I had a thought about how to keep the intended purpose of the light indirect fire weapons (mortars (mobile and the pit)and the light howitzers making them less spectacularly lethal.
So, as we all know the purpose of the light indirect fire weapons is to disrupt enemy formations/defenses, thus making it easier for your forces to win their engagements. The current performance of indirect fire weapons certainly accomplishes that, but I feel that it goes too far in terms of pure lethality. Indirect fire should force the opponent to move their units around, not wipe them out wholesale (small squads in particular).
There are two possible solution I have in mind: the first is to properly space out squads to make them more resilient to AoE weapons and reduce frustrating wipes. I feel like this would be the solution that requires the least changes as it should be a fairly simple task to copy-paste the spacing of well-spaced squads like Infantry Sections and Paratroopers into other units.
The second solution is to remove autofire from light indirect weapons, leaving them with only barrages. Now, the cooldowns would have to be lowered of course, but I feel that without autofire indirect fire weapons would be less lethal to units as they wouldn't be able to "track" targets, but simply deny an area of the map, fulfilling the aforementioned purpose of indirect fire.
Let me know what you guys think.