Maybe there is someone equaly weird as I'm or maybe someone after seeing what I'm going to say/show will "feel it"

So... I'm part of a reanactment group which deals with Late Roman Empire period.

You may say that we don't look like Romans. I mean the general hollywood look aka "Asterix & Obelix".
Well we don't becasue Romans of taht period did not look like this. This whole hollywood is based on a time frame of 200 years, mainly between I - III AD, while Rome history has over 1000 years so... Don't belive that Romans with short swords, big shields and segmented armor are the only Romans becasue they are not

What's the difference between our late period (IV - V AD) and classic Romans? First of all we are damn rich

This helmet costs around... 6-9k euro

And here is mine, the middle one:

Our clothes are also damn rich

100% hand made embroidery

This late period is not as known like the classic look mainly becasue of the movies but it's much more colorful, rich and beautiful.
Each year during season which is May - September we travel around the Europe for events. We live in tents and simply we show how the life was 1500 years ago.

This year we were in Denmark and Austria. In Austria there was really huge event which mainly was focued on a scenarion of early christian marriage and I was the groom

Just for clarification, it wasn't real wedding (we knew this) but visitor did not

So you can see me here acting as a groom

It was like 300 visitors walking behind the whole ceremony - it was really insane.
Our group is not only military group. Each of us has some craft, we also have women in group.
For example, I'm the guy who writes things in latin. (you can see a scratch of my cheek made by sword during battle)

But when it comes to the battle with early romans I can also turn into barbarian

That's all. Small overwiev of my hobby.
I will try to update this topic with some cool stuff from time to time.
Hope that some of you will enjoy this

If you have any questions, feel free