
russian armor

OKW needs a rework

Does OKW need to be looked at?
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17 Mar 2016, 00:38 AM
avatar of TNrg

Posts: 640

OKW has lots of small (actually some of them not even that small) advantages over other factions that in my opinion make the faction too forgiving.

Schrecks need to be either a) on a dedicated AT infantry unit b) a side tech that costs fuel. It's unfair to have such a strong AT platform that counters tanks really well and accumulates veterancy in no time on mainline infantry with no additional teching costs.

Incendiary nades need to become a side tech that costs fuel, just like all other grenade abilities on mainline infantry units. However, I think that maxim spam needs to be addressed one way or the other if something like this will be implemented.

Infiltration nades need to be more expensive. They are ridiculously strong for their cost.

Free heal / repair truck I can understand; it's a teching choice. However the repair speed could be a lot slower, since OKW already has the sturmpioneers that have the fastest repair speed in the game. But the T3 Flak truck is just unfair - it can lock down a large area (especially in 1v1 maps) and it takes a huge effort to destroy it. Make the flak cannon on top of it an additional upgrade for munitions/fuel or increase the building's initial cost.

Another weird thing about OKW buildings is that if you damage the truck when it's undeployed it can still deploy as a full health structure if it doesn't receive damage during the deployment.

Veterancy and resource income. Originally, the design principle of the OKW faction was strong units (especially late game with veterancy) but lowered resource income. Now, after the resource penalty removed long time ago and the veterancy working like it should, OKW has the strongest veterancy in the game with no resource penalties. The main problem is that the OKW mainline infantry, volksgrenadiers, accumulate veterancy very quickly with their schreck upgrades and are generally very cheap for what they can do.

Currently, OKW has a strong early game (sturmpio rush + kubel capping behind), strong mid-game (Luchs rush, double LeIGs, schrecked volks for backup) and strong late game (the Panther, very potent veterancy, heavy tanks like the King Tiger).

17 Mar 2016, 00:57 AM
avatar of A big guy 4u

Posts: 168

OKW needs a good thrashing. They get too many freebies and they need their 5 level veterancy nerfed hard.

17 Mar 2016, 01:02 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

replace the schreck with faust. The volk's 5 vet should should make up for any lack of upgrade.
17 Mar 2016, 01:07 AM
avatar of PanzerGeneralForever

Posts: 1072

OKW flak truck is fine. Its a HUGE risk to deploy aggressively because if you lose it you lose any chance of getting Obers, or any medium tanks at all. Bofors on the other hand....
17 Mar 2016, 01:12 AM
avatar of Pablonano

Posts: 297

I think OKW is fine at the moment, the resource penaltie was moved from the income to the actual value at the end
17 Mar 2016, 01:34 AM
avatar of Spinflight

Posts: 680

Couldn't agree more.

The grenades are becoming far more important as Vet now works properly. Getting free grenades ( those stun ones are nasty buggers too, if they hit it's a squad wipe) which are not just overpowered but free tech or unbelievably cheap is a huge problem. Infiltration grenades are 15 munitions? That's 3 munitions per grenade.... Most of them don't have to hit, merely by chasing a unit out of cover they achieve their purpose and the flame grenades are particularly overpowered at this. How many bloody grenades types do they have? All of them seem to be massively more potent than anything available to other factions.

Shrecks too. Would like to gauge how much more effective they are then equivalent anti tank such as bazookas or piats. It is probably an order of magnitude over the piat. Not that OKW lacks anti-vehicle options without them. Not too sure why they seem to treat the mortar pit as a vehicle either. The one structure they aren't much use against is the trench, presumably as it is correctly modeled as something an anti-tank weapon would merely pass over. Mortar pits should be the same as they are dug in though a triple dual wielding shreck blob seems to be able to wipe a pit in a single volley.

I realise the need for the ISG to counter emplacements, though they counter them so hard as to make them merely a speedbump, and one which poses no risk or micro to the player. Buy 2, take out all emplacements and have massive ranged mobile indirect fire for the rest of the game which is remarkably difficult to take out even at close range. Something to do with all the models being clumped behind cover, as opposed to AT guns which have the riflemen standing aside?

The Schwerer is, other than insane Vet 5 elite squads, the biggest problem. Instantly turns the game into a 2 VP one which even if you keep hold of the other two makes for a long game which favours OKW with their call in heavies and Panthers. Other than committing multiple medium tanks or suiciding a squad to call in artillery on it ( which won't kill it alone) there really isn't any way for the Brits to take them out. FRP too so you'll be facing massed infantry which can reinforce and launch shrecks at any armoured attacking force and can easily handle AT guns and wipe them.

Generally speaking once one of the OKW squads hits Vet 4 you know you've lost short of them running over a mine or blundering them away.

By design, at what point in the game are OKW supposed to be weak?
17 Mar 2016, 01:39 AM
avatar of Gumboot

Posts: 199

I think OKW is fine at the moment, the resource penaltie was moved from the income to the actual value at the end

I see this a lot. The fuel isn't the only resource. They are to me in a decent spot as far as vehicles costing goes (except some of the ones that missed the fuel cost hikes.. I am looking at you ST and InfraHT).

However when I play with them I feel I float munitions and MP like no tomorrow. The reason Voks/Shrek upgrades are such a pain in the arse is because they float so much munitions that they can unlock so many. Yes it drops the AI power dropping the rifle from the squad but the XP they gain from hitting vehicles means they can vet very fast which negates this until everyone is running maxed out units.

In team games this is compounded because of the ridicules increase in resources. It isn't difficult to unlock 5-8 squads with the AT package especially stacking the cost reduction bulletin. If there was side tech and munition sinks this would help reduce the Shrek swarms we currently see.

I am not saying reduce munitions income but I am saying if they want the roaming squads of AT they should have to sacrifice something else for it in the form of passive heals on building for both men and vehicles. The auto cannon on the T4 building (I don't want it to delay when it gets the cannon so offer two build options. One costing the same fuel and MP and the other with a munition costs so it can come at the same speed).
17 Mar 2016, 01:52 AM
avatar of Domine

Posts: 500

Wtf am I reading

Vet 5 Volks are still worse than stock riflemen

Vet 5 Fusiliers still lose to brentommies

FlakHQ is still worse than bofors in everything and costs 400% more, it doesn't have invincibility button and doesn't kill ATguns and mortars. who the fuck has problems with forward placed flakhqs, build an at gun

I see the problem with shrecks. Don't like them either.

And really, nades? The flame nade is a molotov and is there because OKW cannot get people out of buildings.

Infiltration nades are strong and cheap. Maybe they should be just one of these. I still think they kill buildings too fast.

What I would agree with also is vet 5 obers being too strong.
OKW is supposed to get units with bad bang for buck that are hard to maintain like obers or falls that get really good with vet but are few. Obers supressing is too good however.
17 Mar 2016, 02:08 AM
avatar of Spinflight

Posts: 680

"who the fuck has problems with forward placed flakhqs, build an at gun"

Want to bring your AT gun more than halfway across the map to sit next to my FRP and see how long it lasts?

"The flame nade is a molotov and is there because OKW cannot get people out of buildings. "

Except all of the other grenades, half track, ISG, Sturms close range, Obers close range, JLI long range, Luchs, Stuka....
17 Mar 2016, 02:12 AM
avatar of Domine

Posts: 500

"who the fuck has problems with forward placed flakhqs, build an at gun"

Want to bring your AT gun more than halfway across the map to sit next to my FRP and see how long it lasts?

Everything that you say applies to bofors. Yet people manage to get them down! And as soon as you kill the Flak HQ OKW cannot build tanks anymore.

"The flame nade is a molotov and is there because OKW cannot get people out of buildings. "

Except all of the other grenades, half track, ISG, Sturms close range, Obers close range, JLI long range, Luchs, Stuka....

You're an idiot. The only thing in that list that is applicable is the Stuka, which is T2 100 fuel. Go ahead and see how long a flakht will take to kill a squad in a building :snfPeter:
17 Mar 2016, 02:28 AM
avatar of Waegukin

Posts: 609

Yes, OKW overperforms. Nerf all the things is most definitely not the fix.
17 Mar 2016, 02:45 AM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2016, 00:38 AMTNrg

Schrecks need to be either a) on a dedicated AT infantry unit b) a side tech that costs fuel.
Incendiary nades need to become a side tech that costs fuel,

Infiltration nades need to be more expensive. They are ridiculously strong for their cost.

However the repair speed could be a lot slower,

OKW has no resource penalties. The main problem is that the OKW mainline infantry, volksgrenadiers, accumulate veterancy very quickly with their schreck upgrades and are generally very cheap for what they can do.

SOmething Something, OKW good tactics, something, something.

Shecks and nades cost fuel.
You have to Build a truck (15) and have it set up (35?) in order to get the first.
USF/RU/UKF have to do the same.
There goes your argument.

Infiltration nades means having a squad out of combat for a long time.
If you are pushing like you should be, you will deny them this.

Suck it up - UKF have repair upgrade on their mobile spawn point.

Resources - you are starting to sound like an allied fanboy now... I cant build caches can I?
That second nade that wipes the squad - I cant have it can I?

Last point, mines.
Learn to use them.

Sorry OP, but this is L2P issue.

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2016, 01:39 AMGumboot

I see this a lot. The fuel isn't the only resource. They are to me in a decent spot as far as vehicles costing goes (except some of the ones that missed the fuel cost hikes.. I am looking at you ST and InfraHT).
However when I play with them I feel I float munitions and MP like no tomorrow.

17 Mar 2016, 02:47 AM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2016, 01:39 AMGumboot
However when I play with them I feel I float munitions and MP like no tomorrow.

In terms of MP, pretty sure OKW's MP costs for total tech is less than everyone else and their healing (which everyone will get) comes with T1 explains it.

200 for each truck, 300 for retreat point = 900 MP.

UKF, 180 for T1, 280 for T2, 200 for T3, 150 for each global upgrade = 1110 MP.

USF, 200 for T1, 200 for T2, 240 for T3, 250 for Ambulance, 150 for each global upgrade = 1190 MP.

SU, 160 MP for T1 and T2, 270 for T3, 240 for T4, 250 for medics, 125 for each grenade = 1330 MP.

Wehr, 100 per BP, 80 for T1, 200 for T2, 260 for T3 and T4, 150 for medics = 1250 MP.

Obviously, all the factions can opt to go without certain things (I don't know the last time I've ever seen a Mills Bomb being thrown, Wehr might be able to pull off T4 rush, LT's not a popular USF tier, and SU T1 is SU T1. :foreveralone: ), but OKW dropping their upgrade probably also loses the least to their repertoire compared to the difficulty of getting by with unupgraded and smokeless Riflemen, grenadeless Scripts or no T3 for Wehr (no one really cares about Mills Bombs still though).

And SU keeps up in MP bleed anyway when they just pin everyone else's infantry with Maxim spam :luvCarrot:
17 Mar 2016, 03:21 AM
avatar of Thamor

Posts: 290

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2016, 01:52 AMDomine

FlakHQ is still worse than bofors in everything and costs 400% more, it doesn't have invincibility button and doesn't kill ATguns and mortars. who the fuck has problems with forward placed flakhqs, build an at gun

Couldn't agree more on this. Smoke piat/bazooka/atgun kill it. Hell you can smoke FLAK HQ then go plant demo to it inside the smoke. Bofors is 400% more difficult to destroy.

As for MP cost that Vuther pointed, OKW does have little advantage on MP bleed on teching, but has highest fuel costs for upgrading tech. But this does not count the difference on how much MP is lost on reinforcing example sturm pios that are very high reinforce cost.

OKW weakness --> no suppression (commander only) ---> no smoke ---> no flamer weapon (grenade doesn't count). OKW is strong because they do perform in their areas that they can do, but they can't do everything that game has to offer. Shreck blobs are hell for allied vehicles, but who rush their allied vehicle without their own infantry?

But agree on some posts here, just L2P issues.

17 Mar 2016, 06:59 AM
avatar of Click

Posts: 139

They should add mg34/mg42 as a stock unit. Rest is fine.
17 Mar 2016, 07:08 AM
avatar of lanciano

Posts: 210

Shreks and grenades definitely need to be looked at!!
17 Mar 2016, 07:14 AM
avatar of MissCommissar

Posts: 673

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2016, 06:59 AMClick
They should add mg34/mg42 as a stock unit. Rest is fine.

Then add to USF mortar truck as stock unit, please. And Calliope too. And maybe Pershing, cos KT is undoctrinal, last time I saw.

Seriosuly, no stock MGs for OKW. They have in T0 more, than any other factions! Close combat infantry/top-engineers, meat-longrange folks volks with top AT, scoutcar, AT-gun... Now let's give them MG in that - they will be unstopable!

And I think, that OKW should already get real artilley - SP Howitzer "Hummel". Place it in Feuersturm doctrine, instead of poor useless FlamenHetzer. And no - Hummel won't shoot flamecharges of course, but artillery in doctrine with name "Feuersturm" is OK for me. Im really tired of using boring Wuhrframmens for to dig out Tommy rats.

And for god sake, do something with Sturmenginners. They are combining itself both best engineers(repairs) in game and close-to-best close-middle combat units. Maybe, there should be upgrade, which will give you choose between "good repair - bad combat conditions" and "good combat - bad/no repair"?

17 Mar 2016, 07:19 AM
avatar of lanciano

Posts: 210

Then add to USF mortar truck as stock unit, please. And Calliope too. And maybe Pershing, cos KT is undoctrinal, last time I saw.

Seriosuly, no stock MGs for OKW. They have in T0 more, than any other factions! Close combat infantry/top-engineers, meat-longrange folks volks with top AT, scoutcar, AT-gun... Now let's give them MG in that - they will be unstopable!

And I think, that OKW should already get real artilley - SP Howitzer "Hummel". Place it in Feuersturm doctrine, instead of poor useless FlamenHetzer. And no - Hummel won't shoot flamecharges of course, but artillery in doctrine with name "Feuersturm" is OK for me. Im really tired of using boring Wuhrframmens for to dig out Tommy rats.

And for god sake, do something with Sturmenginners. They are combining itself both best engineers(repairs) in game and close-to-best close-middle combat units. Maybe, there should be upgrade, which will give you choose between "good repair - bad combat conditions" and "good combat - bad/no repair"?

Yep +1
17 Mar 2016, 07:23 AM
avatar of Click

Posts: 139

Then add to USF mortar truck as stock unit, please. And Calliope too. And maybe Pershing, cos KT is undoctrinal, last time I saw.

Seriosuly, no stock MGs for OKW. They have in T0 more, than any other factions! Close combat infantry/top-engineers, meat-longrange folks volks with top AT, scoutcar, AT-gun... Now let's give them MG in that - they will be unstopable!

And I think, that OKW should already get real artilley - SP Howitzer "Hummel". Place it in Feuersturm doctrine, instead of poor useless FlamenHetzer. And no - Hummel won't shoot flamecharges of course, but artillery in doctrine with name "Feuersturm" is OK for me. Im really tired of using boring Wuhrframmens for to dig out Tommy rats.

And for god sake, do something with Sturmenginners. They are combining itself both best engineers(repairs) in game and close-to-best close-middle combat units. Maybe, there should be upgrade, which will give you choose between "good repair - bad combat conditions" and "good combat - bad/no repair"?

I was being sarcastic. They are completely fine and they won't be changed. Tho I will take hummel anyday but not gonna happen so okw is fine as it is. They should give okw some smoke to counter some of the OP maxi spam but k...kk.
17 Mar 2016, 07:29 AM
avatar of MissCommissar

Posts: 673

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Mar 2016, 07:23 AMClick

They should give okw some smoke to counter some of the OP maxi spam but k...kk.

Smoke for OKW? Then give some PTRS for USSR to counter OP 222 spam and early luchses/pumas.

Actually, smoke is not best way of dealing with MGs. Mortars/Field guns are better. And LeIGs are doing well, for me. I think it would be good idea to give to LeIGs smoke rounds, like mortars have, if OKW have such serious problems with MGs...

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