Few ideas:
1) Custom color
Say i hate the baby-blue color and perhaps i want to see myself as red or dark blue or purple or green or neutral white etc ...allow this option
Obviously, this should only work from the player's perspectiv and NOT from the enemy's perspective!
2) Decals / skins
Some people (like myself) who are brand new and are still learning, enjoy the skirmish vs Ai alot!
Please let us make the AI able to use the skins / decals we unlocked for ourselves !!!
i.e. lets say as Wehrmacht, i unlocked 2 winter skins ... let me be able to assign these skins to the enemy Wehrmacht AI
ditto for all factions!
3) Better ground texture!
please...for the love of god...give an option, for the players with better hardware, an option for High Definition resolution for ground !
just a tiny zoom, and the ground looks like an error texture from the 860x480 days

4) For solo/ skirmish vs AI, implement an option so the human player can order the A.I. to attack a zone / guard a zone / take a resource node !
Starcraft II has this option for when players play with an A.I. ally (it has been implemented in Legacy of Void)
5) add the japanese / chinese / french
6) LATEST ENTRY EDITED --- Spectator Skirmish
a simple and easy modification for skirmish, where a human player can make just the A.I.s fight and the human just watches, without being part of the game
for refferencem, see Starcraft 2, where a human player can become observer and watch 2 A.i.s fight each other to the death.
how to implement?
easy - same menus, except add a simple option for human player (player / observer toggle)
as observer, the human should have all the controls in replay mode - MINUS the speed, for obvious reasons!
thats it...what say you ?