Diversity over balance... I always thought, that in "assymetrical balance" main word is not "assymetrical", but word "balance".
Well, you're wrong as these two are equals, unless you want to make game with same factions and different skins.
Btw, in vCoH all HMG teams (MG-42, 0.30, Vikkers commando) design was pretty same - all were deffensive. But there was faction diversity and nobody complained about it.
Except, bruts used Bren carrier for suppression or later on doctrinal vickers, USF one had lower suppression and higher damage and MG42 was MG42, PE used 250HTs or G43 for suppression or had none at all, then G43 were changed into snares.
For example - veterancy system. In vCoH each faction had it's own vet system, and that was cool. In CoH 2 only one faction has different vet system - OKW. And not that much different, only 2 additional stars.
Oh yeah, that worked well, especially for brits and wehr

Anyway - "mirrored" HMGs won't ruin CoH2, assymetry and all that stuff. Don't worry about it.
No, they won't.
But they also won't go that way, because there are other principles for these units depending on faction.