Then I went the official fourm and ask for answer for the changed.
then they put me in to jail LOL.
and warn me for another post because I typed LOL there.

And then pass few days.
The dude who sits on his iron throne in invaded shout out box with his FOOTMAN squad
like this.

and give me an unofficial response:

There is more I dont bother to post it.
He admited it he changed the bracket because he wanted to entertain the community.
But for a open tourney if you Deliberately modify a gaming bracket 7 mins before the tourney start to help your little brother(or based on you like the person or dislike the person) is act of cheat for open tourney.
So far. I love this game and I want to play it. but some how the gaming company have discriminate me every time if they have a chance.
As a lead COH2 chinese community member and the best asian player in this game.
They have pushed me to this end:
I have a HOI coh2 clan and full of best coh2 chinese streamer.
They will ask chinese player do not spending money to this gaming company.
usually they have 4K viewer in week day 5-10K viewer in weekend.
So at least 15K player will spend less money to this gaming company.
I will use my influence to do that.