I don't like playing vs Mechanized Assault, Partizans, Fallshrims, Ost snipers.. Can we remove them too?
Huh? Non sequitur, thats not what I said.
Obviously Brits need to be reworked, but I am not talking about removing them and never have.
I just leave because I have no fun playing against them...that is all, and you are of course at liberty to do the same if some faction, game mechanic or whatever irritates you.
In fact everybody wins, the Brit players get the victory they crave for, and they don't need to go to the extreme lengths of building up their Bofors/assembly or clicking on the land mattress button to archieve it.

Seriously people are different, most people draw pleasure primarily out of winning and rising on the leaderboards, I get it, its a competitive game after all, its not like I never played hard meta etc, but nowadays this is generally no longer so important for me.
I might add that of course Brits are not the only thing or faction that I find somewhat irritating, to a point you can cheese with any faction, its just that Brits are far and away the worst, while the other factions have been somewhat un-cheesed gradually. Still remember OKW truck crush in conjunction with suppression Kübel/Sturms? If that would persist, I would not play against it either...