Japanese faction mod.

Posts: 191
I like the Japanese,and i like underdog factions in games.I also love making stuff,so i made a Japan faction mod for CoH2.
It replaces the germans because the mod tools dont allow a separate new one,afaik.
Its probably not balanced,so i would apreciate all feedback and criticism(no,really).
Somewhat outdated video displaying banzai charges and kamikaze planes:
Link to the mod,if i didnt mess it up:
Video showing T0:
Video showing T1:
More details:
I have made the Japanese faction an underdog faction.Their late game is awful.They dont have heavy tanks,and their mediums are doctrinal.Instead,they focus on infantry and light vehicles.
To use:
-Create a custom game lobby.
-Select "Japan mod" in options-tuning pack.
This mod replaces the east german army with a custom made japanese one.
Its probably not balanced,so please,leave sugesstions,feedback and criticism in the comments.
As per suggestion of some people,here comes the list of units and the like:
While not all bulletins have been modified yet,here is a breakdown of the ones that have been changed(obviously ones like Ostwind bulletins affect the Ta-Se):
-Panzershreck bulletins affect the thrown type 99 mine.
-Grenadier bulletins affect Konoe squads.
-Pioneer mine bulletins affect both Dokuritsu Kohei and Civil Engineer mines.
-Stug bulletins affect the type 92 armored car.
-250 halftrack bulletins affect the SS-Ki.
Japan starts with a squad of civil engineers.(see more details below)These cant be replaced if lost,or produced at all,unless a specific commander ability is unlocked.
-Flamer squad:360 manpower.6 man builder squad where all of them have flamethrowers.Same stats as russian builder.Cant retreat.Cant repair.Cant be upgraded.Can use the grenadier's rifle grenade.Russian AT mine,barbed wire,and japanese buildings.Can banzai charge(see below).One squad limit.
-Japanese squad:210 manpower.6 man combat squad.Same stats as conscripts.New rifle,worse than all the others in game,but recives massive accuracy increase at melee range.Can upgrade to a decent lmg.Cant retreat.Can use the grenadier's rifle grenade.Can build russian sandbags.Can throw russian grenades.Can banzai charge.
-Ambulance:250 manpower.10 fuel.Same stats and abilities as the US ambulance,but can ram like a T-34.
-Recon car:100 manpowerFragile,unnarmored,unnarmed.Can capture points.Can ram.Can carry up to 3 one man-squads,but not any squad with more than one man.
-Like the soviet's one,it unlocks T3,not T2.It also costs the same.
-Japanese AT squad:480 manpowerExpensive 6 man squad.Same stats as conscripts.All members are equipped with an AT rifle better than the PTRS.Cant retreat.Can build russian sandbags.Can throw russian grenades.Can use the grenadier's rifle grenade.Can banzai charge.
-Sniper:360 manpower.Same stats as German sniper.Can use flares.Sniper rfile has a larger magazine.
-Scout car:240 manpower.15 fuel.German 221(not 222).Can ram.Can stealth like luchs
-Forward observers:200 manpower.One man squad that can camouflage anywhere and has extended sight range.Can call-in light naval support and strafing runs,but has short range to do so.
T2(can be built from the start,like the Soviet's one)
-HMG:220 manpower.Same stats as Vickers.Crewed by japanese infantry.
-Mortar:200 manpower.Regular mortar.Crewed by japanese infantry.
-AT gun.140 manpower.Crappy AT gun from the soviet defensive commander.Crewed by japanese infantry.
-Mountain fun:260 manpower.Same stats as pack howitzer.Crewed by japanese infantry.
-Anti-Air vehicle.Same stats as the Centaur.
-Tank.240 manpower.70 fuel.Same stats as Stuart.Can stealth at vet 1.Can ram like a t34.
Commander buildings.
-Can be built from the start,cost nothing,and having one stops you from building the others.
-Used to MANUALLY unlock commander abilities.
Naval support doctrine:
-Airplane recon.80 munition
-Airplane dive bomb.160 munition.
-Naval gunfire support.200 munition.Slighty modified railway artillery.
-Amphibious vehicle.200 manpower.70 fuel.Not actually amphibious yet,working on it.Its immune to dying from broken ice though.Same stats as T-70,but with a ostwind gun.Can ram.
-Seaborne paratroopers.380 manpower.Infantry that parachute(just without chute model) into the field.Armed with the same rifle as line infantry.Can upgrade to the same lmg as line infantry.Can use the grenadier's rifle grenade.Can throw the russian AT grenade,but not the molotov.
Engineer corps doctrine:
-Civilian engineers.120 manpower.Unnarmed builders.Extremelly fragile.Can build what the flamer squad can build.Can repair.
-Chi-Nu.340 manpower.110 fuel.Slightly modified sherman.Can ram.No other abilities.
-SS-Ki.240 manpower.50 fuel.Engineering vehicle.Armed with the KV-8 flamethrower.Stats from the german mortar halftrack.Can deploy trenches.Can cut barbed wire.Can detect mines,but not remove them without shooting them.
-Civilian Engineering:Civil Engineers can now build watchtowers,shacks,and bridges.
-Repair station.75 munition.Same as the soviet industry one.
Defensive tactics doctrine:
-Civilian engineers.120 manpower.Unnarmed builders.Extremelly fragile.Can build what the flamer squad can build.Can repair.
-Flak emplacement.370 manpower.20 fuel.Same stats as OKW flak emplacement.Cant be decrewed(as it has no crew,spooky).
-Gas scattering vehicle.200 manpower.20 fuel.Same stats as the british universal carrier.Can activate an ability that causes damage to infantry,both friend and foe,in an area around it.Doesnt actually kill(working on it)
-AT/AA emplacement.580 manpower.100 Fuel.Fire much slower than a bofors,but does more damage.No abilities.
-Kamikaze.160 munition.Stuka dive bomb with a plane instead of a bomb.Less CP requirement.Slightly higher time to arrive.Cant uncapture points.
Ambush tactics doctrine
-Ambush infantry tactics.10 munition.Infantry can now camouflage itself in cover,gaining bonuses to damage if they strike while doing so.
-Seaborne paratroopers.380 manpower.Infantry that parachute(just without chute model) into the field.Armed with the same rifle as line infantry.Can upgrade to the same lmg as line infantry.Can use the grenadier's rifle grenade.Can throw the russian AT grenade,but not the molotov.
-Set vehicle for ambush.Flamer squads can now camouflage all japanese vehicles,and hull down a select few.Hull down is the same as german hull down,but also camouflages.
-Gas scattering vehicle.200 manpower.20 fuel.Same stats as the british universal carrier.Can activate an ability that causes damage to infantry,both friend and foe,in an area around it.Doesnt actually kill(working on it)
-AT rifle grenade.20 munition.Infantry can now use the AT rifle grenade grenadiers have in theater of war.
Secret weapons doctrine:
-Ya-I-Go.100 munition.The OKW's goliath.Built at HQ.
-Type 2 Ho-I.340 manpower.110 fuel.Same stats as that F1 panzer from theater of war.Can ram.No top gunner.
-Type 2 120 mm Infantry Mortar.280 manpower.Same stats as the 120mm soviet mortar.Crewed by Japanese infantry.Built from the team weapons buidling.
-Type 4 Ho-Ro.340 manpower.110 fuel.Same armor as a Ostwind,but with the gun of a Brummbar.No top gunner.
-Infrared halftrack.
-Anti-Air vehicle.280 manpower.100 fuel.Same stats as the Ostwind.Can ram.Can stealth like luchs.Can capture points.
Banzai charge:Costs 10 munition.Allied infantry squads in a small area around the caster,including itself,instantly break suppresion and become immune to it for a small duration.Movement speed is increased to maximum.Accuracy recieved is doubled.
All units that can use the AT grenade can also use a version of it that costs 2 times more,but its 2 times more powerfull.

Posts: 191
Mod is now complete.
However,if you find unbalances,or have units/abilities suggestions,feel free to comment them.
Furthermore,i made another video,displaying the gameplay conversion of two of the most iconic Japanese army things:banzai charges and kamikazes.

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Posts: 191

Posts: 191
A bunch of quality of life updates.
Notabilly,type 38 rifles and mp34s are no longer invisible.

Posts: 191
Made a (still WIP) ambush commander building,based on many ambush related abilties requests.

Posts: 191
Still no heavy tanks,which is exactly how i intend to keep it.
Updates from now on should be quality of life stuff only,like me finally fixing flamer squads and normal squads being the same selection group,or the icon for all tanks call-ins looking the same.

Posts: 345
those squads that cannot retreat...hope they are really cheap ones...if not, japs are going to have a really hard time againts units with suppresion capabilities....
Maybe is it possible to make jap units un-pinable??? I mean, you can suppress them but cannot pin them....just writing at same time than thinking, so maybe this idea is a total failure.

Posts: 191
would like to give it a try....but can you post unit prices????
those squads that cannot retreat...hope they are really cheap ones...if not, japs are going to have a really hard time againts units with suppresion capabilities....
Maybe is it possible to make jap units un-pinable??? I mean, you can suppress them but cannot pin them....just writing at same time than thinking, so maybe this idea is a total failure.
Good call,added unit prices.
The idea is that the units that cant retreat can banzai charge if they face supression units.Of course,their prices will be adjusted if it turns out its not enough.
Afaik,any measure that would make them unpinnable would also make them unsuppressable.

Posts: 345
I´m a noob, so don´t take my words serioulsly but....I see a big problem with that ability....for only 10 munitions I don´t have to bother with machine guns and suppresion any more....
just blob your units until you face a mg, pop the ability (only 10 muni btw) and then, mg is uselesss, or even stolen...
In coh1, there were an ability called fire up, rangers (usf elite inf) had it, and it was a big problem in that game coz those rangers once suppressed, triggered that hability and wipe the enemy machine gun every time..
Again, I´m a nooob, and maybe my words has no sense at all...
best luck with you mod man, and many many thanks, really much appreciated...I hope have some spare time this weekend so I will give it a try then. If so, I will give you my opinion again....

Posts: 191
Ohhh nice, didn´t see your explanation about banzai charge...
I´m a noob, so don´t take my words serioulsly but....I see a big problem with that ability....for only 10 munitions I don´t have to bother with machine guns and suppresion any more....
just blob your units until you face a mg, pop the ability (only 10 muni btw) and then, mg is uselesss, or even stolen...
In coh1, there were an ability called fire up, rangers (usf elite inf) had it, and it was a big problem in that game coz those rangers once suppressed, triggered that hability and wipe the enemy machine gun every time..
Again, I´m a nooob, and maybe my words has no sense at all...
best luck with you mod man, and many many thanks, really much appreciated...I hope have some spare time this weekend so I will give it a try then. If so, I will give you my opinion again....
Well,units will take the full HMG damage,with double recived accuracy,during banzai charges.
But still,if it turns out to be too OP,i will probably raise the ability cost.Would really have to see in PvP battles,instead of the PvE i have been testing it on.
Anyways,thank you for the support,and if you do end up playing it,i look forward to hearing your opinion again.

Posts: 191
-Set vehicle for ambush actually camouflages now.
-Set vehicle for ambush now works withs all of Japanese vehicles,providing stealth to all,but only hull down to a few.
-Set vehicle for ambush now works on allied Japanese vehicles.
-Careful movement now properly functions on the Ha-Go.
-Flamer squads are now considered combat engineers by the game,and as such,are selected in different groups than the mainline infantry.Their icon is also an engineering one.
-Replaced the redundant,and non-functional anyways,type 4 upgrade from secret weapons doctrine with the Ya-I-Go.
-Removed merge from every unit that had it.

Posts: 191
-Replaced the Ya-I-Go in the engineer corps building with an upgrade that allows civil engineers to build watchtowers,shacks and bridges.
-Forward observers and seaborne troops should be able to properly stealth(either via ambush tactics doctrine,or the forward observer's ability) now.
-Reworked the look of the Japanese soldier.
Also,people suggested i updated the screenshots,and added one for each unit.So,i started doing that,screenshots for non-doctrinal T0 and T1 units added.

Posts: 191

Posts: 191
-Replaced the broken well equipped squads call-in with infrared "ne-go" vehicle.
-Made commander buildings build themselves after you tell them to,to make a less boring game start experience.
-Made the Ho-I much cheaper and come at lower cp,to reflect its role of expendable medium tank better.
-Added the type 94 mountain gun

Posts: 191
-Japanese players now start with a squad of civil engineers instead of a flamer engineer squad.They cant produce more,or replace it if lost,without having the respective doctrines.
-Buffed the health of civil engineers.They are still more fragile than any other unit.
-Removed the one squad limit from the civil engineer call-in.
-Added a one squad limit to flamer squads.
-Buffed the damage and penetration of the type 88 AA gun.
-Nerfed the firing frequency of the type 88 AA gun.
-The type 88 AA gun can no longer burst fire.
-The type 88 AA gun can no longer hold a squad.Find your own cover you lazy troops.
-Forward observers now cost 200mp.

Posts: 191
-Mainline infantry squads and paratroopers can now upgrade with lmgs.These have the same damage and penetration as their rifles.The paratroopers upgrade can be done outside territory.
-Made the CP requirement for the type 88 AA/AT gun the same as the the dual gun emplacement(5 CP).
-Made the bayonet range in the arisaka rifle 3 instead of 1.Also increased accuracy in such range to 2.
-Added the model of the 223 to the type 92 recon car.

Posts: 191
-Paratroopers can now upgrade to AT rifles.

Posts: 191
-Infantry squads no longer have the reverse move button from vehicles.
-Infantry squads can now use a times 5 AT grenade,costing 5 times more,but doing 5 times the impact.
-Fixed team weapon crews tossing grenades.

Posts: 191
-AT mines can now be stacked 2 times,doubling damage and cost.
-AT grenades stack 2 times instead of 5 times now.
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