
russian armor

OKW can be killed in less than 5 minutes

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24 Jun 2016, 08:43 AM
avatar of Taksin02

Posts: 148

It appears every vehicle is now super OP vs OKW because none of the average players have ever used an anti tank gun before. Lol. The thought of microing an anti tank gun is incomprehensible after 1 day of the patch coming out and removing their anti everything volk blobs.

Give the OKW players a couple days and they will figure out how to buy an anti tank gun, how to position it, and how to shoot allied vehicles...this is new to them...they have never had to do it before so let's cut them some slack.


Truth has been spoken!!
24 Jun 2016, 11:24 AM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2016, 06:06 AMMadness


Please try a different faction were you might be against your beloved OKW. I see Stug life and others calling for complete switch of the units and setups. We know that won't happen or make sense. So why don't you guys simply do the somewhat easy thing and try playing allies? Because as loud as you are about allied fanboys it does say something that it is the same guys in the same threads always making the same claims.

Call what you think is allied fanboys out on the same thing. change up for a month or something where you only play as your "Nemesis"
ok sweeper for sturm are consistency in the game they are pop 9 (2 pioneers squad) they should be able to have sweeper and sherck(like re and Royal), volks now are simply bland unit if the stg costed more it could acutually be a choice instead of "I have some mun lets put them there"
Idk why should I go centaur if I can do a better job with Cromwell
Pupchen is good only if you have 2 here what happen when you have 1: tank get damaged try to go to pupchen pupchen hit the ground thanks to the projectile profile the tank kill 3 member of thesquad with 1 shell beacuse there's no green cover like any other at gun"
24 Jun 2016, 12:30 PM
avatar of Puppetmaster
Patrion 310

Posts: 871

I disagree about raketan comments. I had 2 the other day which did 1/3 of my damage)(they did around 20k damage). They require micro to work which I would guess most okw players lack having only previously had to use a shrek blob. They probably need a slight buff to there survivability but not much else

I must say all the axis tears do give me a good laugh however.
24 Jun 2016, 13:08 PM
avatar of Aradan

Posts: 1003

I disagree about raketan comments. I had 2 the other day which did 1/3 of my damage)(they did around 20k damage). They require micro to work which I would guess most okw players lack having only previously had to use a shrek blob. They probably need a slight buff to there survivability but not much else

I must say all the axis tears do give me a good laugh however.

Raketen have free camo and retreat. Why another buff? I think many okw players are laizy micro and use combined arms.
24 Jun 2016, 13:09 PM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

Early only volks blobs bothered them,but that was alreday in decline after calliope..and now gone altogether.

The answer is your mindset.. If you have a closed mindset everything will seems to be OP..

My reasoning is simple there are top players who are winning vs US (im talking bout before the broken Mortar patch) So it wasnt a problem for them, if one person can do it so can you.. observe, learn, apply

Use spectate mode watch some top vs US plays... dont watch twitch streams its distracting .. watch spectate mode in game and click on follow camera of axis player and switch on fog of far so you will get AXIS perspective ..

note down the build, cap orders .. note down timings and counter plays for different openings, and postionings...

No one will spoon feed you all the counters you need to find it out yourself.

24 Jun 2016, 13:51 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

Penal Rat Battalion please do not post screen shots of the end game and complain about balance. If you feel balance is unfair please post a replay to the strategists. From the screen shot the only thing I can really tell is you surrendered at the right time, but I cannot asses why you were down so many squads, also your timer says 17 minutes.
24 Jun 2016, 14:21 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Penal Rat Battalion please do not post screen shots of the end game and complain about balance. If you feel balance is unfair please post a replay to the strategists. From the screen shot the only thing I can really tell is you surrendered at the right time, but I cannot asses why you were down so many squads, also your timer says 17 minutes.

It's Pencil-Bat-Ration. Too be fair, I first read and always read it as PenileBattalion.
24 Jun 2016, 14:24 PM
avatar of whitesky00

Posts: 468

How is current usf even justified??Thats what i want to know?What do they lack?Nothing...
I asked this before..none of the allied people answered because they know there is no answer.They will just sidestep with 'its fine,l2p'..cant answer point by point how usf can have everything.

'Best core infantry...great elite infantry,ultimate vet bonuses

3 indirect fire weapon -mortar,pack howitzer plus the M8 on wheels.Best SPG in calliope by FAR.

HMG.AT constantly buffed.

Only faction still capable of blobbing with dual AT weapons which pisses on light and medium armour.Even AT gun constantly buffed.

Superb light vehicles.Stuart and AA are both excellent.Axis have only 1 good light vehicle in luchs between 2 factions in comparison.

Good medium armour,and if e8 chosen probably the best.
Great grenades.

Can dual wield,making infantry even more OP.
Forward reinforcement.Easiest repair.

Great tank destroyer in jackson.
Even Heavy tank.

Faction is so strong in every department it has no weaknesses,good usf player curbstomp both axis factions now.Early only volks blobs bothered them,but that was alreday in decline after calliope..and now gone altogether'.

Talk about blatant fanboism right here.

Best core infantry because that was their faction design.

mortar is new, howitzer is t2, 330 mp and weaker than any mortars and requires constant micro and awareness of cooldown to be useful, m8 got buffed because it wasn't useful and was 1 shotted by TDs. Calliope is doctrinal, cost the most, and was nerfed.

HMG was buffed to make T1 viable with some light armor counter. for the MOST expensive HMG in the game, it performed worse than T0 mg42 that cost 20 mp less.

ATG vet ability was nerfed and penetration was buffed so it could actually hit a tank and not bounce. Why would you buy a dedicated AT weapon when it couldn't even penetrate? Do you know it has 1.25 size when pak40 and ZiS are size of 1? It makes it a lot easier to hit with only a 4 man squad but you don't care about that.

Stuart and AA are in different tiers. 222 was buffed, flamer sdfkz was buffed. why don't you compare m20 versus 222? 222 hard counters 222 and costs MORE 340mp 20 fu versus 205mp 15 fu.

good medium armor? that's why everyone considers their tanks paper tanks? first you talk about calliope and now ez8? they're different commanders buddy and you can't have both.

their design was infantry focused so what's wrong with that? want to remove their weapons and make their base damage even stronger? lol

forward reinforcement points... which EVERY faction has. forward retreat points? Only WFA and UKF has those.

Great tank destroyers: stug? su76? su85? jagdpanther iv? firefly? talk about tunnel vision narrowmindedness

Faction is strong with infantry and their vehicles require a lot of babysitting. They get no doctrinal flamer and no general mines/demo. Thanks for stating all their doctrinal units that make that department stronger. you're sad against calliope probably because you lost your volks blob to them more than once. QQ more please.
24 Jun 2016, 14:32 PM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2016, 13:08 PMAradan

Raketen have free camo and retreat. Why another buff? I think many okw players are laizy micro and use combined arms.

No green cover, entities clump up, Less range
24 Jun 2016, 14:34 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

My opinion pupchen would be perfect at 50 range good angle but green cover
24 Jun 2016, 15:04 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Talk about blatant fanboism right here.

Best core infantry because that was their faction design.

mortar is new, howitzer is t2, 330 mp and weaker than any mortars and requires constant micro and awareness of cooldown to be useful, m8 got buffed because it wasn't useful and was 1 shotted by TDs. Calliope is doctrinal, cost the most, and was nerfed.

HMG was buffed to make T1 viable with some light armor counter. for the MOST expensive HMG in the game, it performed worse than T0 mg42 that cost 20 mp less.

ATG vet ability was nerfed and penetration was buffed so it could actually hit a tank and not bounce. Why would you buy a dedicated AT weapon when it couldn't even penetrate? Do you know it has 1.25 size when pak40 and ZiS are size of 1? It makes it a lot easier to hit with only a 4 man squad but you don't care about that.

Stuart and AA are in different tiers. 222 was buffed, flamer sdfkz was buffed. why don't you compare m20 versus 222? 222 hard counters 222 and costs MORE 340mp 20 fu versus 205mp 15 fu.

good medium armor? that's why everyone considers their tanks paper tanks? first you talk about calliope and now ez8? they're different commanders buddy and you can't have both.

their design was infantry focused so what's wrong with that? want to remove their weapons and make their base damage even stronger? lol

forward reinforcement points... which EVERY faction has. forward retreat points? Only WFA and UKF has those.

Great tank destroyers: stug? su76? su85? jagdpanther iv? firefly? talk about tunnel vision narrowmindedness

Faction is strong with infantry and their vehicles require a lot of babysitting. They get no doctrinal flamer and no general mines/demo. Thanks for stating all their doctrinal units that make that department stronger. you're sad against calliope probably because you lost your volks blob to them more than once. QQ more please.

Best core infantry was faction design..fine.Then why did they keep recieving buff after buff and major additions to every weakness they had BY faction design and filled them up without any nerfs to that infantry?Nope they got their veterancy further buffed to terminator levels.Good job relic.

By WHAT FUCKING RIGHT do they get best mortar when wehr mortar was nerfed?Still after hotfix.Calliope after nerf is still invulnerable wipe machine...BEST SPG in game by far...axis factions dont even have a SPG.Relic bias as usual.

They still have howitzer as an option for long range earlygame harassment...wehr doesnt.
Yeah HMG had to be bufffed..everything usf needs to be better,ask mg34 of OKW.

You whining about AT gun..seriously?And then you USF fanboys DARE say raketen is alright?What you have is still far better than OKW.

222 and 251 after bufff are still shit compared to stuart and AA,usf have 2 superb light vehicle early..both axis faction have only luchs combined.Relic balance indeed!

You can have E8 and its best medium in game.Sherman got buffs and unlike pz 4 can wipe in 1 shot.Pz 4 overpriced and penetration 110 lolz...less than bazooka.
Jackson one of the best tank destroyers in game.High dmg..turret..now sight...mobile..cheap.

Yes they dont need dual wield anymore..they have had enough buffs...its time to compensate.
Bazooka blobs are the only Handheld AT infantry still capable of blobbing...they shut down all medium armour play.

No faction has forward reinforcement as efficient as usf.And dont even get started on repair...least time between repair and back on field.Exploit of exiting if chased at last moment to throw off targeting.High repair rate.and most of all need no extra engies.I as wehr need 2-3 pios to keep my armour operational lategame..thats 400-600mp that u dont need to spend and still get ur vehicles into the field much more frequently.What a joke!

They even got pershing now.And everygame its either calliope if its siege map or pershing.Or maybe in higher game mode they spam e8.

USF have everything..its time they were given some drawbacks.

24 Jun 2016, 15:09 PM
avatar of sinthe

Posts: 414

Worst AT gun and handheld AT on the squishiest unit makes OKWs abilility to respond to armour doable but now the worst of all the factions. Now they have the most expensive healing, if your not planning on building anything out of the T2 building because 2 out of the 3 units are unusable.

Well, at least now you have a stock supression platform, they say. Only now it comes later than when it did when it was in a doc.

Without the schrecks on volks simcity is also much more difficult to deal with.

24 Jun 2016, 15:23 PM
avatar of PencilBatRation

Posts: 794

Penal Rat Battalion please do not post screen shots of the end game and complain about balance. If you feel balance is unfair please post a replay to the strategists. From the screen shot the only thing I can really tell is you surrendered at the right time, but I cannot asses why you were down so many squads, also your timer says 17 minutes.

Please try to communicate more politely and like a cultured, civilized human being and refrain from calling others rat. That just proves a lack of tolerance and basic cognitive functions inside your little brain.

If it is hard to provide counter arguments about the OP, then you can happily avoid this topic. That screenshot was just an example and not the only thing mentioned in this topic. And it was from a top player who got defeated by 3 maxims and gards. So, as I said, it was just an example.

Anyways, people have spoken and I believe this thread has run its course and could be locked anytime, as it will be probably attracting unnecessary toxicity and dumb replies past this point.
24 Jun 2016, 15:53 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2016, 14:21 PMpigsoup

It's Pencil-Bat-Ration. Too be fair, I first read and always read it as PenileBattalion.

I'm pretty sure it used to be...do the mods ever forcibly rename accounts?
24 Jun 2016, 15:56 PM
avatar of PencilBatRation

Posts: 794

No lol. I made like 5 requests to have it changed.
24 Jun 2016, 16:33 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Penal Rat Battalion please do not post screen shots of the end game and complain about balance. If you feel balance is unfair please post a replay to the strategists. From the screen shot the only thing I can really tell is you surrendered at the right time, but I cannot asses why you were down so many squads, also your timer says 17 minutes.

I said it once and I will repeat it.

We will colonize the Moon before he posts any replays :luvDerp:
24 Jun 2016, 16:40 PM
avatar of BIH_kirov_QC

Posts: 367

I said it once and I will repeat it.

We will colonize the Moon before he posts any replays :luvDerp:

Just an looser that prefer posting here 24/7 than playing the game and getting better.

So hard for OKW players to change their begin lineup?!!!
24 Jun 2016, 16:46 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

Please try to communicate more politely and like a cultured, civilized human being and refrain from calling others rat. That just proves a lack of tolerance and basic cognitive functions inside your little brain.

If it is hard to provide counter arguments about the OP, then you can happily avoid this topic. That screenshot was just an example and not the only thing mentioned in this topic. And it was from a top player who got defeated by 3 maxims and gards. So, as I said, it was just an example.

Anyways, people have spoken and I believe this thread has run its course and could be locked anytime, as it will be probably attracting unnecessary toxicity and dumb replies past this point.

I hope, and I try, to not insult people on this forum. With this post I cannot even tell if you are being serious or not. I made a fairly lengthy post early in this trainwreck which you completely ignored, and then reposted again to try to limit this posts place on the front page by suggesting you do something else, like ask for advice.

Also saying its from a top player, I have to remind you: Top players lose games. The question is whether his opponent was as good as him throughout the game, and without the replay how would we know? As it stands all this screenshot does is allow you to claim lack of balance without providing any real proof.

Don't try to bully me when your understanding about gameplay mechanics appears weak, and your contribution to this discussion is unhelpful at best.
24 Jun 2016, 17:02 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Also saying its from a top player, I have to remind you: Top players lose games. The question is whether his opponent was as good as him throughout the game, and without the replay how would we know?


Rank 24 losing against rank 6. The tragedy.
24 Jun 2016, 17:07 PM
avatar of sinthe

Posts: 414

I am fine with almost all of the changes. I've said numerous times, I don't schreck spam. I was buying racketen almost everygame pre patch. I still think schrecks on SP is a terrible idea. (EDIT:) The medic truck cost is goofy and plz fix the AAHT (I want this to be ok so bad).

But none of this matters compared to the STG44 upgrade. The DPS on paper is better but there is a phenomenon that I spoke of before regarding the brits IF that causes performance of the kar98s to perform better than the STG44 and short and long range. The fire rate of the STG is greater than the kar98, but the damage per bullet is much lower. That causes the damage to be spread across the models more evenly preventing any one model from dieing as quickly as it would have with a kar98. If you test this out at long range you will notice that cons in green cover will out perform volks w/ stg in green cover until cons lose 2-3 models, but because the damage is spread across the unit more evenly with the STGs damage profile, volks will lose models first and faster than the cons squad.

Solution, give the STG44 package a slightly better damage profile, even if it's more expensive.

I have ran this scenario in the cheat mod 2 vic condition a handful of times. At medium range they perform better, but not at short and long range.
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