Firstly to bring those who don’t watch my stream up to speed, the harassment started shortly after Tightrope’s Pacific Invitational 3. Using multiple names, Barton stream sniped me so he could say hurtful comments. The fake names gave the illusion I was being attacked by a bunch of random people as well as throwing my skill into question due to them being random nobodies. If I knew it were just Barton trash talking, it probably wouldn’t have bothered me but the idea a bunch of random people hated me is really hurtful. Instead of just trash talking, Barton wanted to inflict emotional and mental pain. On stream, I expressed I wasn’t cool with these malicious comments but Barton didn’t and hasn’t stopped. Once finding out Barton was behind it all, I’ve tried again and again to come to an amicable resolution with him but he won’t stop. The only reason he stopped the in-game harassment is because I threatened to get him banned. However despite knowing how much I dislike it, he continues to troll & harass me. Lastly, I expressed all my frustration with the current situation and instead of Barton empathizing and relenting, he posted the clip to shoutbox as a trophy. Punishment is the only thing to make him stop.
While Price wasn’t active in the initial harassment, he has escalated the situation by joining in. Price changed his name to Wada-centric names, including “IGonnaKillWada” A death threat isn’t a joke, especially from a harasser to the harassed. This alone should be enough to ban Price.
Now up to speed, I will address the specifics (Evidence
Barton used the names Adam21777, Panzerfaustine Mech Div., ZbysiuStongoga, Sucking Wada to harass me.
Price used the names Shadowwada Masturbating, MasturbatorWada, WadaICanTeachYouPlay, IGonnaKillWada, ILoveWadaWhenMasturbate, IloveWadaWhenTouchingMyBoobs. Price has streamed using these names so he is brazenly making fun of me to his audience and instigating others to follow their example to harass me; While doing 2s with Tightrope, Troll Master Water Mage & Orc Master Fire Mage verbally harassed us in-game and specifically said “Barton knows best” Also “Megas3an” spam hosted my twitch channel and he was talking trash about me in Price’s chat so he is following their example. SturmtigerFrost changed his name to BartonPL and sniped me. Random smurf “Don’t Ban Me Bro” sniped me 3 times in a row.
As said earlier, IGonnaKillWada is a death threat.
Barton & Price continue to stream snipe.
Barton impersonated DimitriTheCanonFodder to harass me. Dimitri is a really nice and good player so Dimitri doesn’t deserve Barton dragging his good name through the mud. Thankfully, we realized it was Barton so Dimitri’s reputation is good.
Barton & Price using smurf twitch accounts to spam follow/host my twitch channel. Technically it could be anyone but given the situation, it is obviously them. For proof, twitch can track the IPs of the accounts. Multiple twitch accounts is against twitch TOS so they need to be banned from twitch.
Proof wadababydontcry & dhseavixen are Barton smurfs: Barton posted a twitch clip made by them into the shout box.
Barton uses his main twitch account to spam follow & host my stream. It has gotten to the point where Barton host/followed within 3 minutes of starting my stream (August 11,2016)
Price’s sent message over twitch: “Noob to understand trolls you need to become a troll like me barton or vonivan - and stop typing 1vs1 PRO - because you don't even deserve a title of PRO or you don't even know what does PRO means”
Barton used “barlonpl” “wadababydontcry” “wadayadagaga” twitch account to circumvent shadowwada’s chat ban. Barlonpl account currently deleted. Multiple twitch accounts and using them to circumvent chat bans is against twitch TOS.
Barton spammed calls over steam. After getting tired of Barton’s stream snipe, I went to play 2v2s so Barton continued to harass over steam. Barton did it two consecutive days and only stopped because I blocked him on steam
Barton joined my 4v4 viewer game, even though the point of going to 4v4s is to get away from him.
Price colluded with Barton, giving the idea for “L2P Wada” sandbags (Was on frontpage of trending).On Price stream, they were speaking in Polish so they could deny this.
In closing, I just want to thank everyone for their support during this time. I do it for you guys. While Barton & Price made it extremely hard to stream, I tried my best to give you guys the best show as I could. Again, thank you