To keep the momentum going and to help encourage people to playtest the latest version of the Winter Balance Preview Mod we are holding a Supply Event this weekend! From Friday, Jan. 6th to Monday, Jan. 9th, the more Valid Matches* you play this weekend using the Winter Balance Preview mod, the more Supply you win! Please note, Supply will not be added to your account in real-time but instead will be automatically gifted to your account the week after the results of the event have been collected. Read below to find out what you need to do and how much Supply you can win! Please note, Supply prizes do not stack.
Play 10 Matches - Win 25,000 Supply
Play 20 Matches - Win 50,000 Supply
Play 30 Matches - Win 75,000 Supply
For a chance to win a BONUS of 50k Supply, please fill out our Winter Balance Preview V1.4 Survey. Don't forget to give us your feedback regarding the changes in the mod on COH2's official forums.
*A Valid Match is defined as any match that meets match validation and receives Loot Points. Matches that do not earn Loot Points do not count towards this event.