:31 PM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

I could be wrong but from what I see, many fixes that are common sense and well needed are rejected and refused from the higher ups.

Relic/Sega has legit been their own worse enemy shooting themselves in their own foot

You guys think this WBP is not gonna come out with a game breaking bug?
Or a unit that wasn't even discussed or change is gonna suddenly go batshit OP??

Relic has had a reliable history of coming from the left field and ruining something that was perfectly fine (USF mortar), that or it's someone tying to keep there job for another year...
7 Mar 2017, 17:58 PM
avatar of Ducati
Benefactor 115

Posts: 164

Clearly COH2 is a low priority project and the level of support has dropped, but is it abandoned - no. The winter balance patch is a clear example that they are providing some level of support.
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