This also might be a little late I guess I forgot to announce that I was going to announce something..
If you don't know who I am the former Balance Designer at Relic. As I will not go into the details about my departure know that I still hold tremendous respect for my former colleagues that still work there.
For those who don't know, I've worked at Relic for the last 7 years of my life starting when I was 19 and fresh out of Secondary education. Previously recruited at the WCG qualifiers for WC3 back in the day by a former Balance Manager I worked my through the design discipline throughout the years. I've learned a lot through my years workings on vCOH, DOW2, COH2 and (actually) i'm quite happy to have met many great people in the community throughout that. I will always remember playing many games under different ID's against the likes of Sepha, IplayForKeeps, Raz0r, and other STGfanboys in vCOH, Playing on the mainstage of WCG China for COHO, Many casts with Harlquine and Shalasay as well as DOW2 games with Caeltos and last but not least el rekt training with Dusty, Luvnest and Lemon. Also if you didnt know I was iNNovation, IIIIIIIII, FeelsBadMan, and Brian on COH2. (Honorable mentions to RTN fanboys as well) As much as I was a dev I was a gamer at heart who loved playing all the games that I worked on and I will continue to play them.
Those asking what am I doing now? Well I finally have a break for the first time in 7 years as I never really took an extended vacation during my time at Relic. I'm gonna just chill play some games travel etc.
Now that that's off my chest the main reason why I wanted to make this post is that if there are going to be any future balance patches here is my wishlist that's been on my mind especially since the last patch hit.
To reduce lmg blobing and to make these weapons have some trade off as you will now be locked into only this one weapon and cannot pick up any more.
- slot size increased to 2
OKW Panzershreck
This will allow vehicles to kite the pansershrecks which will effectively kill any panzershreck blob because 1 vehicle kitting back will be able to counter this now. You may not agree but I believe that having shrecks on volks give the race flavor and allows OKW to be aggressive
- Reduce Panzershreck range by 5
OKW Trucks
Adding side upgrades to help balance out economy spending for OKW
- Medics gated behind forward reinforce upgrade (same cost)
- Engineers gated behind an upgrade (50 munitions)
OKW Flak Emplacement
I know this is pretty low priority but if you ever get a chance to put this in please do
- Compare the stats with the bofors and meet halfway
- make non snipeable
OKW Flak halftrack
Add AOE suppression so the flak halftrack can actually handle infantry swarming
- Add AOE suppression
Increase penetration so it can actually kill tanks when it swarms in and buff its coxial so it can threaten infantry.
- Increase close range penetration
- Buff Coaxial gun
I think the maxim was overnerfed to neveruse again town where some of the biggest issues where even if you flanked it would be able to readjust way too quickly and also once it was put in a building it lost its previous weakness of having a limited firing arc and since buildings are so key in this game it just adds insult to injury.
- Increase setup time by 1 second (ONLY this one nerf)
- Retain reduce ARC inside buildings
Adding a cooldown on start prevents instant vehicle death cheese.
- AT Nade starts on a cooldown
Counter Battery
This now will add most decision making to having the ability on instead of fire and forget. This will now stack as well so if you have both 25lb active you will now not only have production disable but you can have up to 30% reduce munition income which will hinder a lot of ability usage.
- Now reduces total munition income 15% and will stack.
Biggest problem with the bofors is that this ability counters mortars and AT guns things that are suppose to counter it.
- Suppression barrage removed, and replaced with passive suppression on the gun.
Tommy Building
Think the biggest issue was that you could use 3 tommies to instant build a bofors and then the opponent would literally have no way to stop you cause you would instant build it. Regular build time though is pretty reasonable. I think the 30 seconds was an overnerf.
- Can only construct one structure at a time (power building removed) (live nerf reverted)
Improved Fortification:
Revert the change as i don't think there was an issue with that specific upgrade. Counter Barrage is really the main issue + the bofors counter ability
This is something I've wanted to at least try out to reduce the investment but promote more forward placing and could produce some interesting gameplay.
- Range reduced by 40%
- Cost reduced by 40%
I honestly think they just need a slight damage increase to make them viable combat units
- Increase damage of rifles by 2
The instant reinforce is literally so stupid
- Increase reinforce time by like 20%
Rapid Conscription and Relief Infantry
Low Key OP ability thing literally last forever
- Reduce duration of this ability to like 45 seconds
Anyways now that I am just a community keyboard warrior I hope Relic will take a look at this and consider some of these changes for the future.
I'll occasional pop in threads and try to help out with modder questions.
I know not everybody may have agree with some of my balance choices but know that I actually really cared a lot about this game and still do or I wouldn't be posting this.
My time as a developer has ended but I will continue as a member of this community. Find me on Lemon stream late at night when we play 2v2s.
Again I wish all the best to the rest of guys as well rest of the people at relic.
Goodbye to Dev Brad Hello To Community Brad.
Braden Chan // Breaking Brad