
russian armor

I don't get why Brits are still receiving buffs

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31 May 2016, 23:52 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

He's not wrong. British faction is one of the worst-designed factions in all of RTS history. Playing it has to be the least-fun any one person can go through for a game that's suppose to, you know, ACTUALLY BE FUN.

lelic sh*t game design ftl.

But it is fun. Fun for those playing the Cancer faction, watching you rage, and getting a quarter to half a chub.

If you can't beat them, join them
1 Jun 2016, 00:12 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 1225

Meh. I just leave vs Brits. I've tried, but I've literally not once had a fun game vs them. After all, its supposed to be entertaining and all.
1 Jun 2016, 00:56 AM
avatar of Smiling Tiger

Posts: 207

Meh. I just leave vs Brits. I've tried, but I've literally not once had a fun game vs them. After all, its supposed to be entertaining and all.

I strongly agree, above all other things the main reason I hate the brits so much is because a game with them is so seldom fun and this game used to be really fun before they were added but now its just frustrating thats why when I get matched up in a game with no British I get much more excited than I used to because fun in this game has turned into something that is actually difficult to achieve.
1 Jun 2016, 06:41 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

If you do not have fun with brits it does not mean that no one has.

I'm enjoying Brits very much but I don't have fun playing as or vs OKW.

So should be remove OKW becasue it's not fun for me?
1 Jun 2016, 06:43 AM
avatar of Aerohank

Posts: 2693 | Subs: 1

Meh. I just leave vs Brits. I've tried, but I've literally not once had a fun game vs them. After all, its supposed to be entertaining and all.

I don't like playing vs Mechanized Assault, Partizans, Fallshrims, Ost snipers.. Can we remove them too?
1 Jun 2016, 07:01 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Someone used PG pshrecks against my Stuart.
It was no fun for me.

Removal of shrecks from PGs when since not liking to play against something apparently is a reason for it to be removed now?

Also playing against schwerer flak is not fun, pls hp to 100 range to 10 accuracy to 0 and damage to AoE heal on impact.
1 Jun 2016, 07:08 AM
avatar of SolidSteel

Posts: 74

The only problem with brits really is their cheapo emplacement cancer play, their units are pretty fun tho, to play as or to play around em.

And the source of grief vs their emplacements is the free invincibility field, nothing else.
1 Jun 2016, 13:58 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 1225

I don't like playing vs Mechanized Assault, Partizans, Fallshrims, Ost snipers.. Can we remove them too?

Huh? Non sequitur, thats not what I said.
Obviously Brits need to be reworked, but I am not talking about removing them and never have.
I just leave because I have no fun playing against them...that is all, and you are of course at liberty to do the same if some faction, game mechanic or whatever irritates you.
In fact everybody wins, the Brit players get the victory they crave for, and they don't need to go to the extreme lengths of building up their Bofors/assembly or clicking on the land mattress button to archieve it. ;)
Seriously people are different, most people draw pleasure primarily out of winning and rising on the leaderboards, I get it, its a competitive game after all, its not like I never played hard meta etc, but nowadays this is generally no longer so important for me.

I might add that of course Brits are not the only thing or faction that I find somewhat irritating, to a point you can cheese with any faction, its just that Brits are far and away the worst, while the other factions have been somewhat un-cheesed gradually. Still remember OKW truck crush in conjunction with suppression Kübel/Sturms? If that would persist, I would not play against it either...
1 Jun 2016, 14:16 PM
avatar of UlyssesBellefonte

Posts: 40

OKW are also though to beat, that's true. But at least they are fun to play against. I can't say the same about UKF.

IMHO all factions should be viable and that's just not the case right now. The fact that you have to have a mortar halftrack doctrine in your ostheer loadout to have a chance against brits is ridiculous.

Agreed, Brits are incredibly frustrating to play against. Bofors is infuriating and of course they go abnd build another one, I play Soviets now
1 Jun 2016, 15:43 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

I get excited when I get matched up in a 2v2 with no OKW. I don't have to worry about kubel spam, which is no fun for me, volks shrek blob negating my armor play which is also no fun for me, early luchs which is hard to counter with any allied faction which is also no fun for me, or having to spend half the game waiting for tanks and overwhelming forces to take out there schwerer HQ which is also not fun for me or having to deal with there king tiger that frequently one shots my infantry and that is never fun for me or there jagdtiger that can shoot any of my tanks from a mile away across two thirds of the map that is not fun for me either.
1 Jun 2016, 15:46 PM
avatar of bicho1

Posts: 168

Sick and tired of playing against Brits. They have the freedom and flexibility to do whatever they want cuz almost all of their units are stronger 1v1. I play mostly Ostheer. The things that annoy me the most are:
1) Advanced emplacement. I quite good at knocking them out but the time it takes to destroy one, the brit manages to build two more. Bofors costs only 30 fuel, less than a light tank, yet can act as arty, area defense against infantry even medium armor. Hell even panthers get penetrated at a decent rate. And the accuracy is astounding. The bofors just doesn't miss. Compared to the OKW flak halftrack that misses most of its shot on retreating inf, the bofors just doesn't give a **** about your retreat defensive bonus. And brace! The word overpowered doesn't even do it justice.
2) Comet tank is too cheap for its performance. Its basically the price of a panther, yet it can kill inf at an amazing rate. Players can use it almost like a tiger. And its non doctrinal. And I don't get why US and Brit factions don't get much of an accuracy penalty when their tanks are on the move. In fact Comets get no penalty to their accuracy! That is OP.
3) The grenade throwing ability of many of their tanks allows them to easily kill at guns while devoting their main gun to kill armor makes the brit tanks far too easy to use. Why do brit units get several abilities while most Ostheer units get only one?
4) AVRE is also too cheap for its cost. Because it is a doctrinal call in, u don't even need to tech. To kill an AVRE as ostheer, you need panthers due to the extreme armor and health of it. Stugs, paks, just don't cut it. I had a pair of stugs snipe it constantly but it just has too much health and stugs cannot give chase cuz their slow, turretless and defenseless against inf (mg won't stop piat inf). TWP is difficult to use on a moving target that is constantly trying to back out of your range. So it forces the ost player to get tier 4 and use up a lot of fuel while the brit player hasn't spent much fuel on getting an AVRE (only 140) while the panther alone will cost you more fuel.
5) Land mattress. I don't think i need to explain further. This unit shouldn't even exist. It's not like brits don't have enough arty already. Everything about it is op, the cost, performance, no teching required, etc.

There are almost no weaknesses in the Brit faction while other factions have several. They have a strong early game if you choose to bring it to your opponent aggressively and the game just gets easier as it progresses. They can choose between mobility or defense which ostheer doesn't have the luxury of. This is not the CoH 1 brit where infantry was actually expensive. I dare you to name a weakness in the Brit faction. All i can think of is no at snares which i capitalize for a 2 minute interval will 222s until piat/at gun/aec arrive. Also the only underperforming unit, the firefly, is getting a rate of fire buff. Relic developers are truly Brit fanboys.

cos maybe aixe are kinda op ez to use :P
1 Jun 2016, 16:27 PM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

Meh. I just leave vs Brits. I've tried, but I've literally not once had a fun game vs them. After all, its supposed to be entertaining and all.

Not all Brits players are the same, you know. Some are actually play without even heavily rely on emplacements at all. Your saying of immediately leave after seeing Brits actually kinda sad to some aggressive Brits players that just want to use the faction in a more competitive way.

Brits faction, i must admit, has many flaws which can lead to being exploited by many (Advance cancer emplacements spam). However, at the same time, they have some fun features that draw people's attention (Low in number but capable of putting up a tough fight against their enemies, good armours capable of standing toe-to-toe against some Axis armours) and some just want to use the faction fairly like other factions' play-styles (NO emplacements spam).

I mainly 2v2 as Brits and I know how tired the Axis players are when they first saw me, but i'm not like those emplacement-spamming, exploiter assh*les. I just want to have a good match where both sides just went from tired of seeing each others to see a rather fun game, one may lost but they know that was a fair win for the enemies.

Please don't abandoning us. We just want to be Brits and be fun to each others at the same time.

1 Jun 2016, 16:32 PM
avatar of Smiling Tiger

Posts: 207

Not all Brits players are the same, you know. Some are actually play without even heavily rely on emplacements at all. Your saying of immediately leave after seeing Brits actually kinda sad to some aggressive Brits players that just want to use the faction in a more competitive way.

Brits faction, i must admit, has many flaws which can lead to being exploited by many (Advance cancer emplacements spam). However, at the same time, they have some fun features that draw people's attention (Low in number but capable of putting up a tough fight against their enemies, good armours capable of standing toe-to-toe against some Axis armours) and some just want to use the faction fairly like other factions' play-styles (NO emplacements spam).

I mainly 2v2 as Brits and I know how tired the Axis players are when they first saw me, but i'm not like those emplacement-spamming, exploiter assh*les. I just want to have a good match where both sides just went from tired of seeing each others to see a rather fun game, one may lost but they know that was a fair win for the enemies.

Please don't abandoning us. We just want to be Brits and be fun to each others at the same time.

I also enjoy playing with brits that dont spam emplacements it just doesnt seem to happen all that often and ive never wanted the brits to be removed ive only wanted them to be changed.
1 Jun 2016, 16:40 PM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

5) Land mattress. I don't think i need to explain further. This unit shouldn't even exist. It's not like brits don't have enough arty already. Everything about it is op, the cost, performance, no teching required, etc.

Unless you may not know but the land mattress can't actually destroyed moving blobs. It has a weird setup delay that every time you order it to fire, it will take about 3-5 seconds before it can begin its barrage... and you know that the thing is not very accurate (Sure the barrage landing range seems quite big compare to others but it shoot quite slow)

Even if Brits players use more than 1 land mattress, just remember that he would have spend like 700 mp and 80 fuels away, which delay the first Cromwell or Comet. This may only apply for 2v2, i'm not sure about larger team games though.
1 Jun 2016, 17:01 PM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Jun 2016, 15:43 PMRocket
I get excited when I get matched up in a 2v2 with no OKW. I don't have to worry about kubel spam, which is no fun for me, volks shrek blob negating my armor play which is also no fun for me, early luchs which is hard to counter with any allied faction which is also no fun for me, or having to spend half the game waiting for tanks and overwhelming forces to take out there schwerer HQ which is also not fun for me or having to deal with there king tiger that frequently one shots my infantry and that is never fun for me or there jagdtiger that can shoot any of my tanks from a mile away across two thirds of the map that is not fun for me either.

If you are afraid of kubel spam, you are afraid of lot of things in coh2 :D
1 Jun 2016, 17:20 PM
avatar of Rollo

Posts: 738

I don't like playing vs Mechanized Assault, Partizans, Fallshrims, Ost snipers.. Can we remove them too?

you forgot spotting scope 222+command tanks

Oh what fun it is to play against an Ost opponent who can see all your units from his 222 parked on the other side of the map

Or the command tank that allows support weapons to take head on sexton+25pdr barrages, oh wait they can walk through them even without the health buff anyway :p
1 Jun 2016, 18:17 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

However, at the same time, they have some fun features that draw people's attention (Low in number but capable of putting up a tough fight against their enemies, good armours capable of standing toe-to-toe against some Axis armours) .
Which a lot of people also dislike. The British are kind of the last faction that should have super tanks. Their designs were flawed (box Churchill, Cromwell and Comet design at a time when everyone - even the Germans already used sloped armor - Churchill is also from the 1930ies though). Inaccurate 17 pounders that packed a punch but lacked accuracy, rate of fire and blinded the crew with their smoke and a great abundance of lend lease Shermans. What is incredibly silly is that the Comet has Panther stats while it had the armor in the category of a Cromwell/ Panzer IV.

Gameplay wise this is also annoying as it´s not compensated for. Dual Bren LMGs melt through any infantry faster thahn the LMG42 while the ammunition is not as important as it is for Wehrmacht (Bunker upgrades, LMGs, Riflenades, more expensive Tellermines and minefields). Having the longer stick in everything is plain annoying.
1 Jun 2016, 18:53 PM
avatar of Smiling Tiger

Posts: 207

Which a lot of people also dislike. The British are kind of the last faction that should have super tanks. Their designs were flawed (box Churchill, Cromwell and Comet design at a time when everyone - even the Germans already used sloped armor - Churchill is also from the 1930ies though). Inaccurate 17 pounders that packed a punch but lacked accuracy, rate of fire and blinded the crew with their smoke and a great abundance of lend lease Shermans. What is incredibly silly is that the Comet has Panther stats while it had the armor in the category of a Cromwell/ Panzer IV.

Gameplay wise this is also annoying as it´s not compensated for. Dual Bren LMGs melt through any infantry faster thahn the LMG42 while the ammunition is not as important as it is for Wehrmacht (Bunker upgrades, LMGs, Riflenades, more expensive Tellermines and minefields). Having the longer stick in everything is plain annoying.

1 Jun 2016, 19:57 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

Which a lot of people also dislike. The British are kind of the last faction that should have super tanks. Their designs were flawed (box Churchill, Cromwell and Comet design at a time when everyone - even the Germans already used sloped armor - Churchill is also from the 1930ies though). Inaccurate 17 pounders that packed a punch but lacked accuracy, rate of fire and blinded the crew with their smoke and a great abundance of lend lease Shermans. What is incredibly silly is that the Comet has Panther stats while it had the armor in the category of a Cromwell/ Panzer IV.

Gameplay wise this is also annoying as it´s not compensated for. Dual Bren LMGs melt through any infantry faster thahn the LMG42 while the ammunition is not as important as it is for Wehrmacht (Bunker upgrades, LMGs, Riflenades, more expensive Tellermines and minefields). Having the longer stick in everything is plain annoying.


please don't use historical argument, we are going to be here all day discussing history if you derail us.
1 Jun 2016, 20:49 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

please don't use historical argument, we are going to be here all day discussing history if you derail us.
Thus there is the 2nd part of my post. Good tanks and good infantry upgrades and multiple potent commanders without real drawbacks to the faction does not work for Brits. The least that could be done is to take caches away from Brits to give them somewhat OKW like drawbacks.
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