- Pre-patch, its speed made it very possible to bumrush the Centaur with Volksblobs
- Crushing with Cromwell might become more risky now that fausts are better-available
- Centaur doesn't care about fausts, since it can kite low-range units for days; even with that acceleration
The Vet1 ability is insanely sweet, but:
- It costs 50 munitions
- It is a scatter-based attack (you need a clear path between you and the (ground) target to hit
Regarding Ostwind. The things that really kill its performance are:
- The attack is mostly scatter-based; thus you need to make sure there are no obstacles between you and the target
- To ensure that there are no obstacles between you and the target, you need to keep moving
- Since the attack fires in bursts, moving means you lose a lot of your potential dps due to burst penalties
(Ostwind is insanely more manouverable than the Centaur, which means it's not as risky to use. This means that on the right mode you can spam 3 of them and not worry about losing all of them to a single flank).
The easy way to fix Ostwind is reduce its moving burst penalty.
Another way to fix this is to give Ostwind is to give it a toggle ability disables Ostwind guns from firing while it is moving. That way it becomes easier to micro for the player when the Ostwind should fire, and when it should relocate.
With either fix applied, Ostwind becomes the agile melee-range murder counter-part to the Centaur.
Flak Halftrack is useless on its own right