@Onkelsam: Well i think that might be a bit too.. narrow view. Micromanagement can be one way to stand out. But in a strategy game. I would think Strategic or tactical capability would be another way of displaying skill.
If not, then the question becomes if one is playing a strategy game at all. At least that would be my point of view. And you are free to disagree just as i an free to disagree with your view 
My point of view was not to reduce a strategy game to the micromanagement level.
I totally agree that strategy and tactics are an essential component as well. What i am saying is, strategy and tactics are already in a dominating role if we look at COH1. Micromanagement is already reduced to a minimum, comparing it to games with a different approach (like Starcraft). It is on such a low level that you can basicly play at a very high level with just 50 CPM or even lower. That's nothing!
In this regard, i am of the oppinion that you should not reduce micromanagement in COH2 any further, because in that case it would be no factor anymore at all. But you need all components, including micromanagement to have enough parameters that can seperate players of different skill levels.